Chapter 1,187 Maybe it’s getting interesting

"Sister Yukiko, are you still angry?"Xiaolan looked at Yukiko who was pouting and still angry and couldn't help but ask.

"Humph, I think someone just wants to make me angry on purpose, damn guy."Yukiko snorted lightly, then looked at Chen.

"You're right, in fact, I'm just trying to make you angry on purpose. Chen laughed, and then said to Yukiko

"Damn it, you're still laughing, you see, I won't teach you a lesson." Yukiko suddenly became even more angry when she heard Chen's laughter. You are still laughing now.

"Yeah, I laughed."Chen caught Yukiko who was coming towards him and subdued Yukiko easily.

"Don't get too proud too early." Yukiko saw that she couldn't break free, so she said to Chen

"Oh, then what can you do to me if I am proud? Chen smiled faintly, and then asked Yukiko

"Huh, don't force me to beat you up, I will definitely not show any mercy when the time comes. Yukiko said to Chen threateningly.

"You just beat me up, do you have the ability to do that? Chen asked Yukiko with a smile.

"Damn it, can't you just give me some mercy? Yukiko asked, staring at Chen dissatisfied.

"Sorry, it seems not possible."Chen spread his hands and said to Yukiko pretending to be helpless.

"Forget it, I won't fight with you, a nasty little guy, or I might be pissed to death."Yukiko sat down angrily and stopped talking to Chen.

"Can't you let her take advantage? Fei Yingli looked at Chen and said involuntarily.

"Yingli, I'm afraid you didn't mean what you said. If I'm not mistaken, you must have a smile on your face."Chen laughed.

Indeed, when she saw Yukiko deflated just now, Fei Yingli smiled very happily.

"By the way, don’t forget to take us on a cruise tomorrow. Yukiko shook the ferry ticket in her hand and said to Chen

"This is the second time you have told me this. Am I so easily forgotten?·り?"Chen couldn't help but said

"I am not afraid that you will forget, I am afraid that you will cheat."Yukiko made a face at Chen, and then said.

Yes, the main reason is that she is afraid that Chen will cheat. What if she doesn't take her with her?

"Anyone of you who wants to go can sign up."Chen looked at the others.

Although there are only three tickets here, it doesn't matter. As long as you spend money, you can still get the tickets. This should not be limited.

"I haven’t followed you out for a long time, Chen. Let me follow you out for some fun."Belmod said

"I wanted to go out, but unfortunately I wasn't free. Fei Yingli spread her hands and said

"Xiaolan, you must go, after all, this is a reward based on your luck."Yukiko pulled Xiaolan and said.

In the end, only Chen, Yukiko, Belmod, Xiaolan and Kazuye went out together. The others expressed no interest.

Even Xiaoai didn't want to go out, saying that he was not interested in medicine. The research has reached a critical period.

Early the next morning, Yukiko woke Chen

"This should be the earliest time you wake up."Chen looked at Yukiko and said indifferently.

"I'm reminding you that it's time to set off, so don't continue to be lazy. Yukiko said with her hands on her hips.

"It's only five o'clock now, and it's not completely bright yet. Did you know that the ship won't start setting out to sea until eight o'clock?"

Chen said to Yukiko angrily.

Listening to Chen's words, Yukiko felt a little guilty, waved her hand and said,"Then you can continue to sleep first."

After saying that, Yukiko turned around and left.

"Why are you still sleeping? I am no longer in the mood to continue sleeping."Chen couldn't help but said.

After being woken up, Chen said that he couldn't sleep even if he let Chen sleep.

Yukiko looked at Chen and saw that Chen looked angry, so she simply left and went out.

To avoid making Chen angry. , and angrily lectured him.

If Chen knew what Yukiko was thinking, he might really angrily lecture him.

After all, is this the kind of person he is in her eyes? This is a slander of his own image..

After getting up and having breakfast, Chen was pulled over by Judy, who guided her in practicing for a while before being let go by Judy.

"Okay, now you can start."Chen looked at the time, and then said to Yukiko who couldn't wait. After that,

Chen drove to the dock. Chen and his party got on the ship. This ship is not an ordinary ship.

"So many people."Yukiko looked left and right, and found that there were too many people, and she felt a little bad.

"So we shouldn’t come, or let’s go back."When Chen saw so many people on the boat, he was no longer interested.

"no."Yukiko directly stretched out her hand and grabbed Chen. It was absolutely impossible to leave. Yukiko grabbed Chen's hand and prevented Chen from leaving.

"., Okay, I was just joking."

Chen didn't move his steps. He couldn't stay here for long anyway. He only needs to stay for half a day before he can go back. He will return in the evening, so it's not even a one-day trip.

"Hey, I see an acquaintance."He Ye couldn't help but say

"Familiar, who?"When Xiaolan heard He Ye said that she saw an acquaintance, she immediately asked He Ye

"Hattori Heiji, I don’t know why he is here."He Ye had a strange look on his face.

"Not only Hattori Heiji, but Conan is also here. Maybe this time it won't be so boring."With a smile on Chen's face, he glanced at Belmod on the side.

Belmod also had a smile on his face at this time. People from the black organization actually appeared here. Chen discovered it, and Of course, Belmode also discovered it.

This can also explain why Conan and Hattori Heiji appeared here. Obviously, they appeared on this ship because of the black (Zhao Wanghao) organization.

"Conan is here too. Xiaolan frowned slightly, and then asked Chen:"Did you come with Hattori Heiji?""

"Well, just the two of them."Chen nodded, and then did not continue to talk about them. Anyway, he came out to play.

"Let's go and have a look on the deck. It's too dull here." Chen said to Yukiko and the others.

To be honest, this place is far inferior to the luxury cruise ship. Sure enough, all the lottery tickets you get are junk. When you come to the deck, there are no people here. There are so many people, but only a few people are standing here blowing the sea breeze.

Although it is quiet here, Chen and the others like it very much. The more lively the place, the less they like it.

"When you go out to play occasionally, do you feel particularly comfortable? It feels good, right?"Yukiko asked Chen, wanting to know what Chen thinks._Please download the novel without underlining

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