Naruto God-level System

Chapter 155: Underworld hunting

"That's not clear. Although our Taoyuan Village is comfortable, it certainly doesn't support idlers. You are so skilled, hunting is inevitable."

"okay then."

Ye Liang agreed.

For nothing else, the old man was right, no matter where he was, he would not support idlers.

Perhaps last night's imperial mother Du Zhi Xu's practice also had the same meaning.

After breakfast.

The two strolled in the village for a while, digested their food, and walked straight out of the village.

"Old man with ambition, what is this? Do I have to bring it?" Ye Liang asked, pointing to the sign on his chest. This was when an old man at the door forcibly came over when he was out of the village.

Said it was a pass for the village. Without this, I left the village!

"Of course, without this brand, how can you resist the side effects of Huangquan wine and food."

"The side effects of Huangquan's food and drink? Old man of ambition, what nonsense are you talking about?" Ye Liang asked.

"You throw your pass on the ground and try," the old man said.

Thrown on the ground?

Ye Liang was taken aback.

He faintly felt something was wrong.

He took the pass from his neck and threw it on the ground. Just when the pass had just left his hand, an unprecedented feeling of discomfort appeared in his abdomen!

That is a kind of hunger!

Very uncomfortable!

It's like not eating for years!

Ye Liang was holding his stomach, his eyes dizzy, he grabbed a puddle of dirt on the ground, and actually tried to stuff his mouth!

The old man quickly hung the sign on his neck again.

"What's the matter, understand now!"

Ye Liang was fine instantly!

He vomited two mouthfuls of mud, and stared at the old man with wide eyes: "What the **** is this! And how does the uncomfortable feeling come from!"

He shouted!

Unbelievable appeared in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe his situation.

The old man explained: "Didn't I tell you earlier? Once you enter the village, you will never want to go out."

"Your uncle! This sentence originally meant this!"

Ye Liang suddenly felt that the old man's words were very ambiguous!

He thought that he could not leave the village, it was just the rule of the imperial mother! As long as he is strong enough, Taoyuan Village is impossible to stop him.


Now the situation seems to have changed!

Without the brand, I can't leave the village?

Seeing Ye Liang seem to understand, the old man nodded and explained again: "The food and drink in Taoyuan Village comes from a beast native to Huangquan! You should have heard such a proverb before you were alive!"

"After eating the food in Huangquan, you will never get out of Huangquan!"

"This is also the reason why I don't want you to come to Taoyuan Village."


I am not from your island country, how do I know this sentence!

Ye Liang felt helpless.

He originally had hope for life, but now his freedom is restrained, and he loses his energy!

The old man saw that Ye Liang suddenly lost his energy, so he had to comfort him: "You don't have to be overly uncomfortable. As long as you stay in the village at ease, this kind of hunger will not exist, and with your strength, at most a hundred years. You can definitely be reincarnated as an adult."

a hundred years?

Lao Tzu is dead!

The old man didn't know that Ye Liang was not a pure person at all, but he was completely alive!

Maybe in a few years, he will commit suicide in Taoyuan Village because of boredom...

"Well, don't be sad, today I have to capture the ingredients for the birthday banquet of Master Empress!" the old man said.

This time the hunting team was actually more than the two of them. Outside the village, many people have been waiting for them.

The pure do not actually need sleep. The so-called rest is just a reminder that you have been a human being! If they forget their memories, they will become fallen ones!

Saw Ye Liang and the others coming.

A fat-headed man with a beard came over outside the village.

"Aspiring old ghost, who is this kid? You are not allowed to bring new people on this mission!" The fat man questioned the old man, and cast a disgusting look at Ye Liang!

The old man's expression was stagnant!

This man is called Matsushitaro, one of the best hunters in the village!

But it doesn't really deal with myself.

Matsushita looked down on newcomers very much, and when he met Kobashi who loved to carry newcomers, the two often fought. Because of this, the two of them never appeared in the same team.

This time the Queen Mother was approaching the Xu Shou Feast, and the food stocks were insufficient.

Only let them two veterans go together.

"Fatto boy, this person is the noble person whom the mother-in-law has chosen! Do you dare to question the person her elder wants to choose?" The old man didn't want to let it go.

"Cut! It's the broken boy who actually counted the master mother, who are you fooling!"

"If you don't believe me, just ask the mother-in-law!" said the old man.

Matsushitaro stopped talking.

He was still full of doubts about the old man's words, but he didn't have the guts to run to question the imperial mother Du Zhi Xu, so he had to take the rest of the people away in despair.

Seeing that they had gone far, the old man began to count the people on his side.

In addition to Ye Liang, they also had two men and two women, including the old man, a total of six people, this time out hunting, a total of twenty people came out.

Unexpectedly, he was taken away by Matsushita Lang before he even set off!

The old man sighed.

This time it was not only an ordinary hunt, but also to prepare food for the birthday banquet for the Queen Mother.

Huangquan Beast’s abilities are very strong,

With only six people, it is difficult for UU reading to catch the powerful yellow spring beast.

"Master Xiaoqiao, don't worry! Although we have few people, we may not be worse than those of Panasonic! As long as we are confident, we will be able to do it." The speaker was a woman with a heroic appearance and a female general. feel.

The old man knew her.

This is a newcomer from a certain world.

Called Nao Uzumaki.

She has a strong talent, and she is more than her own. The reason why she is so confident is also because of her strength.


The old man nodded: "Since you are so confident, then we will work in pairs, Chunjiao and Zhiming, and I will bring your own team, how about?"

"Okay! Just do what the teacher told you." The woman agreed and quickly started the group.

Not long.

The old man and those land men left one after another.

Nao Uzumaki looked at Ye Liang in front of him, completely dumbfounded: "Grass! This old evil animal is so shameless!"

She is very confident, but it is relative to ordinary members. If she is really allowed to lead the team alone, it will definitely not work. At least you can't bring a new person!

Unfortunately it's too late to regret!

Sometimes when you speak big words, you have to speak up and blame others.

Ye Liang looked at the leading woman nonchalantly.

"Who are you?"

He hasn't woken up from the previous blow, and as for what happened just now, he hasn't noticed at all.

The woman is messy!

She looked at Ye Liangmu's look, and asked: "Big Brother! Can you do it! That's Huangquan Beast! Have you seen it? If it doesn't work, let's go back as soon as possible, the saving will be terrible!"

"Okay! Why not!"

Ye Liang shouted loudly.

Men can't say no!

Even if you don't know what's going on.

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