Naruto God-level System

Chapter 143: Was found

Leaning back on the stone, he took a breath.

Ye Liangben was going to wait for Xiaonan to take a shower, and then follow him for a while.


Two maids who had brought yukata came over from a distance.

"Come on, there are assassins!" The two maids saw Ye Liang at once. They actually showed their heads from a long distance, but Ye Liang's thoughts were not around at all!

I don't know where I floated long ago!

"Not good! I was discovered!" Ye Liang was taken aback.

He quickly stood up and wanted to escape, when suddenly he saw a detonating talisman approaching the stone where he was sheltering.

"What a quick response!"

Ye Liang knew that this was Xiao Nan's trick. He quickly rolled away from the stone, but he was still affected by the blasting of the detonation talisman!


The violent explosion took Ye Liang's body and exploded out of the stone. The maid behind her quickly took out the weapon from her waist!

Either hairpin! Either shuriken!

In short, all the evil spirits are evil, and there is no feminine tenderness at all!

Ye Liang was startled. He just wanted to escape when he found two more women surrounded him from behind.

"Who are you, why peek at me taking a bath!" With a soft voice!

Although harsh, it sounds unexpectedly beautiful.

"These women wear clothes so quickly!" Ye Liang vomited helplessly.

The women behind are naturally the bathing Xiao Nan and the princess of the famous palace. At this time, they are staring at themselves from behind in angrily.

Ye Liang turned around awkwardly.

The two beauties wore sloppy clothes. The dewdrops had not yet been wiped off. The towering mountain peaks were only half-wrapped by clothes, and they seemed to have no lining.

He swallowed.

"I said I was passing by, do you believe it?"

"Believe you, big-headed ghost!" The little bird princess yelled, and hurriedly greeted the maids around to start!

In the Naruto era, the maids all knew how to do ninjutsu. Because of the chaos, if the daimyo mansion had no guards, it would have been ransacked by wandering ninjas everywhere!

Xiao Nan also attacked at this time.

Since Ye Liang was able to hide under his nose for so long, she must be very skilled, and she was worried that Ye Liang could not be helped if she was just a maid.

"Pervert! Eat my detonation charm!"

Her hands were sealed, and a large number of detonating charms were channeled out of nowhere.

Ninja-Paper Shuriken!

The shuriken made of detonating talisman quickly shot towards Ye Liang, perhaps because he was worried about hurting the maid. Xiaonan's detonating talisman was not powerful, and when it exploded beside Ye Liang, it only scratched a little.

"It seems that she also kept her hands just now!" Ye Liang thought about it.

The moment he was discovered behind the stone just now, he was completely careless. If Xiao Nan's detonating talisman used super power at that time, it would really hurt him!

"Haha, but now it's out of play!" Ye Liang suddenly smiled.

In a state of complete vigilance, it is impossible for anyone to hurt him. Since Xiao Nan missed the opportunity, it represented her failure.

"Boom boom!"

A series of detonating talisman exploded beside Ye Liang, but apart from making a sound, they didn't even take away the root hair!

A thick layer of Chakra armor is attached to Ye Liang's whole body!

This is done using the earth escape energy.

Using the amazing earth escape energy of defense, thickening the skin to an unprecedented thickness, using a simple ninja, it is impossible to hurt him.

"How is it possible! How could the detonating talisman be useless to you!" Xiao Nan looked at Ye Liang in surprise.

Although she didn't use her true power, the usual detonating charms could not be completely invalid!

Ye Liang used his flesh and blood body to shake the detonation talisman, which really surprised him a lot!

She had a lot of Ye Liang, but found that she had never remembered this person. It seemed that there was no such person among the well-known ninjas. At this moment, the little bird princess next to her suddenly exclaimed!

"You are yesterday's Shuriken Murderer!"


Xiao Nan was puzzled: "Nanako, do you know this person?"

"En." Hearing her words, Xiaoniao Nanako chatted: "Yesterday I saw this person at the scene of the martial arts contest and so many people were beaten by him!"

"By the way, the Black Rui that you were very optimistic about was defeated by this man, and only one move was used!"

"Hei Rui?" Xiao Nan's face showed an expression of amazement: "This is impossible! Hei Rui is Yunyin Village's Shinobu! It took me a lot of work to convince him this time, how could I be affected by this? Everyone moves in seconds!"

"Really! If you don't believe me, try his skills!"

After listening, Xiao Nan looked up again.

She didn't know Ye Liang, or she didn't recognize Ye Liang at all!

Long before entering the Kingdom of Xia, Ye Liang had already changed his original appearance through the transformation technique, and the Xianshu Chakra's maintenance of the transformation technique did not cost any man!

"Are you Ye Liang?" Xiao Nan suddenly thought of something. When she met Hei Luyi yesterday, she did hear him say that she lost to a man named Ye Liang!

She didn't take it seriously!

Because Hei Luyi said that he was sneak attacked by Ye Liang and was barely defeated by the opponent. Now it seems that the situation is not right!

"Good boy, since you have won Black Rui, compare it with me! I want to see how powerful you are, the so-called Shuriken Murderer!"

After Xiao Nan finished speaking, he attacked directly.

Before there was a maid, she didn't attack with all her strength, now she wants to let go of her fists completely!

Ye Liang was also embarrassed!

She had originally planned to follow Xiao Nan after Xiao Nan left the Daming Mansion, but now it was suddenly exposed, and his tracking plan was also frustrated.

Moreover, there is one more terrible thing!

Ye Liang cannot reveal his identity!

If he chooses to expose his identity at this time, Xiao Nan will definitely not take him to find other members of the Akatsuki organization!

Xiaonan's loyalty to Nagato belongs to Xiaogan Tiandi!

Ye Liang stood up solemnly.

Since he cannot reveal his identity, the tricks he used can no longer be used, he can only use some useless little tricks.

For example, ninja...

"Well, since you want Bibi, come on!"

He directly made the seal with both hands, out of thin air channeling out a large piece of ninja!

This is the original move every day!

Use the ninjas already stored in the psychic to launch countless attacks on the enemy!

The power is okay, but a bit expensive.

As soon as Ye Liang started, dozens of shurikens flew over.

A rough estimate, maybe several thousand taels...

"That's why I don't like to use ninja!"

Ye Liang had no choice but to complain!

Xiao Nan saw Ye Liang launch an attack first, and she was not annoyed. She directly controlled her body to fly in the air, and suddenly a pair of paper wings appeared behind her!

This is why Xiao Nan is called an angel!

The paper wings were shaking quickly, and Xiao Nan's eyes showed a touch of admiration: "It's a shuriken murderer! It's a pity, I won't lose to you!"

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