Chapter 1159: Twisted foot?

"Get up Shirley."

Chen patted Xiao Ai. No, it shouldn't be called Xiao Ai now, but Miyano Shiho.

Now Chen and the others are at the Rice Flower Hotel. The two of them didn't go back yesterday, and everything they should do was done. I did it.

Shibao rubbed his eyes and looked a little cute. Compared to Xiao Ai, Shibao looked cooler when he grew up.

"what time is it now?"Miyano Shiho's face turned slightly red, and then he asked Chen

"No more, no less, exactly twelve o'clock noon."Chen said to Shiho with a slight smile.

"Then change me back."Miyano Shiho said to Chen.

Chen was slightly stunned, why did he change back? Do you still want to continue to be Xiao Ai? The reason why Miyano Shiho was able to change back was of course Chen's method. She originally wanted to eat her research The medicine came out.

But the medicine was only a semi-finished product, and I was afraid it would have serious side effects after taking it, so Chen didn't let her take it.

"Hum, I want to research the medicine myself and change it back."Miyano Shiho snorted arrogantly.

In fact, the reason why she was so persistent was just 197 that she made up her mind when Chen teased her in the past. She didn't want to rely on Chen's strength, she wanted to Use your own mind to develop medicine and change it back

"Well, if you insist, I have nothing to say."

Chen didn't object. In fact, he still liked Miyano Shiho's transformation into Xiao Ai, but it's a pity that he can't eat it.

Well, Chen is not such a beast.

It's very simple, by turning back time, Miyano Shiho became a little girl again. Xiao Ai, reached out and rubbed Xiao Ai’s head.

"Do you want me to hold you?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"Need not."Xiao Ai said stubbornly, but sometimes it's not good to be too strong. Seeing Xiao Ai's limping appearance, Chen couldn't help but want to laugh.

But Chen didn't laugh out loud, because Chen knew that if it really happened If she laughed out loud, Xiao Ai would definitely be angry.

But even so, Xiao Ai still turned around and glanced at Chen suspiciously, but after seeing that there was nothing wrong with Chen's face, Xiao Ai didn't say much. What

"Don't force it, let me hold you."Chen picked up Xiao Ai and said to Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai's condition is not good now, why should Chen carry forward the spirit of a gentleman?

"It's not all because of you."Xiao Ai glanced at Chen

"Well, it's all because of my fault."

Chen doesn't want to say anything more. In fact, it was Xiao Ai who dragged Chen to the Rice Flower Hotel yesterday evening. Chen can only say that he is following the trend.

But he must not say these words, otherwise, he will still be sad. I will not treat myself as a scumbag.

I ate something with Xiao Ai. This was a lot to replenish the energy consumed.

Then Chen took Xiao Ai back home. Originally, Chen wanted to carry Xiao Ai inside. Yes, but Xiao Ai became shy when there were many people.

So she reluctantly walked back. Although she was as normal as possible, something still looked wrong.

As Mingmei, who is most familiar with Xiao Ai, she immediately saw that something was wrong with Xiao Ai.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you?"Mingmei asked Xiao Ai, feeling a little worried in her heart. As a sister, she was worried.

"It's just a sprain, nothing serious."Xiao Ai lowered his head and said to Mingmei.

To be honest, this is the first time that Xiao Ai has lied to his sister. Xiao Ai has never lied to his sister before.

"Oh, is that serious?"Mingmei really believed Xiao Ai's words.

The main reason was Mingmei's trust in Xiao Ai. She trusted Xiao Ai too much in her heart, so she would never have any doubts about Xiao Ai's words.

"No...not serious."Xiao Ai suddenly felt a little embarrassed, having deceived her sister, and felt a (becg) strong sense of guilt in her heart.

"As long as it's not serious, I'm going to take a look at your sprained area later."Mingmei said to Xiao Ai.

Although Xiao Ai said it was not serious, Mingmei still wanted to see the specific situation before she could feel at ease.

Belmod couldn't help laughing after listening to Mingmei's words. Miyano Akemi is really naive. , with Shirley's current skills, will it really be sprained?

Then Belmod glanced at Chen, that look was somewhat meaningful, and you can do it.

After noticing Belmod's gaze, Chen felt in his heart Thoughtfully, it is estimated that Belmod is having random thoughts now, so should he teach Belmod a lesson?

Mingmei also looked at Belmod, and seeing the smile on Belmod's face, Mingmei felt a little uncomfortable. Xiao Ai sprained her foot, are you so happy?

Xiao Ai glared at Belmod fiercely. She knew that the witch Belmode must have guessed it, and she hoped that Belmod would not say it.

In case she really said it. If so, there would be no place for her face.

Sensing Xiao Ai's fierce glare, Bermod smiled slightly. Does she still need to be afraid of Xiao Ai's threatening gaze now?

No, there is no need to be afraid at all, not even just You don’t have to be afraid of Xiao Ai’s threatening gaze. It seems you can threaten Xiao Ai in return.

Of course, Chen must not let Chen know about this. If Chen knew about it, Yi Chen’s protection of Xiao Ai would definitely not make things easier for him.

In fact , Chen would not let Chen know about it. Sometimes, Belmod is a little envious of that little girl Xiao Ai. In Chen's heart, it seems that Xiao Ai's status is higher than hers. She is always a little unhappy in her heart, but even if she is dissatisfied, it seems that she I can only hold it in my heart and have no way to say it out.

At this moment, Chen sat next to Belmod and looked at Belmod

"What are you looking at me for?"Belmod asked Chen doubtfully.

"Guess what I'm watching you do."Chen smiled slightly, still staring at Belmode.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anything about you and Shirley, but you really……"

Before Belmod finished speaking, he was blocked by Chen's fierce gaze. Belmod didn't want to offend Chen, otherwise he would suffer.

"Okay, I won’t talk about it then, but, actually, there are……"

"what else?"

"Forget it, I won't say it anymore. I'm really jealous of your support for Shirley."There was a hint of displeasure in Belmod's eyes. The jealousy he said was not false, but really jealous.

"Where are Fei Eri, Yukiko and the others?"Chen asked Bermod in confusion.

"In Koizumi Hongzi's room, Koizumi Hongzi seemed to be practicing some magic, attracting them all."

Belmod said to Chen. As for her, she is no longer interested in magic. After all, it is not as good as Ninjutsu._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collecting and recommending

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