Chapter 1193: There is a Shinigami primary school student, can nothing happen?

Hattori Heiji and Conan came to Nakazawa Kaito's room, looking for traces of those things that had been disturbed

"Nothing, no suspicious clues at all."Hattori Heiji shook his head towards Conan.

"It's broken, let's go find Todano."

Conan immediately ran out and Nakazawa Kaito was killed. So what the black organization wanted in his hand fell into Todano's hands?

If so, then Conan can be 100% sure that Qin Wine and vodka will definitely go to Todano, so Todano is definitely in danger.

It was too late to think of it, it was probably already late now, Conan just hoped that it would be in time.

However, when he arrived at the place where Todano was imprisoned, Conan was stunned , or a step later, the people guarding Todano fell down, and Todano also lost trace. At this time, Hattori Heiji came running all the way.

"I said Conan, you are too fast, don't you know how to wait for me?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said after catching up.

"It's your speed that's too slow, and we're too late."Conan shook his head slightly towards Hattori Heiji 113, and then pointed to the fallen people and the missing Todano. He carefully checked the people guarding Todano. They were not dead, they were just knocked unconscious.

"Fortunately, we were just knocked unconscious. Now let's look for Todano. By the way, remember to inform the captain."Conan said to Hattori Heiji.

After that, the two of them went to notify the captain. After the captain learned about it, his face suddenly changed and he didn't go out publicly without saying anything. He started searching in private. After searching privately, he quickly found Todano, but All that was found was Todano's body.

"Although I had guessed it, I didn't expect that he would still die." Hattori Heiji said with clenched fists.

When they thought of Todano before, they felt that something might happen to Todano. After seeing it, Todano was really dead.

There is no need to look for it this time, the murderer must be the black organization Gin and Vodka, the key is that these two people can't be found at all.

When Hattori Heiji asked the captain to look for it, he couldn't find Gin and Vodka, and even among the people on board, there was no matching person at all.

And Now I can't even find gin and vodka, because gin (bhdg) and vodka have now left.

They have left this ship. No matter how powerful Hattori Heiji and Conan are, they will never be able to find gin and vodka.

"I didn't expect them to be so rampant." Hattori Heiji said with clenched fists.

This should be considered a murder under their noses. The key is that they haven't noticed it yet.

Conan lowered his head with remorse on his face.

If the murderer Todano is not found, maybe Todano Then Conan would not have died.

At this time, Conan had already thought that it should be Gin and Vodka, and used their reasoning ability to find Todano.

Then he killed Todano.

After the self-blame continued for a while, Conan's expression became determined again. No matter what, he must find the murderer. Although he found the murderer Todano and let Todano be killed, but given him another chance to choose, Conan still had to find the murderer. At most, he would try his best to find the murderer.

His own ability caused many deaths to Todano

"I don’t know what the black organization wants, what exactly the Nakazawa man has grasped, and perhaps we need to investigate it from the Nakazawa man."

Hattori Heiji said to Conan after thinking for a long time.

Investigating Nakazawa Kaito and understanding the connection between Nakazawa Kaito and the black organization may be of great help to them in investigating the black organization.

"Well, let's investigate the Nakazawa people first, hoping to find clues about the black organization."

Conan didn't have high hopes.

"Can the two little detectives find the murderer of this man?"The captain came to Hattori Heiji and Conan and asked.

The fierce-looking captain had a smile on his face, leaving both Hattori Heiji and Conan speechless.

Then the two of them shook their heads slightly.

"Sorry, I'm afraid we can't help with this. Let's leave it to the police. Hattori Heiji said with some displeasure.

He actually called him Little Detective. If he called him Little Detective Conan, it wouldn't matter. Conan is already young anyway.

But calling him Little Detective, he is already a high school student now, is he still young?

Well, actually in the captain’s eyes, it’s really not that big.

"That's a shame, leave it to the police."The captain doesn't care. Anyway, dead people have nothing to do with him.

These people were murdered and not died for other reasons, so the captain is quite calm.

"So, two little detectives, I'd like to ask you one thing, please don't reveal what's going on here, okay?"The captain asked Hattori Heiji and Conan.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other. In fact, they both knew what the captain meant.

They were afraid of causing some panic, which they could understand, so they immediately nodded to the captain.

The captain relaxed. After a while, he arranged for a few people to stay here and wait for the ship to dock. It didn't take long for the ship to arrive at the shore.

Officer Megure was already waiting here. They had already received the alarm.

"Miwako, you are here too." Chen said to Miwako

"Strange, Chen, why are you here?"Miwako asked with a strange look on her face.

"Have you forgotten that the prize that Xiaolan won is this ship." Chen said to Miwako.

Miwako patted her head and thought of it, but Miwako glanced at Chen strangely.

After a long time, Miwako couldn't help but said:"Your luck is really not that good."

"In fact, it's not that we are unlucky, but that there is a God of Death on the ship, so there is nothing we can do about it."

Tatsu glanced at Hattori Heiji and Conan not far away, and then spread his hands towards Miwako.

With the Shinigami elementary school students here, can nothing happen? If nothing happens, then Tatsu will probably be really surprised.

Hattori Heiji and Conan also saw Chen's actions and looked at them.

Although they were far away and did not hear what Chen was saying, their intuition told them that it was definitely not a good thing.

Staring at Chen, Hattori Heiji and Conan Secretly gritting his teeth, he wished he could rush over now and find out what bad things Chen was saying about them.

"I guess it's a bit troublesome for you to leave now, so please wait for a while."

Miwako said to Chen and the others. Although she is now in the police department, she cannot let Chen and the others leave without obeying the rules. After all, there are so many people watching.

"It's okay, I don't have anything to do anyway."Chen Tan spread his hands and said it doesn't matter, just wait for a while._

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