Chapter 1,237 You should just be a salted fish

"I'm curious, Chen, how did you get so many jewelry? Could it be that you found some treasure?"

Yuanzi's heart for gossip is very strong. After choosing a delicate and beautiful pink crystal, he asked Chen

"Treasures are so easy to get."Chen knocked Yuanzi on the little head, interrupting Yuanzi's delusion.

"Don't think nonsense. Since you want to know, it doesn't matter if I tell you. In fact, I stole most of these things."

Chen's words made all the girls stunned, and then they looked at Chen with wide eyes.

"Before, I suspected that you were a jewel thief and felt a little guilty. Now I suddenly feel that you are not as good as a jewel thief because you came here for robbery."

Nakamori Aoko complained speechlessly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, why are you making up lies."

Anyway, Nakamori Aoko doesn't believe that Chen was robbed. If he said it was a jewel thief, Aoko might be able to believe it.

But if he said it was robbed, Aoko would never believe it. If so many jewels were really stolen, , must have been famous for a long time, she has never heard of it anyway

"Could it be a fake?"Nakamori Aoko said doubtfully, but she took a look at a diamond necklace and it didn't look like a fake at all.

"If you say it's fake, just give it back to me." Chen said to Nakamori Aoko

"No, I don’t want it. You gave it to me, and it would be better if it was fake. I’m really embarrassed to accept it."

If it hadn't been forced on her, Qingzi wouldn't have dared to take it. After all, jewelry and the like are not cheap, so she wouldn't have dared to touch them.

"Don’t worry, although it’s true, it’s all legal stuff."

After all, even if it was stolen, it was still stolen from another world, and it is legal in this world.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was time for the exhibition at the Rice Flower Museum. Chen came early in the morning. Just got woken up

"Xiaolan, it's too early for you."Chen looked at Xiaolan and couldn't help but said

"If it's late, it won't be too late, and I haven't cooked yet."Xiaolan said to Chen.

Nowadays, breakfast is basically made by Xiaolan or Mingmei.

"Yuanzi, you are also up."

Chen was slightly surprised when he saw Yuanzi, because Yuanzi is the laziest one, and usually Yuanzi wakes up the latest.

"You have to ask Xiaolan about this. It was Xiaolan who pulled me up. I felt so sleepy and lacked energy."

Yuanzi looked drowsy, and even fell asleep leaning on the sofa.

"Doesn't the real exhibition start at eight o'clock? I wonder why Xiaolan is so motivated."Yuanzi couldn't help but complained to Chen.

"Well, Yuanzi, you are right, I also know that Xiaolan would be so interested in this."Chen nodded in agreement, and then sat down with Yuanzi.

"Are you two hugging?"Xiaolan suddenly walked in with milk and asked Chen and Yuanzi

"No, of course not, absolutely not complaining about you.

After Yuanzi saw Xiaolan's unkind gaze, he quickly waved his hands, saying that he absolutely did not

"Humph, forget it, let me believe you for now."Xiaolan snorted softly, and then chose to believe Yuanzi.

Yuanzi laughed when he heard this, and then drank the milk brought by Xiaolan.

"By the way, go get the others up, I've made all the breakfast."Xiaolan said

"As expected of Xiaolan, she is really hardworking. Yuanzi couldn't help but praise Xiaolan.

"Yes, after all, the more diligent you are, the more people will like you, just like you will never be liked by others. Xiaolan pointed at the garden and said

"Hey, Xiaolan, don't say that about me. How could no one like me? There are so many people who like me, right? Chen? Yuanzi suddenly asked Chen.

Chen was slightly startled when he was asked, and then said:"What are you asking me for? Don't you have any idea in your heart?""

After saying that, Chen gave Yuanzi a look of disdain, which made Yuanzi look angry and couldn't help but snorted at Chen.

"Okay, don't get angry. Actually, I don't mean to dislike you. Chen said to Yuanzi

"Really? Yuanzi smiled when he heard this, but he still felt that he should be more diligent in the future.

What if he is disliked as his good friend Xiaolan said, anyway, Yuanzi doesn’t want to be disliked.

"Xiaolan, I want to learn cooking skills from you in the future, and the two of us will make breakfast together."

Yuanzi shouted to Xiaolan.

The corner of Chen's mouth twitched when he heard this. Did everyone offend you, and then you want to poison us? You actually said that we would make breakfast together. This is too much.

What you made Can it be eaten? Isn’t this a waste of food? In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s a waste of food, the key is that it can’t be eaten.

".~I think it’s better to forget it. Yuanzi, you should just be a salty fish and stop causing trouble."

"Why? I suddenly felt a sense of disgust."

Although Chen didn't directly say that he disliked her, Yuanzi still felt as if he disliked her.

"No, please don’t misunderstand me. In fact, I just feel sorry for you. Chen said quickly, and at the same time secretly sighed in his heart that he was so clever.

"Do you feel sorry for me then?"At this moment, Xiaolan suddenly asked Chen.

Looking at Xiaolan who spoke, the corner of Chen's mouth twitched slightly, Xiaolan, did you interrupt on purpose?

"Also, don’t you understand my true intention? In fact, I just don’t want Yuanzi to cook."

After all, the food cooked by Yuanzi cannot be eaten at all, because (De Nuo Zhao) Chen had seen the food cooked by Yuanzi when he was taking home economics and cooking class.

I am definitely not slandering Yuanzi, but this is the fact.

"Of course I feel sorry for Xiaolan. I feel very sorry for Xiaolan. So, let me make breakfast from now on."Chen couldn't help but said, anyway, as long as Yuanzi doesn't interfere, it will be fine.

"Then let me help you, Chen."After Yuanzi heard Chen's words, her eyes lit up slightly, and then she said to Chen, as long as she and Chen cook together, wouldn't it be possible to get along alone? Just thinking about it makes her feel excited.

"Well, actually I don't need to help."Even if you want to help, let Xiaolan or Mingmei help. How can Yuanzi help? It's already good if it won't be a disservice.

Of course, I won't really say it to Chen. After all, Yuanzi It’s not easy to be so positive. If you say it, it will easily dampen Yuanzi’s enthusiasm, and Yuanzi may be sad._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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