Chapter 1138: Making an Oolong

"Brother Kudo, why are you here?"Officer Megure asked Kuroba Kaito curiously.

"Officer, can you take me to the hospital first?"Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth and asked Officer Megure.

At the same time, Kuroba Kaito also knew that this was an unintentional disaster, and he was trying to prevent it for Kudo Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Of course Kaito understood. After all, Kuroba Kaito had gone to see Kudo Yusaku before, although Kudo Yusaku didn’t know it was him.

"Oh, okay, I've already called the emergency number. Don't worry, Brother Kudo, he'll be here soon."

Officer Megure thought that he was still injured, and immediately said to Kuroba Kaito.

As for the fact that he is not Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Kaito has not opened his mouth to explain anything, mainly because it is difficult to explain clearly.

When he got to the hospital After that, he took out his ID and showed it to Officer Megure.

Kuroba Kaito covered his wound. Although he was not hit in any vital parts, he still felt uncomfortable and felt like he wanted to die.

"Officer Memu, I lost you and didn't follow you."

Not long after, Takagi Wataru ran back and reported to Officer Megure.

"Lost it?"Officer Memu nodded. It was normal for him to lose track of him. The other party was unusual and had the aura of a killer.

Although he didn't see their appearance clearly, Officer Megu felt familiar, as if he had seen them before.

Then the ambulance arrived. Come here, take Kuroba Kaito with you, and then drive quickly to the hospital.

On the way, Officer Megure couldn't help but take out his mobile phone, and then dialed the number about Kudo Yusaku.

Since his son was injured Well, I have to inform this father. I have to say that this misunderstanding is really big.

In addition, at this time, Kuroba Kaito fainted from excessive blood loss, so no one came to explain to Officer Megure.

Kudo Yusaku came to the hospital inexplicably. He was really confused. Could it be that someone was pretending to be his son?

Kudo Yusaku couldn't figure out what the situation was, but he still came to the hospital. Officer Umegure called. , I believe Kudo Yusaku is not a conspiracy.

"Officer Megure, you said my son was shot and sent to the hospital?"After Kudo Yusaku saw Officer Megure, he asked Officer Megure

"Kudo... Yusaku, you are here."

Originally, Officer Megure wanted to call him Kudo-san, but when he remembered that he called Kudo Shinichi, he also used the word"Kudou-san". Naturally, it is no longer easy to use this title now.

So he simply called him"Yusaku-san". Of course, in fact, What it is called is not that important. What is important is that you want to understand the current situation.

"Since you're here, Yusaku, I won't hide it from you. Shinichi was indeed shot and is still undergoing surgery."

Kudo Yusaku had a strange expression. When he came, he even called Tenan and said nothing happened at all.

"Wait a minute, Officer Megure, are you really my son?"Kudo Yusaku stopped what Officer Megure was continuing to say and asked to Officer Megure

"Of course, I am 100% sure that he is your son."Officer Megure said with certainty.

Can Kudo Shinichi still admit his mistakes?

But this one will really admit his mistakes. If you ask someone who is very familiar with Kudo Shinichi to come over, he will also admit it when he sees Kuroba Kaito. Acknowledge the wrong person

"All right."Kudo Yusaku sat down and waited calmly for the operation to be completed.

A few hours later, the operation was finally completed, and Kuroba Kaito was pushed out. At this time, Kuroba Kaito was still in a coma. The operation was performed He was under general anesthesia when he was in the hospital, and he has not yet woken up.

Kudo Yusaku went over to take a look curiously, but this glance made Kudo Yusaku dumbfounded. He actually looked exactly like his son.

If Kudo Yusaku hadn't known In Shinichi's case, I'm afraid he will really regard him as his own son.

"Officer Megure, this is not my son." Kudo Yusaku said to Officer Megure.

Upon closer inspection, Kudo Yusaku finally discovered the differences. Although they looked the same, upon closer inspection, there were still many differences.

Kudo Yusaku's observation skills were originally very keen. , we can naturally discover

"Not your son?"Officer Megure stared at Kudo Yusaku with his mouth open. You don't even recognize your own son, do you?

"That’s right, Officer Megure, there’s no need for me to deceive you, right? This is indeed not my son."Kudo Yusaku said seriously to Officer Megure.

"really not?"

Officer Memu frowned. If that's the case, then who is he?

"I think Officer Megure can investigate his identity first, and I also want to know who he is."Kudo Yusaku became curious about Kuroba Kaito

"Report to Officer Megure that this is the ID found on him. His name is Kuroba Kaito and he is a student of Ekoda High School."

At this moment, Takagi Wataru came to Officer Megure with some identification documents.

".~It turns out it’s really not the case."

After reading the certificate, Officer Memu truly believed it.

"Then why does he look so similar to Shinichi?"Officer Megure stared at Kudo Yusaku with strange eyes.

"Ahem, Officer Megure, you'd better not make any groundless guesses, that's not good."Kudo Yusaku coughed twice, and then said to Kudo Yusaku

"Sorry, sorry, but as you know, some of them are indeed easily misunderstood."Officer Memu said sorry.

"Kuroba Kaito, this last name is so familiar." Kudo Yusaku said silently to himself.

Then Kudo Yusaku thought of Kuroba Toichi, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Could it be that this Kuroba Kaito is Kuroba Toichi's son?"Kudo Yusaku thinks we can investigate.

However, this cannot be investigated by Officer Megure. Kudo Yusaku (Nozo) decided to investigate by himself. As for whether he can find anything, Kudo Yusaku can't guarantee it.

"Officer Megure, I'll leave first." Kudo Yusaku said to Officer Megure.

"That brother Yuzuo was really slow and made an mistake. I'm really sorry."Officer Memu said with an apologetic look. This time he didn't investigate clearly, so he made a mistake.

But it wasn't that he was careless, but after seeing the other party's face, Officer Megu immediately thought of it. Shinichi

"Officer Megure, the sneaky person we are following is him. Do we still need to investigate this?"Takagi Wataru asked Officer Megure

"Investigation, of course this needs to be investigated, it is best to investigate clearly."Officer Megure nodded. He thought it was Kudo Shinichi before, so he didn't think much about it. Now of course he has to investigate.

Takagi Wataru nodded, and then left quickly to investigate the information about Kuroba Kaito._See no underline For version novels, please download Feilu Novels

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