Chapter 1140: Have you looked for me before?

Officer Megure's previous smile disappeared and he looked at Kuroba Kaito with a serious expression.

"Kuroba Kaito, I hope you can answer the question seriously."Officer Megure said to Kuroba Kaito

"Officer Megure, don’t worry, I will answer the questions seriously."Kuroba Kaito had a serious expression.~

"That's fine."Officer Megure nodded, and then glanced at Kudo Yusaku on the side.

"Mr. Kuroba Kaito, according to my investigation, you probably don't live here. May I ask what your purpose of coming here is?"

Kuroba Kaito's face darkened. He knew that Officer Megure must be asking these questions, and there must be a reason for following him.

Regardless of whether he took the blame again for something, he should first resolve the matter that he was suspected of. Let’s talk about it after we drop it.

"Actually, I came to see my mother about this matter."Kuroba Kaito thought for a while, and then said to Officer Megure.

"Looking for your mother?"Officer Memu frowned.

"Yes, I suspect that my mother is living in Ri Xiangchen's house now, that's why I went there to inquire."Kuroba Kaito nodded.

Officer Megure was stunned when he heard this. Why is he related to Ri Xiangchen? Isn't Rixiang Chen the boyfriend of Officer Sato?

"How could it be related to Ri Xiangchen?"

At this time, Officer Megure was a little curious as to why he was related to Ri Xiangchen.

Kuroba Kaito's face was ugly. How did he know this? He saw Kuroba Qiankage inside Ri Xiangchen's home.

And in the end The main thing is that he saw that his mother was still very close to Ri Xiangchen that day, which Kuroba Kaito couldn't accept.

A light flashed in Kudo Yusaku's eyes, and he looked at Kuroba Kaito in surprise

"I see, is this really the only reason why you are there? Is there no other reason?"

Officer Megure asked Kuroba Kaito again.

"No, there is no other reason."Kuroba Kaito said to Officer Megure with certainty and certainty.

"It seems that that matter has nothing to do with you."Officer Megure nodded.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito's curiosity was also aroused, and he couldn't help but asked Officer Megure:"Excuse me, what is that thing about?"

Kuroba Kaito is very curious about this. It is probably because of this that Officer Megure asked him.

"I couldn’t tell you originally, but since I’ve been through so many things, I’ll tell you."

Officer Megure originally didn't plan to tell Kuroba Kaito, but after thinking about it, he finally spoke.

"In fact, it was because of Kudo Yusaku's incident. A week ago, Kudo Yusaku was attacked at home, and since you were so sneaky, you were naturally regarded as a target of suspicion by us."

Officer Megure said to Kuroba Kaito truthfully.

While speaking, Officer Megure felt a little embarrassed and mistakenly regarded Kuroba Kaito as a suspect.

"Officer Megure, I actually suspect that the people who attacked this young man are the same people as the people who attacked me. They are probably in the same group."

Kudo Yusaku opened his mouth and said to Officer Megure.

Before, Kudo Yusaku didn't intend to say it, but now he suddenly spoke again.

"Well, is there any basis for this?"

Officer Megure looked at Kudo Yusaku in confusion, wanting to know if there was any basis for what Kudo Yusaku said.

"If you want a basis, of course there is. The basis is that he looks too much like my son Kudo Shinichi."

Kudo Yusaku said his basis.

Officer Megure was confused, what kind of basis is this?

"Those people before, besides wanting to kill me, also wanted to attack Shinichi, and those people mistook him for Shinichi, so they attacked him."

Kudo Yusaku felt a little helpless when he saw Officer Megure's puzzled expression. I've already made it so clear, haven't you reacted yet?

In the end, I just explained it directly. Otherwise, I'm afraid Officer Megure still won't understand. Come on.

Kudo Yusaku felt that his choice was wrong. Can Officer Megure really help him?

"I'm sorry that you were hurt because of my son." Kudo Yusaku said to Kuroba Kaito with an apologetic look.

Kuroba Kaito's face was expressionless. It was more than just an injury. I almost lost my life. How should I calculate this? I almost lost my life. Going in, Kuroba Kaito felt helpless.

So when facing Kudo Yusaku, Kuroba Kaito unconsciously felt a sense of resentment in his heart.

····Seeking freshness······

Well, the resentment is very heavy. I can’t help but feel resentment towards Kudo Yusaku.

"Now that I've figured it out, I won't bother you here."

Officer Megure called Takagi Wataru, and then prepared to leave.

Finally, Officer Megure left, but Kudo Yusaku did not leave, staring at Kuroba Kaito

"Have you looked for me before? Kudo

Yusaku suddenly asked Kuroba Kaito.

Kuroba Kaito's expression froze slightly. Could it be that he was discovered?

His expression was concealed very well, with a look of confusion on his face, like I don't know. Looking at Kudo Yusaku with a look of love

"Stop pretending. In fact, I could tell it the first time I saw you, even if you were disguised.".................

Kudo Yusaku said to Kuroba Kaito

"How did you figure it out?"Kuroba Kaito finally asked Kudo Yusaku.

Now that Kudo Yusaku has said this, it will be of no use if he continues to pretend.

"It's simple, it depends on my eyes."Kudo Yusaku pointed at his eyes.

Kuroba Kaito was speechless. Saying this is not the same as not saying anything.

"Do you want to find me to deal with Ri Xiangchen?" Kudo Yusaku asked Kuroba Kaito, and at the same time he began to think deeply.

Maybe Kuroba Kaito is not useless in some places, and there are some places where Kuroba Kaito does seem to be useful.

And their goals , are all here to deal with Ri Xiangchen, maybe they can cooperate

"Yes, I do have a grudge against that guy Ri Xiangchen, and it's still a big grudge."Kuroba Kaito nodded.

There is no need to hide it. Of course, the most important thing is to hide it, and there is nothing he can hide.

He can see that Kudo Yusaku is very smart, at least in terms of IQ, he is better than himself. It is far inferior to Kudo Yusaku

"So what are you going to do? In other words, how do you want to be enemies with Ri Xiangchen?"Kudo Yusaku asked Kuroba Kaito curiously. It seems that Kuroba Kaito also knows about Hinata Chen's extraordinary strength.

"I want to target Ri Xiangchen, but I haven't found a good opportunity yet."Kuroba Kaito said calmly, it would be good to win over Kudo Yusaku. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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