Chapter 1,201 Transforming the Island

"Phew, I'm almost exhausted."Chen came to the deck, then lay on a beach chair, sipping juice leisurely.

He massaged Yuanzi, and just after massaging Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Ye also came to Chen to massage them. I have to say that Chen is I really feel tired.

What’s more, it’s a test of his concentration.

Now Chen is the only one on the deck, and Sonoko and the others are chatting inside. No one disturbs Chen, and Chen is happy and free.

"This sunshine is indeed a bit dazzling."Chen brought a parasol and blocked the big sun.

Basking in the sun, Chen couldn't help but take a nap. After Chen woke up, they finally came to the private island purchased by the Suzuki family.

"This island is not big."Chen couldn't help but said while looking at the island.

"Big islands cannot be bought, and small islands like this are not so easy to buy."Tomoko said to Chen.

It's not that the Suzuki Consortium doesn't have money to buy 22. In fact, the Suzuki Consortium lacks everything, but it doesn't lack money.

But it doesn't mean that you can have everything if you have money. There are some things that even if you have money Can't buy it either

"It took more than two hours to get here. It turned out to be so far."Xiaolan looked at her watch and then said

"Don't worry about time, just play to your heart's content. You come out to play just to relax."Chen hugged Xiaolan and then took Xiaolan off the boat.

"Hey, wait for us."Yuanzi couldn't help shouting.

Seeing Chen carrying Xiaolan down, Yuanzi was angry, slightly unhappy, and a little jealous in her heart.

Even if the person was her best friend, she couldn't help but be jealous. Yes, there is no way. After all, they are all very selfish in this regard.

Then, Chen and the others visited the island and were a little disappointed.

"It turns out it’s still a desert island. Yuanzi said with some disappointment.

"The construction has not started yet, it has just been purchased, and there is only one villa on the island. Tomoko said

"Do you need me to help you build it? Chen asked Tomoko.

Hearing Chen's words, Tomoko was stunned. After a long time, he came back to his senses and asked Chen,"Do you still know how to build?""

"Of course, it's just simple for me."

Chen smiled faintly, and then said to Tomoko, and Xiaolan and the others also focused on Chen. Do they want to use ninjutsu?

Unlike Tomoko and the others, Xiaolan and Kazuha know ninjutsu. And now after learning, I can already use C-level ninjutsu.

"Let's go back to the boat first."Chen returned to the boat with a few girls first, and Tomoko looked at Chen curiously, wondering what kind of methods Chen could use.

But now it seems that he doesn't know Chen that well. Now Tomoko is very I wanted to get to know Chen deeply and understand another side of Chen that I didn’t know.

After arriving on the ship, a black sphere suddenly flew out of Chen’s hand and fell towards the island.

"What is this little black ball and where did you get it from?"Yuanzi asked Chen curiously.

For a moment, the word magic flashed in Yuanzi's mind. Is Chen using magic now?

If it is magic, then Yuanzi is really interested in it. , I am also very curious about magic.

But no matter how powerful the magic is, it is impossible to transform an island. In that case, it will not be magic, but magic.

"This little ball is called Qiudao Yu, and you will soon know what it is."

After flying out, the Qiu Dao Jade instantly began to expand, and then wrapped the entire island inside.

The Qiu Dao Jade can destroy everything in the world, but it can also create everything.

Just like Kaguya's expanding Qi Dao Jade, Destroy a world and then recreate it.

The same is true for the Taoist Jade in front of you. It destroys the original island and then creates a new one.

On the island, there are luxurious palaces and castles, golden and delicate beaches, and There are all kinds of flowers, plants and trees. At this time, Chen has made this place like a fairyland.

Tomoko, Ayako and Sonoko opened their mouths wide at this time, with disbelief in their eyes. Is this really magic?

Originally, they all I think Chen wanted to perform a magic trick similar to blindfolding, but now it looks like it’s not fake at all.

"is this real?"Yuanzi asked blankly.

In fact, Xiaolan and Heye were also a little dumbfounded. This is the first time that Chen has shown this kind of power. Is this a method of God?

At this time, they all began to wonder, is this really something? The methods of gods are actually no different from the methods of gods.

When the power reaches a certain level, it becomes equivalent to a god in itself.

"of course it's true."Chen walked straight down. This place was built according to his own preferences.

But I believe most people will be very satisfied.

"Don't be shocked, go up and have a look and see if you like it."Chen took them to the island and then said.

After watching it for a while, Yuanzi and the others had complicated expressions. At this time, they were sure that it was indeed true, but that kind of power

"Are you scared by this mere power? Chen asked Yuanzi with a smile.

"Is this still a mere strength?"Yuanzi couldn't help but say, this kind of power can be called the power of God.

"Chen, can you explain it to me?"Yuanzi hugged Chen Bu 333 and let go. This is a bit unreal. Is there really such a supernatural power as magic in this world?

"Well, actually you only need to ask Xiaolan and the others to find out."Chen simply sent Yuanzi to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan, Heye and the others were stunned. Sorry, we don't know what kind of power you used. Can the power of ninjutsu reach this level?

Well, ordinary Of course, he can't reach the level of Ninjutsu. What Chen uses is Yin Yang Dun, which can create all things and destroy all things.

"It turns out that Xiaolan and Heye both knew."When Yuanzi heard this, his expression became aggrieved, and he looked at Chen with a depressed expression.

Chen was slightly embarrassed, and then Chen discovered that Tomoko looked at him with a very unkind look.

"In fact, I didn't hide it on purpose, I just forgot to tell you."Chen said quickly.

"Heye knew it earlier than I did."Xiaolan said quietly at this time.

"I suddenly felt that even I was involved."He Ye couldn't help but say after hearing Xiaolan's words.

But Chen is the worst one. He was targeted by everyone except Ayako.

Xiaolan looked at Chen's big head and couldn't bear it. I burst out laughing. In fact, when Xiaolan first found out, she was quite resentful in her heart._Please download the novel without underlining

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