Chapter 1,219 I want to rely on your strength to take revenge.

Chen looked at Shui Wu Lian Nai. At this time, Shui Wu Lian Nai confessed everything to him, and there must be other purposes.

So now Chen didn't speak, just looked at Shui Wuliani quietly, waiting for Shuiwu Liannai to continue speaking, he was not in a hurry anyway.

At this time, the person who should really be worried should be Shui Wu Lianna himself.

Seeing Chen's calm expression and not saying anything, Shui Wulian really couldn't hold it in any longer. - There was no way she wouldn't speak.

"In fact, I have another identity. I am an undercover agent in a black organization."Shui Wu Lina took a deep breath, and then said to Chen.

She couldn't believe herself when she told her another hidden secret, and actually exposed this secret on her own initiative.

Chen's expression remained calm, even though Shui Wu Lina revealed After the secret was revealed, Chen still didn't have much expression on his face.

"Why didn't you react?"Shui Wulian couldn't help it anymore and asked Chen.

Is this a small secret? She didn't even want to tell it, but she wasn't even a little shocked.

"I know this too."Chen smiled faintly and said to Shui Wu Reina.

Shui Wu Reina's expression changed. She was not shocked by Chen, but was shocked by Chen for a moment.

You also know this when you say it, are you bluffing me? ?Isn’t my undercover identity a secret at all?

"How did you know?"Shui Wulian asked Chen solemnly.

"This is not important. In fact, your identity is not a secret in my eyes, I am Yinghai."

After Chen called out her real name, Shuiwu Reina could no longer maintain her composure. It seemed that she really knew her identity and was not trying to scare herself.

As for asking how Chen knew, forget it. , it’s probably impossible to tell him, so Shui Wulian didn’t want to ask any more questions.

"Since you know but haven't revealed your identity, it seems that you don't have any ill intentions towards me, so that's good."

Shui Wulian secretly muttered in his heart.

"In this case, you should know that there is actually a blood feud between me and the black organization."

There was hatred in Shui Wu Lina's eyes. Her father died because of the black organization.

Of course, there were her own mistakes in this. If it hadn't been for her own mistakes, her father's identity would not have been exposed, and her father's identity would not have been exposed. won't die

"Well, I know, so just say what you want to say."Chen nodded lightly, and then said to Shui Wu Liannai

"I want to rely on your power to take revenge, please."Shui Wu Reina bowed to Chen, and then said.

This is the purpose of Shui Wu Reina to tell her true identity directly, although Chen already knew her identity. The black organization is very afraid of Chen, which shows that Chen He has the power to threaten the black organization.

So relying on Chen's power to seek revenge from the black organization does not seem to be impossible.

"Oh, does this count as taking advantage of me?"Chen was not angry, and looked at Shui Wulian with a smile.

"No, I will pay my own price, any price is fine."When Shui Wu Lian Nai spoke, her face turned slightly red.

In fact, Shui Wu Lian Nai knew that she had nothing to impress the other party. The only thing that really counts as capital is herself.

A smile appeared on Chen's face, although Shui Wu Lian Nai Wu Lian did not say it directly, but Chen was not an idiot. Of course he knew what Shui Wu Lina meant.

"It's not impossible for you to stay here if you want."Chen suddenly said.

Chen's words made Shui Wulian feel happy in his heart, and his face showed an expression of joy.

"Wait a minute, don't be so happy first, don't be happy too early."

After seeing the joy on Shui Wulian's face, Chen reminded Shui Wulian not to be so happy.

When he heard that things seemed to have changed, Shui Wulian's expression suddenly changed again, and he looked at Chen, and then waiting for Chen’s next words

"You can stay with me now. As for whether I will help you, let's wait until later."

After Chen finished speaking, Shui Wulian felt a little disappointed, but it was also within Shui Wulian's expectation. In fact, this was beyond Shui Wulian's expectation.

"Okay, thank you."After Shui Wulian said thank you, he stood up and walked towards Chen

"what are you up to?"Chen looked at Shui Wuliani walking over and asked Shuiwu Linai.

A trace of shame appeared on Shuiwu Linai's face.

····Asking for flowers···········

Well, Chen finally understood what Shui Wu Lianna meant, and gave a helpless smile. In the eyes of others, is this the kind of person he is?

Standing up, he patted Shui Wu Liannai's shoulder slightly, and then Chen said lightly:"You haven't passed the inspection yet." Shui

Wuliannai was suddenly at a loss, and looked at Chen with some embarrassment. Did he still need to send it to the door? Passed the inspection?

This was simply a humiliation to myself, but in the end Shui Wulian remained silent.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

Chen walked out, and Shui Wu Liannai thought about it and followed behind Chen.

"The black organization should give you follow-up tasks in the future, remember to tell me."Chen turned around and said to Shui Wu Lina....,.........0.

This is the purpose of Chenliushui Wu Lianna being around, to know what the black organization wants to do.

Actually Paishui Wulian came to him, Chen was also curious.


Shui Wulian nodded. In fact, Chen didn't need to say it, Shui Wulian would also say it.

"Okay, you go back and tidy up first, and then you can just move to my place."Chen said to Shui Wulian.


After leaving the cafe, Chen went home directly. As for Shui Wu Reina, she also went home directly.

On the way Shui Wu Reina went back, the phone suddenly came to her mind. It was a strange phone number without a name, but Shui Wu Reina Wu Liannai probably knows who it is

"Gin."Shui Wu Liannai showed a disdainful smile on his face, and then immediately restrained it.

"Gin, what do you want from me?"Mizuki Reina asked coldly.

Gin on the other side didn't care about Mizuki Reina's cold voice, and asked lightly towards Mizuki Reina:"Have you completed the task that I gave you?"

"It has been completed. I can now go to Chen's house. The subsequent tasks should be left to me."Shui Wu Liannai thought for a while and then said

"well done."Ginjiu heard Mizuno Reina say that it was completed. He was silent for a while, and then said a word of praise. As for the next task Mizumu Reina asked, Ginjiu didn't say anything. In fact, it wasn't that Ginjiu didn't want to say it. But now Gin doesn’t know what the next mission for Rena Mizuna is._Please download the novel without underlining

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