Chapter 1,204 The Unluckiest Dr. Agasa

After packing everything, Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji left Dr. Agasa’s house in Dr. Agasa’s Beetle.

I will not come back here for the time being. I will live in the place arranged by Kudo Yusaku from now on.

"Dad, you are here too."After Kudo Shinichi came here, he couldn't help but said.

But Kudo Yusaku's expression was very ugly.

"Do you know that if I hadn't found someone to help you, you would have died by Gin's gun right now."Kudo Yusaku said to Kudo Shinichi angrily.

As expected, it didn't give him peace of mind. If he hadn't immediately gone to his friends after learning the information and asked Akai Shuichi to take action, I'm afraid Kudo Shinichi would be dead by now..

Kudo Shinichi looked embarrassed. He indeed took a desperate risk and almost died.

"You changed back, what happened?" Kudo Yusaku sighed and stopped pursuing the investigation.

Instead, he asked Kudo Shinichi what happened when he suddenly changed back. Did he get the antidote?

"It was Ri Xiangchen. I took the antidote given by Ri Xiangchen."

Regarding this, Kudo Shinichi did not hide Kudo Yusaku's intention, and directly told Kudo Yusaku that he had taken the antidote given by Ri Xiangchen

"What happened to the antidote Ri Xiangchen gave you? How could he give you the antidote?"There was distrust in Kudo Yusaku's eyes.

"Uncle, the thing is like this, that guy Ri Xiangchen treated Shinichi as an experiment. Hattori Heiji said angrily.

Although it is an antidote, who knows what side effects it will have, and it is not a complete antidote. Although it can still be maintained now, who knows whether it will change back.

"So that's it."A cold light flashed in Kudo Yusaku's eyes, and he actually regarded his son as a guinea pig.

"From now on, you should stay in this place and don’t leave for the time being."Kudo Yusaku said to them

"Just hiding in the dark? Doesn't this scare them?"Kudo Shinichi had a look of reluctance on his face.

He felt that evil cannot prevail against good, and no matter how powerful the black organization is, it will definitely be destroyed in the end.

"This is for your own good. Remember, you must not go out. If you need anything, let Dr. A Li buy it."

There was a look in Kudo Yusaku's eyes that could not be refused. The black organization would never give up.

"By the way, Heiji, I have something to tell you. In fact, your father is not dead." Kudo Yusaku said to Hattori Heiji

"What? Uncle, are you telling the truth?"Hattori Heiji looked at Kudo Yusaku in surprise.

"Well, people from the black organization assassinated him, but Heizang was lucky enough to escape, but it was not a good time to show up now."

Kudo Yusaku told Hattori Heiji this, but did not inform Hattori Heizang. This was Kudo Yusaku's own decision to tell Hattori Heiji.

In fact, telling Hattori Heiji this would have no impact, so Kudo Yusaku spoke up.

"Then Uncle Yuzu, can you take me to meet my dad?" Hattori Heiji asked Kudo Yusaku

"Okay, you can follow me, but remember not to tell others that your father Liao is alive."

Hattori Heiji heard this. Although he didn't know the reason, he still nodded and agreed. Moreover, Hattori Heiji was actually very strict. If he said he wouldn't tell, he would never tell.

"Then come with me."

Kudo Yusaku took Hattori Heiji and walked outside. When Kudo Shinichi saw this, he immediately followed.

"What did you follow?"Kudo Yusaku stopped, turned around and asked Kudo Shinichi

"Dad, I also want to follow you and have a look."

"The more people go there, the easier it is to be exposed. You should stay here and pack up your things here."

Kudo Yusaku refused, which made Kudo Shinichi a little disappointed.

But when he was about to step out, Kudo Yusaku suddenly stopped, turned around again and said to Kudo Shinichi:"Forget it, you can follow if you want.."

If you don't take him there, who knows whether he will follow you secretly, so Kudo Yusaku still takes Kudo Shinichi with him. After all, he knows that Kudo Shinichi will not be peaceful and honest, so he can't keep him here. here

"Dr. A Li, please help me with the rest. Clean up this place, and I will take the two of them away first."

Kudo Yusaku said to Dr. Agasa.

This is the house Kudo Yusaku bought a long time ago. No one has lived in it for a long time, which makes it very dirty and needs to be cleaned.

"All right."Dr. Ali didn't say anything.

······Asking for flowers····

"Feel sorry."

Kudo Yusaku said sorry to Dr. Agasa. If there is anyone here who is the most unlucky, it is definitely Dr. Agasa.

Because Dr. Agasa is a complete disaster. Knowing Kudo Shinichi and the others, Dr. Agasa should be the most unlucky person in his life. Error

"We are friends now, there is no need to say sorry to me."Dr. Agasa scratched his head and said.

Kudo Yusaku didn't say anything else, and took Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji to find Hattori Heizang.

Hattori Heizang was hiding in a very hidden place at this time, here Only Kudo Yusaku knows

"Heizang, I'm here to see you."Kudo Yusaku came here and knocked on the door. After confirming that it was indeed Kudo Yusaku, Hattori Heizo opened the door.....,....0,,

"Dad, it turns out you are really not dead." Hattori Heiji was so happy that he almost cried. You know, Hattori Heiji almost went crazy because of his father's incident. Hattori Heizo glanced at Kudo Yusaku, and then nodded slightly:"Your father, I won't die so easily."

Kudo Yusaku didn't tell him before, so he brought Hattori Heiji here. In fact, Hattori Heizou felt a little uncomfortable. But now Kudo Yusaku didn't tell Hattori Heizang the reason. He didn't tell Hattori Heiji before, I don’t want him to continue to be involved.

But it’s different now. I’m already involved and can’t get out, so it doesn’t matter even if I tell Hattori Heiji.

"Come first."Hattori Heizo asked Kudo Yusaku and others to come in first.

"Heizang, I want to apologize to you first."Kudo Yusaku then told Hattori Heizo about the previous things.

For example, it was Kudo Shinichi and the others' plan to lure Gin, which led to Hattori Heiji being completely targeted by the black organization.

What is certain is that Hattori Heiji It's definitely on the black organization's kill list.

Hattori Heizo was silent after hearing this. To be honest, he was indeed a little angry in his heart. However, Kudo Yusaku had already sincerely apologized, and he was too embarrassed to continue pursuing the case.

"I don’t want you to do such dangerous things again in the future."The words of Hattori Heizo were full of majesty.

At this time, even Kudo Shinichi did not dare to speak, because the majesty of Hattori Heizo prevented him from speaking for a long time._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading -凵

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