Naruto God-level System

Chapter 158: System disappeared

Nao Uzumaki yelled.

She wanted to remind Ye Liang, but Chief Huang Quan’s energy ball was too fast! Before the sound from her mouth could reach Ye Liang's ears, the red sphere was launched!

The sphere is like a fireball!

The place it passed was like heat waves, and all kinds of grass and mud were evaporated by this strange red energy source.

Ye Liang turned his head incredulously.

At this time, the red sphere had already arrived in front of him, and the distance between the two was only one cell phone away! He clearly felt the heat source brought by the sphere touching his skin!

"Oh! It's too late!"

Touching it tightly for half a second, his pores seemed to be dried up.

Just at this time!

The circular sphere that originally existed only in the system space suddenly appeared above the two! Like a high above God, she hovered fast!

Two red lasers fell sharply from the sky!

"The host is detected to be facing death! The final emergency measures will be initiated immediately!"

No explosion, no mourning!

After the red energy ball was touched by the laser, it seemed to be wiped out from the world and completely disappeared from the world.

Ye Liang looked at Chief Huang Quan in a daze.

At this time, he finally saw the weakness of Chief Huang Quan.

When he opened his mouth and sprayed a red sphere at Ye Liang, a huge, round, smooth bead flickered in his throat.

"It was there! No wonder I couldn't find it before!"

When a weakness is discovered, it is natural to attack.

Ye Lianghu rushed into Chief Huang Quan's mouth with great vigor. Just as Nao Uzumaki's eyes were wide open, Chief Huang Quan's body was finally torn apart in an instant!

Mixed with a hint of white light, broken!

"He actually did it!"

Uzumaki Naxu's eyes widened unbelievably!

Chief Huangquan is the strongest humanoid Huangquan beast in this wilderness!

Its strength can even be delayed for a while with the goddess. From the view of Uzumaki Nao, ordinary people can escape from its hands, it is already great!

Ye Liang actually killed it!

" guys are still human!"

Ye Liang came over.

"Look! You speak human words!" He muttered helplessly, while dragging a huge piece of flesh and blood towards him.

"I heard from you before that it seems to be looking for ingredients for the birthday party. Look at this piece of flesh and blood!" A piece of Huangquan leader's minced meat was thrown over.

Nao Uzumaki spread her hands quickly to pick it up.

Chief Huang Quan's body was really too big, even if it was broken into pieces, Ye Liang's meat was tens of kilograms, and Uzumaki Naxu fell directly to the ground.

She stroked this piece of meat lightly, and there was a black air flowing in it.

"Enough! Enough! With this piece of meat, our hunting competition is already number one."

"One piece is enough?" Ye Liang asked.

"Really! The leader of Huangquan is the third pole of Huangquan beast, and the whole creature of Huangquan is only level 5. It is already very remarkable that Matsushita Lang can catch a level 2 Huangquan recruiter!

"Chief Huangquan? He can't do it!" She added.

Ye Liang nodded.

From this piece of Huangquan leader's minced meat, he could feel a powerful and special death spirit!

This lifeless spirit is more than the total amount he had cultivated before!

Of course, if there are only too many, it will not attract his attention.

Mainly this energy is very mellow!

It's like Ye Liang's death spirit. Although he doesn't have the majestic death spirit of this vast world, his quality has long surpassed the ordinary death spirit countless times!

The same is true of the energy of Huangquan leader!

Ye Liang guessed that if he could use all the power of Chief Huang Quan for his own use, his strength would definitely increase several times!

"By the way, how about we are looking for a Huangquan recruiter?" Ye Liang asked.

"Don't we already have the leader of Huangquan?"

"No, no! I'm looking for one." Ye Liang helped Nao the whirlpool who was inconvenient to move up.


How can such a powerful ability be given to the Queen Mother!

Ye Liang smirked.

There are still three days before the birthday banquet of Queen Mother Du Zhi Xu. Chief Huang Quan’s meat will be enjoyed alone!

The next day.

The two woke up in a deep sleep.

Because he ate a lot of meat from Chief Huang Quan last night, Ye Liang's body was filled with the energy of Chief Huang Quan. He didn't plan to move today and was ready to practice well.

"You go to the neighborhood to find out if there is a yellow spring beast, I want to take a rest."

"En." Nao Uzumaki obediently left the spring.

Ye Liang's fight against Huang Quan leader yesterday was really shocking. In Nao Uzumaki's consciousness, it is understandable that he would take a break today.

"Take care of your body, I will act alone today."


Seeing Naxu Uzumaki really left, Ye Liang sat cross-legged solemnly.

"System, come out and talk?" Ye Liang closed his eyes and asked.

The system stopped responding last night.

Ye Liang tried to put the remaining Huangquan leader's meat into the space, but the system just disappeared, and there was no response at all ~ as if it was completely gone.

"It's really strange, where did this ghost girl go?" Ye Liang touched his head.

The battle was so fierce yesterday that he did not notice the system prompts.

"Could it be a break?"

The last time the system was updated was a long sleep, and he couldn't view the system panel here, he could only guess like this.

Shake your head, don't think too much.

Ye Liang corrected his attitude again.

Since there is excess energy in the body, it is necessary to practice well.

Put all the extra resources on the ground, this is what a traverser should do!

Close your eyes.

A faint air current appeared near his body.

The forging of the meditation body will produce air currents wandering throughout the body when practicing.

Ye Liang didn't take it seriously.

But today's airflow is indeed very strange. When he spreads Ye Liang's whole body, he will actually generate a slight electric current!

Just like electrons in molecules, a small amount of current is mixed in a small amount of dead air.

"What the **** is going on? Why are these black qi absorbed so slowly?"

Ye Liang had doubts.

He condensed for a long time according to the method of forging the consolation body, but only a small amount of death energy was introduced into his body.

This speed is not even as usual!

"Could it be the purity is too high?" he guessed.

Because he closed his eyes, he didn't notice the weirdness in his death.

He shook his head again.

As a cultivator, Ye Liang chose the simplest ignorance!

As long as there is progress!

Whether he is slow or not!


The electrons around him began to appear abnormal.

After these electrons gathered more and more, they slowly got back into Ye Liang's body!

The latter is unaware, only knowing to repeatedly absorb it with formulas.

Acupuncture points slowly opened.

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