Chapter 1,184 Don’t wrong yourself.

Hattori Heiji suddenly showed surprise when he heard that Conan’s father also helped.

"Conan, thank you. Help me thank your father." Hattori Heiji thanked Conan.

"No need to thank me. Do we still need to be so acquainted with each other? Besides, you also helped me a lot."

Conan said to Hattori Heiji. At the same time, Conan still felt a little guilty in his heart. Conan wondered if it was because of himself that something happened to Hattori Heiji's father. I hope it's not because of this. If so, Conan I'm afraid I'll have to live with self-blame for the rest of my life.

Fortunately, it's not confirmed yet. Something really happened to Hattori Heiji's father, Hattori Heizo. Maybe he didn't.

"I will also help you here. Just relax and don't be overwhelmed by the pressure."After Conan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

It's better not to disturb Hattori Heiji for too long now. Let him be quiet for a while. Conan knows that Hattori Heiji must be in a mess right now.

At Heye's house, Chen is - Responsible for cooking

"Alas, there is no one to cook now."Chen said depressedly, he actually became the husband of the family.

"By the way, He Ye, is your father coming back?"Chen asked He Ye

"If he's not coming back, he probably won't have time to come back during this period."He Ye shook his head and relaxed at the same time.

If his father really comes back, then He Ye really doesn't know how to explain Chen's matter to his father. It's better now, so he doesn't have to explain it.

"Do you think this time has something to do with the black organization?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"Black organization, what black organization?"He Ye asked Chen blankly, does Chen know some clues?

"The Black Organization is an international criminal organization with a very mysterious origin. The people in the organization use their alcohol names as code names."

Chen didn't hide it from He Ye. It doesn't matter if He Ye knows about it anyway.

Most people know that the black organization is absolutely useless and can even cause death, but it has nothing to do with Ye.

Just based on the relationship with Ye Hechen, Who dares to kill him?

If the black organization really dares to take action, Chen can definitely overthrow the entire black organization

"I don’t know if this was done by a black organization, but it’s also suspected."

Chen also doesn't know if the thing against Hattori Heizo was done by people from the black organization.

In fact, Hattori Heizo has many enemies, so it may not be done by people from the black organization, but the suspicion of the black organization very big

"It turns out there is such an organization."He Ye can't imagine that anyone who hears the name of the black organization will feel afraid.

But Chen feels like laughing. The black organization is really not that good. There are too many traitors inside.

Except Qin Apart from the two model workers, Liquor and Vodka, the others are either gangsters or traitors and undercover agents. You can feel sorry for Gin.

"Don't think so much, come and eat quickly and try the food I cooked."

Chen brought all the cooked meals to the table.

Xiao Ai curled her lips and said,"It's just so-so. It's not as delicious as the ones made by her sister, but in order to avoid starvation, let's eat some."

"Do you think the food I made doesn’t taste good? If you don’t think it tastes good, don’t eat it. Don’t wrong yourself."

Chen glanced at Xiao Ai and said after seeing Xiao Ai curling her lips.

"I want to feel aggrieved today, what’s wrong?"Xiao Ai counterattacked lightly.

He Ye looked at the two of them covering their mouths and snickering, saying that Chen actually liked to quarrel with Xiao Ai who was still a child.

Well, He Ye didn't know at all that the Xiao Ai in front of him was not A simple elementary school student

"Stop snickering and eat it quickly."Chen tapped He Ye's little head with chopsticks, and then ate quickly.

After staying here for a few days, Chen and the others also left and returned home.

"It's better to go home, Akemi is cooking."Chen couldn't help but sigh, because these days, he basically had to cook a meal, and Chen was almost bored to death.

"You are finally back."Yukiko ran over quickly, looking at Chen with bright eyes.

"what are you doing?"Chen looked at Yukiko with bright eyes in confusion, a little confused.

"Yukiko wants to know if you bought her a gift when you came back. Otherwise, why do you think Yukiko would be so positive? Fei Yingli said to Chen

"So that’s it. Sorry, I didn’t buy anything. I’ll take you on a trip another day. Chen shook his head and said to Yukiko

·0 flowers requested·······;;

"Tsk, I don’t know how long I have to wait. I already knew you wouldn’t buy me a gift, so I shouldn’t have expected it so much. Now it seems that my expectation has been wasted."

Yukiko curled her lips and ignored Chen very coldly.

"I said, you are too realistic."Just now, I was very welcome to come back. Who would have thought that I would turn around and ignore myself? This change was too fast.

"Yes, I am so realistic."Yukiko made a face at Chen, and then simply ignored Chen.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. When you want to go out in the future, remember not to call me. If you call me, I won't go with you. Chen said while drinking tea.................丶丶

"Is there anything to gain?"Miwako suddenly went downstairs. After seeing Chen come back, she asked Chen.

Chen also knew that the result of Miwako's inquiry should be about Hattori Heizo. It seems that Miwako is also very curious.

"Just going to take a look, without investigation, of course nothing will be gained, but judging from the current situation, even if Hattori Heizo is still alive, it will probably not be easy."

Nearly a week has passed since Hattori Heizo was assassinated. However, Hattori Heizo did not show up this week. It was said that he was dead, but no body was found. It was said that he was still alive, but there was no one. , so no one knows whether Hattori Heizo is dead or alive.

There is another possibility, that is, Hattori Heizo is still alive, but he does not dare to show up. Perhaps he is afraid of bringing trouble to his family, so he does not dare to show up.

"By the way, Miwako, aren't you at work?"Chen saw Miwako at home and was a little curious.

"No, today is rest time, of course I stay at home."Miwako said to Chen, has she even forgotten her rest time?

"So that’s it. Are you still investigating Hattori Heizo’s matter?"Chen asked Miwako with concern.

"It's rare that you care so much about me."

Miwako couldn't help but smile when she saw Chen caring so much about her.

"The investigation continues, but again there are no leads."

It's impossible to give up so easily, unless you really find Hattori Heizo.

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - 凵

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