Chapter 1135 Retreat

"Brother, what should I do now? I haven't found Kudo Shinichi at all."Vodka said to his eldest brother Gin.

Vodka was responsible for finding Kudo Shinichi and getting rid of him, but let alone getting rid of him, no one even saw him.

Of course, he couldn't see it. After Kudo Shinichi changed back, For safety reasons, he stayed directly at Dr. Ali’s house, although he also lived at Dr. Ali’s house before.

"Retreat and settle the debt with them next time."Gin said, covering his bleeding arm.

He was already injured, and with the previous gunshots, it won't be long before the police arrive.

If they don't leave now, Gin and the others will really not be able to leave..

In fact, all this is Gin's own fault. Before coming, Gin said he should be cautious, but his own behavior was not even cautious.

Just now, he dared to turn his back on Kudo Yusaku without even confirming whether he was really dead. Looking at Yusaku Kudo, this shows that Gin did not take Yusaku Kudo seriously in the first place~

So it is not a loss for Gin to be injured. Even if his life is lost, he has no one to blame. He can only blame himself for being too careless.

If The gun shot a headshot and made a hole in Kudo Yusaku's head. Do you still need to worry about--do you still need to be injured?

Kudo Yusaku wore a body armor, but if he shot his head, he would definitely die.

Vodka and Qin Gin left, and then Vodka came to drive. Gin injured one hand and must not be able to drive.

Then the two people left quickly.

After Gin and Vodka left for a long time, Conan ran out with red eyes and walked out of Dr. Ari's house. Run out.

When he heard the gunshots coming from next door, Conan couldn't sit still and wanted to run out and have a look.

After all, his father Kudo Yusaku was still at home. What if something happened to his father? ?

But at that time, Conan was held down by Hattori Heiji and Dr. Agasa, so that he did not come out.

Conan must be held down, otherwise what if he ran out and was in danger?

After Conan ran out, Dr. Agasa Hattori Heiji also ran out after him.

"Don't worry, Conan, your uncle will be fine." Hattori Heiji comforted Conan.

"Yes, Yusaku is very capable. Even if there is any danger, I believe he can save it."

Dr. Ali was also comforting Conan, telling Conan not to worry.

But the comfort was just comfort. In their hearts, they also felt that Kudo Yusaku might have been killed, and it was more serious than that.

But in front of Conan, naturally they couldn't say Come out and give Conan bad news. Why don't you give him good news?

"If something happens to my father, I will never let the black organization go."

Conan rushed into the house with red eyes. Conan's heart sank because of the blood stains.

In fact, these blood stains were all left by Gin. After all, Gin's arm was broken. As for Dr. Agasa and Hattori Heiji's previous Conan didn't complain about the incident in his heart. He also knew that he would probably die if they didn't stop him.

After entering the house and searching everywhere, he saw Kudo Yusaku, which made Conan relieved.

"Maybe Yusaku is fine."

Dr. Ali said to Conan, not finding it is better than finding a body. In fact, this is a good thing.

"I'm indeed fine."Kudo Yusaku walked in from the outside. He was also slightly injured. The impact of the bullet caused him a little injury.

But this injury doesn't matter. For Kudo Yusaku, it's just a little pain, nothing serious. Question.

Seeing his father walking in from the outside, Conan breathed a sigh of relief. His heart was now at ease, as long as nothing happened.

"However, Shinichi may have been discovered by the black organization. He did not expect that the black organization's intelligence network would be so strong."

Although Kudo Yusaku is fine, his face is very ugly.

"If you put it this way, it's a good thing that Shinichi has changed back, otherwise it might be really dangerous." Hattori Heiji said.

Looking at Conan, this guy must be very lucky, he almost died.

"Is it a good thing?"Conan smiled bitterly. What kind of good thing is this?

If he hadn't followed the gin and vodka and hadn't been fed the poison, what would he be like now?

But there's no use thinking about it. The fact is Even if he could go back to the past and do it over again, Conan would still make the same choice and follow gin and vodka.

····Seeking freshness······

This can't be changed, his character is like this

"Let's go, let's go to Dr. Ali's house first." Hattori Heiji said, we can't stay here any longer. What if we are killed and turned around?

Although this possibility is unlikely, we must not bet on this possibility. What if the possibility really comes true?

"No, I still don’t want to go."Kudo Yusaku shook his head. He decided to change his place to live first.

We can no longer live at home. It is no longer safe here. If you can have gin and vodka once, you can also come here a second time.

"Why?"Dr. Agasa asked Kudo Yusaku

"I'm afraid it will hurt you. The black organization's target this time is to kill even me. I don't know if they will attack again, but it is more dangerous anyway.".................

Kudo Yusaku knew that his current situation was really dangerous, and if he didn't pay attention, he might pay the price with his life.

At this time, there is nothing wrong with being cautious no matter what. You should still be cautious in everything.

"Well, I hope you're staying safe, Dad."Conan didn't say much.

Maybe if his father comes over, they will be in danger, but this way it won't be so dangerous.

"You should also pay attention, and it is best to be vigilant." Kudo Yusaku said to Conan.

Regarding Conan and the others, Kudo Yusaku was still very worried. His son's three-legged cat's kung fu would definitely not be able to deal with the black organization.

What's more, Conan has become smaller now, and it all depends on Ah Dr. Li prepared some small props for him, but those small props are okay for dealing with ordinary prisoners, but there is no way to deal with killers.

"Don't worry, I will protect them. Hattori Heiji said confidently.

Looking at Hattori Heiji's confident expression, Kudo Yusaku shook his head. His reasoning ability was as good as his own son, but if the force was worth it, it would not be that good. He could not protect anyone at all. The guarantee is good.

But Yusaku Kudo is not too worried. In this situation, the black organization should not take action without authorization. After all, they used firearms this time. It is estimated that Officer Megure is on the way.

Although Officer Memu can't deal with Gin, but he can also pose a certain threat to Gin, so it shouldn't be a problem to deter Gin._

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