Chapter 1,182 Hattori Heizo was assassinated?

"Chen, I have a big news for you."

In the evening, after Miwako came back, she pulled Chen and said to Chen with a mysterious look.

"Big news, how big is it?"Chen asked Miwako curiously.

If Yukiko said this, Chen began to doubt it. After all, most of the big things Yukiko said were just gossip.

And if Miwako said it was big news, it must be big. The news is absolutely correct.

"Hattori Heizo was assassinated."

After hearing the news, Chen was stunned for a moment, and then waited for Miwako's next step. Could it be that Hattori Heizo was assassinated?

Even if he was not dead, he was definitely seriously injured and admitted to the hospital. Otherwise, Miwako would not have said that this was a big news

"Yesterday evening, Hattori Heizo was assassinated on his way home. The murderer is unknown. Hattori Heizo's whereabouts are also unknown, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead."

Miwako finished talking to Chen in one breath. This is indeed a big deal. Officer Megure is very busy at this time, and even Miwako is very busy. We need to find the murderer, so Miwako came back very late today.

"His whereabouts are unknown, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead, so he must not be dead."Chen touched his chin and said.

Hattori Heizo must not be simple, otherwise he would not be sitting in such a high position. If he was easily stabbed to death, Chen would not believe it.

But everything is possible, after all, Hattori Heizo is just A person does not possess any special power, and being killed is not abnormal.

"I also feel that I am not dead, so now the whole country is looking for the whereabouts of Hattori Heizo, trying to find people dead or corpses."

Miwako said to Chen

"By the way, Chen, who do you think could do this? How dare you touch Hattori Heizo? Who has the guts?"Miwako is very curious, who dares to touch Hattori Heizo? Don't you know the identity of Hattori Heizo?

"Hattori Heizo himself must have many enemies. As for who did it, I doubt the black organization."

Chen felt that it was probably someone from the black organization who did it. After all, their organization is a bit brave. If it were anyone else, who would dare to take action against Hattori Heizou?

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me and I have no interest in knowing." Chen shrugged, not interested in who wanted to assassinate Hattori Heizo.

"It has little to do with you, but it has a lot to do with me. I guess I will have to work overtime every day from now on. Miwako said with a depressed look.

"Otherwise, just resign."Tatsu said to Miwako. Miwako once wanted to be a police officer, largely because of her father.

She wanted to investigate the murderer who killed his father, and now the murderer has been solved. The murderer was Miwako's father Masayoshi Sato His friend Shuji Kano was not the one he directly killed Masayoshi Sato, but he indirectly killed Masayoshi Sato.

When Shuji Kano committed a crime, he was discovered by Masayoshi Sato, and then persuaded him to surrender. In a daze, Shuji Kano rushed towards the galloping The car coming in wanted to commit suicide.

Masayoshi Sato saved Shuji Kano, but he died under the wheel. In fact, if Shuji Kano had called the police to stop the ambulance, Masayoshi Sato might have survived. But Shuji Kano ran away, so It led to the death of Masayoshi Sato.

Of course Chen helped Miwako get revenge, and Shuji Kano has now gone to hell to report.

"It’s better to forget about resigning, I don’t want to resign for the time being."Miwako shook her head.

The main reason is that Miwako doesn't want to be idle, so she doesn't want to resign. If she is at home, I'm afraid it will be boring, and Miwako can't be idle at all.

"If it is really a black organization, maybe you can ask Belmode for help." Chen said to Miwako

"Belmode has withdrawn from the black organization and is regarded as a traitor by the black organization. What else can he do to help?"Miwako doesn't think she can help.

And in fact, Miwako doesn't need to be so responsible for this matter. After all, the real pressure is on Osaka. She is just responsible for looking for it.

So it doesn't matter at all. Miwako now doesn't have the original work. She is so serious, probably because of the changes that Chen brought to her.

"By the way, since Hattori Heizo was assassinated, that guy Hattori Heiji should have returned to Osaka."

Chen couldn't help but say.

Chen didn't think much about it after that. The next day, Miwako went out early in the morning, and Heye found Chen with a lot of worries.

"Chen, I want to go back. I heard something happened to my uncle."Kazuye said to Chen.

It turned out that Kazuye also received the news. It was a call from Toyama Ginshiro, asking Kazuye to go back and take a look, mainly to comfort Hattori Shizuka.

"Okay, how about I go with you?"Chen asked Yuanshan and Ye

"Thank you Chen."He Ye had a smile on his face. He originally came to see Chen so that Chen could go back with her. But before he opened his mouth, Chen agreed directly.

"., I also want to go along."Xiao Ai suddenly stood up and said to Chen

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Isn't it welcome?"Xiao Ai snorted softly. She was going to go with her anyway.

"Of course you can. It doesn’t matter if Xiao Ai goes with you. I will definitely entertain you well."He Ye smiled slightly and said to Xiao Ai.

Xiao Lan and the others also wanted to go, but they still have to go to school. Xiao Lan would definitely not be able to take time off to go.

So there were only Chen, He Ye and Xiao Ai. Let's go together. We got on the train at noon and arrived in the afternoon.

"Let's go, go to my house first."He Ye said to Chen and Xiao Ai.

It didn't take long before they arrived at He Ye's home. There was no one in the house. Fortunately, He Ye had the key, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get in.

Her father Toyama Ginshiro was not there at all. Such a big thing happened at home, and he is the busiest person now.

As for Heye's mother, she has passed away since Heye was very young.

"Hattori's house is not too far from my home. How about we go and take a look first?"He Ye asked Chen

"Don't get me wrong, Chen. I went not because of Hattori Heiji, but because I wanted to see Aunt Jinghua. Aunt Jinghua has always been very kind to me."He Ye seemed to be afraid that Chen would misunderstand, so she quickly explained it to Chen.

She was worried that this incident would cause a estrangement between herself and Chen.

"Silly girl, of course I won’t get it wrong."Chen touched He Ye's hair.

"Humph, did you two ignore me?"Xiao Ai snorted softly and asked Chen and Ye

"There is no way, who made you grow too small, so I accidentally ignored you."Chen teased with a smile.

Xiao Ai stared at Chen expressionlessly, raised his foot and stepped on Chen with considerable force.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - Xi

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