Naruto God-level System

Chapter 150: Land of the dead

Several villagers approached.

Xu Shi hasn't seen outsiders for a long time. These people are very attentive. When they meet, they pull Ye Liang into the village!

Ye Liang even saw several women with good looks, drooling at him.

"Could it be that I'm handsome again?"

Not reaching the villagers' meeting, Ye Liang followed them in.

"Hello? How are you, little baby?" Ye Liang greeted these people, but still no one paid any attention. There were more and more drooling women around.

"It's really strange, is it really a dumb country?" He questioned. At this time, he found that the people here were very pale, not the kind of natural white, but a sick feeling.

Could it be because there is no sun here?

Ye Liang thought of the weird weather!

Not long after, the flow of people around him increased, and he followed the original villager into the innermost part of the village.

Several similarly pale male villagers were squatting there to tear something.

Ye Liang was shocked!

In their hands, there was a big white leg torn in half! They tore hard, and forcibly tore their legs in half!

It was dripping with blood, it was definitely just torn from a living person.


It's a dog!

Ye Liang pushed the villagers away like running, but suddenly found that the few girls who slobbered at him blocked his way.

"What are you going to do! Although the country has not enacted laws on women and men, you can't really do that!" He stepped back in fear, and the male villager who had been overthrown by him stood up again.

Not very kind this time.

All the villagers swarmed towards Ye Liang, like zombies coming out of the cage. These people opened their mouths as they ran!

Mouthful teeth are like compound teeth in a shark's mouth! Densely dense, even stained with blood!


Ye Liang quickly got a seal with his hands, but suddenly realized that his Chakra could not be used!

"What's the situation? This world cannot be sealed!" He was taken aback.

At this moment of crisis, a huge explosion suddenly sounded in the distance!


A large number of villagers surrounding Ye Liang were broken into pieces by this explosion!

Ye Liang's eyes were sharp, he looked at these cracked pieces, and he was still squirming, even slowly turning back into a human form.

"Don't leave now!"

In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded!

A middle-aged man wearing a Konoha forehead yelled at him.


At this time, Ye Liang couldn't control anything. He kicked the villagers who surrounded him and rushed towards the middle-aged man. The man threw out his weapon again.

This time Ye Liang saw clearly.

It's the detonation talisman!

"This is the village of the fallen, how come you came here." The middle-aged man took Ye Liang's hand and ran out of the village, surrounded by villagers rushing towards them.

"Bump!" He continued to throw the detonating talisman and exploded the villagers who came over.

"What degenerate? I don't know!" Ye Liang replied.

"Don't you know?" The man didn't slow down, he ran and looked at Ye Liang. Suddenly blurted out: "You are a living person!"


Ye Liang was stunned!

The two rushed all the way to the door of the village, but the middle-aged man ran out of detonation charms. Seeing more and more villagers, both of them frowned!

"I don't know how you got here, but your strange journey may be over here." The man sighed, and kicked again at a passing villager.

Ye Liang swept around, frowning.

These villagers seem to be immortal, even if they are kicked off their heads, they still won't die!

This is why he frowned!

"Uncle, don't these people have any weaknesses?" Ye Liang asked.

"Weaknesses? Don't be funny, if the fallen have weaknesses, we would have solved them all long ago!"


Does this uncle still have a companion here?

Ye Liang started to think, but solving the problem was the top priority at this time! No time to drag on here.

He took the pose of Konoha fluid technique!

Although Chakra cannot be used, the basic physical skills are still sufficient. Even if these villagers have immortality, they are definitely not Ye Liang's opponents!

He directly repelled five or six villagers with one blow to Konoha.

"Good guy! The strength is so strong!" The middle-aged uncle rekindled hope. He quickly solved the few people in his hand and actually opened a way out at the entrance of the village.


The uncle shouted and rushed out with Ye Liang.

The road outside the village is much easier.

Just now, it was mainly because they were too close to the center to be surrounded by villagers, but in fact their speed was not fast. Ye Liang and the others took a few minutes to throw these people away.

After arriving behind a hidden rock, Ye Liang gasped heavily, "Uncle, now I can tell the identity of these people."

The middle-aged uncle glanced at Ye Liang and didn't answer the conversation right away. Instead, Gu Li asked weirdly: "Tell me first, how did you come? Why did you come to Huangquan Biliangpo?"

Huangquan is better than Liangpo?

Ye Liang was taken aback.

"Uncle, you didn't lie to me, this is Huangquan Biliangpo? That legendary country of the dead?"

"En, yes." The middle-aged man nodded.


Ye Liang was speechless for a while!

After a while, he slowly came over: "To be honest, I don't know how I got here. I remember to hug the little bird princess, and the dirt under my feet disappeared instantly!"

"Disappeared in an instant?" The middle-aged man thought about it before replying: "At that time, was it red light and the space was crying?"

"How do you know?" Ye Liang asked.

"How did I know! You are in trouble!" The middle-aged uncle suddenly shouted, and he covered his head, like an expression of hating iron and steel: "You are probably chosen by the Queen of Huangquan to become the new husband !"

"Queen of Yellow Spring?"

Ye Liang also wanted to ask questions but was dragged by the middle-aged uncle and walked away: "It's not suitable for talking here. Come home with me first and talk slowly."

The two went all the way west.

Within a short while, Ye Liang and his uncle came to a settlement with many people.

"Master White Fang, you are back!" Two women carrying bamboo baskets greeted the uncle, and they walked to the back of Ye Liang, probably to go out.

"They are going out to pick food." The uncle explained.

"Oh." Ye Liang agreed, but turned his head in the direction where the two were leaving, and looked! The uncle slapped him: "You haven't seen a girl!"

The two continued to walk inside.

The middle-aged uncle's identity should be very high. Everyone passing by was greeting him. Ye Liang guessed that this person was at least a leader or a leader.

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