Chapter 1,154 I am not free After finally waiting until class was over, Chen stood up and followed Judy.

Judy, who was being followed by Chen, felt a little afraid at this time. She turned around and asked Chen with a stiff face:"Why are you following me, classmate Chen?"

Chen smiled slightly, but this smile looked like a strange smile in Judy's eyes. a bit scary

"It’s nothing. I have some questions that I would like to ask Teacher Judy. Teacher Judy, you should have no objection, right?"

"Ahem, I still have something to do, so I'm afraid I can't help you answer your questions."Judy saw the malicious look in Chen's eyes and quickly refused.

Now in public, Chen probably won't do anything excessive. If he returns to her office, that may not be the case..

Who makes her office independent? If Chen really wants to bully her, she will have no choice but to find someone for help.

"Let's go, don't stand here anymore, it doesn't look good."

Chen walked forward directly, hugged Judy and headed towards her office. The classmates who were coming and going were stunned when they saw Chen's bold move. Then there was a strong jealousy, which was about to overwhelm Chen. Completely submerged.

But Chen doesn't care, he doesn't care about the jealousy of these people at all. The jealousy of Bai Quan doesn't matter at all, and he even enjoys it in his heart.

"Don't you care about what other people think?"Judy couldn't help but asked Chen

"Whose opinion do you care? If you care about so many things, you'd better go to your office quickly. I have a lot of things I want to talk to you about."

Chen smiled at Judy, and then, regardless of Judy's objections, he led Judy to her office.

When he arrived at Judy's office, Chen closed the door directly and locked it.

Seeing Chen's After the action, Judy immediately took a few steps back, stared at Chen with great vigilance and asked:"What do you want to do? Chen felt speechless,"

Is my image in your heart so unbearable?""

Judy nodded after hearing this, and then said:"That's right, otherwise do you think you have such a good image in my heart? You are a big pervert."

Judy thought she spoke in a very quiet voice, but no matter how quiet her voice was, it was still heard by Chen.

"Tsk tsk, since you think so, then I don’t think I need to hide anything, just do what I should do."

After Chen finished speaking, he approached Judy step by step, making Judy look at her more cautiously, with the caution in her eyes reaching the extreme.

"Okay, actually I'm joking with you, don't be so cautious, I won't eat you."Chen said to Judy

"Also, I would like to know why you deliberately targeted me during class. Is there any reason? You seem to have a lot of resentment towards me."

Chen asked Judy strangely, remembering that he didn't have any sex.

"Hum, why didn't you come back yesterday?"Judy snorted and looked at Chen angrily.

"Well, you care so much, are you interested in me?"Chen suddenly smiled, and then asked Judy

"I...I don't like you."Judy said a little bit.

"Have you forgotten that you promised to teach me before? Have you forgotten all the things you promised now?"

Judy asked Chen angrily.

"I promised to teach you, what to teach you?"Chen looked at Judy with a blank look on his face. It was obvious that he had really forgotten

"Have you really forgotten, or are you just pretending to be stupid?"Judy looked at Chen suspiciously, but no matter which one it was, it made her very angry.

If she really forgot, it means she didn't take her to heart.

And if she was pretending to be stupid, it would be even more hateful. Yes, it will make her even more angry

"In fact, I really don’t remember when I promised to teach you."Chen knows that the teaching Judy mentioned should be ninjutsu. She wants Chen to teach her, and then through Chen's teaching, she can reach the strength of Belmod, or even surpass Belmod.

After all, if she wants to seek revenge from Belmod, Judy must have the strength to surpass Belmod, but this is basically impossible in Chen's opinion.

While Judy is improving, Belmod is also improving, and in terms of talent, Judy is obviously better than Belmod. It's worse.

And now the relationship between Judy and Belmod is not so tense.

When she saw Belmod before, Judy's eyes couldn't help but show hatred.

But now when she sees Belmod At that moment, most of the strong hatred in Judy's eyes disappeared, replaced by complex

"You can actually forget what you promised me."

Judy looked at Chen faintly, making Chen feel a little embarrassed.

"Okay, how about I teach you when I go back today?"Chen asked Judy

"I hope you won't forget this time."

Judy nodded and said to Chen

"Of course I won't forget this time, but do you have to pay a price?"

Chen smiled softly, and then asked Judy

"Pay the price?"Judy looked at Chen blankly, what is the price for this?

"Yes, otherwise do you think I would perform voluntary labor? If you think I will perform voluntary labor, then you know very little about me."

Chen nodded matter-of-factly.

If there was no benefit, of course Chen would not be willing to work hard. Only if it is beneficial

"So what do you want?"Judy gritted her teeth, and then asked Chen. If the conditions are not too excessive, Judy thinks it's okay.

"Don't worry, I won't make it too difficult for you. Just agree to a condition."Chen patted Judy on the shoulder and told Judy that he would not embarrass her.

However, Judy didn't believe Chen's words. To be precise, Judy didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

Don't embarrass yourself, Judy Di felt that Chen would definitely embarrass herself a lot.

"Promise you a condition, who knows what condition you will put forward. What if the condition you put forward is too excessive?"Judy looked at Chen cautiously.

"How excessive do you think I can put forward? In fact, I was helping you, but you actually misunderstood me like this, which made me feel really uncomfortable. Alas, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Chen covered his heart and let out a sigh, as if he was really hurt by Judy, but Judy just curled her lips, and she had been getting along with Chen for a long time. Judy knew Chen really well.

The current appearance is definitely an act. If she is really affected, then she is a real fool._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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