Chapter 1,221: You Gossip Too Much Later

, Reina Mizuno discovered that Judy was even more malicious towards Belmod, and immediately wondered if the other party knew her and Belmod's identities.

No, it's not just a simple matter of knowing his identity, he may also have a grudge against the black organization, especially Belmode.

I have to say that Reina Mizuna is quite capable. She can figure out so much information just by looking at it.

"Akemi, take Reina Mizuna to find a room." Chen said to Mingmei

"OK"Mingmei glanced at Chen with a slightly sad look. Chen couldn't help but touch his nose. It seemed that he was too carefree.

Look, even Mingmei can't stand it now.

"snort."Xiao Ai snorted softly. When passing by Chen, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Chen, and then left.

Looking at Xiao Ai leaving, Chen's expression was quite helpless. Xiao Ai, what do you mean?

"Didn’t you agree not to be arrogant?"Chen couldn't help but say.

Although Chen's voice was not very loud, it still reached Xiao Ai's ears. After hearing Chen's words, Xiao Ai, who had originally left, stepped back.

Then he glared at Chen fiercely. , stepped on Chen again, making Chen's face even more helpless.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore."Chen doesn't want to argue with Xiao Ai. There's nothing to argue with anyway.

Xiao Ai returned to her room, and Judy walked towards Chen again.

"Chen, are you really relieved?"Judy asked Chen. She has already told Chen before, but Judy is going to tell Chen again. Do you really trust Shui Wurena?

Although Shui Wurena is very beautiful, this is not the case. The reason for keeping this dangerous person like Sui Wu Reina at home?

"What is there to worry about? Have you forgotten my strength?"Chen Tan spread his hands, and then asked Judy

"Huh, I'm afraid you'll suffer a loss in this regard."Judy said to Chen.

Indeed, even Judy believes in Chen's strength, but this is not just a matter of believing in strength.

There are other things, such as carelessness. If it is too much, If you are careless, you might also suffer a loss.

"You must be obsessed with sex, right?"Judy asked Chen.

Although she was asking, Judy was already sure at this time that Chen was definitely obsessed with sex. Otherwise, it would be impossible to take Chen home knowing that there was danger.

After thinking about it, Zhu Di looked at Chen and suddenly there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"You despise me, right?"Chen noticed Judy's contemptuous gaze, and then asked Judy

"Yes, I just despise you, how about that?"Judy nodded, and then said lightly.

She is already obsessed with sex, can't she still tolerate others' contempt? In fact, Judy not only wants to despise Chen, but even Judy wants to beat Chen.

"No, it seems like I can't do anything to you now anyway."Chen glanced at Judy, then stopped walking upstairs.

Judy looked at Chen and looked at Chen leaving. Judy could probably guess that Chen was definitely looking for Shui Wulian.

"What's going on? Do you want to go up and have a look?"Belmode asked Zhu Gen.

At this time, Bermode looked at Judy's face with a look of amusement, and Judy frowned, feeling very disgusted that Bermode looked at her with a joking look.

"I don't need to worry about what I want to do."Judy said calmly to Belmode.

"By the way, do we need some advice?"Yuanzi patted Xiaolan's shoulder and said to Xiaolan.

Because Yuanzi has only lived here for a short time, he doesn't know what is going on between Belmod and Judy.

But Yuanzi really wants to know in his heart. Yes, um, there is also gossip in my heart.

Besides, Yuanzi is the king of gossip. Why should I not gossip about anything?

"It’s better not to try to persuade him, it’s of no use."Xiao Lan shook her head towards Yuanzi.

She knew more than Yuanzi, although she didn't know exactly how much hatred there was between Belmode and Teacher Judy.

But what we can know is that it is definitely an irresolvable hatred. Anyway, there is Kiko. Told her before

"oh."Although Yuanzi didn't understand the truth, it didn't matter, so he just sat there and watched the show.

"Yuanzi, you look like this, aren't you afraid that Teacher Judy will wear small shoes for you in school?"He Ye suddenly came over, sat next to Yuanzi and asked Yuanzi

"Don't scare me, I'm not worried at all, Teacher Judy is not that kind of person."Yuanzi glanced at Kazuye, with a calm expression on her face. If it were another teacher, Yuanzi would be a little worried.

But if the other person was Teacher Judy, there would be no problem. Anyway, she believed that Teacher Judy could never be For such a person, Yuanzi trusts Teacher Judy.

Because even in school, Yuanzi often jokes with Teacher Judy. Isn't that nothing wrong?

"Even so, Sonoko, you better not go to the theater randomly. Going to the theater is actually not good for you."

Xiaolan said to Yuanzi, then Xiaolan took Yuanzi's hand and led Yuanzi upstairs.

"If you are very free, you can do some work with me"

"What kind of job?"Yuanzi asked Xiaolan in confusion, and then Yuanzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he asked Xiaolan:"Are you going to do such work as peeping?"

"Peeping?"Xiaolan was stunned immediately.

"Just to secretly peep out the relationship between Chen and Shui Wu Lina. Isn't that what Xiaolan had in mind?"

"You gossiped too much."Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi at this time and didn't know what to say to Yuanzi.

"I want to ask you to clean up with me. You know, the cleaning here is all done by Sister Mingmei alone. This is too tiring. I want Sister Mingmei to relax a little."

This is the idea in Xiaolan's heart, she wants Mingmei to relax and not be so tired.

"Oh, it turns out to be this."When Yuanzi heard this, he suddenly wanted to retreat.

"Are you trying to refuse?"

Xiaolan's eyes are very accurate and she can see it right away.

"Ahem, no, of course I won’t refuse, let’s go together."Yuanzi followed Xiaolan depressedly.

"By the way, He Ye, don’t slip away either."

After Xiaolan walked a few steps, she turned around and saw Heye, and then said to Heye who wanted to leave.

Heye suddenly felt helpless, as if he had been caught, and had no choice but to follow Xiaolan to clean the room. Went._Please download the novel without underlining

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