Chapter 1,117 Fei Yingli is going to stay

"How about it?"

After Fei Yingli prepared a meal carefully, she asked Chen expectantly. Let's see what Chen says first.

"It feels okay, but I didn’t expect that you could actually change my perception of you."Chen looked at Fei Yingli with some admiration.

The food Fei Yingli cooks now is actually not that delicious, but compared with the extremely unpalatable food in the past, it is much better now.

Fei Yingli's face Showing a smile, it turns out that her hard work and perseverance are working. She tasted it for herself. I don't know if it was due to psychological effects. Fei Yingli thought it tasted better than Xiaolan's. If

Chen knew, she was absolutely sure that Fei Yingli herself was the one. Psychologically speaking, this meal is just mediocre.

Although it’s not terrible, it’s definitely not delicious.

"By the way, Chen, I want to tell you something. Fei Yingli said to Chen

"Um? You say it."

Chen glanced at Fei Yingli doubtfully, and then nodded towards Fei Yingli.

"It's just that I want to go live with you for a while."Fei Yingli looked at Chen and said to him

"Come and stay at my place for a while?"Chen looked at Fei Yingli in surprise. He didn't expect that Fei Yingli would go to live with him for a while.

"Yes, aren't you welcome? Fei Yingli asked Chen

"If you want to come, Yingli, of course you are welcome, but why do you suddenly want to live with me? Chen asked Fei Yingli doubtfully.

"If you want to ask why, it’s because I’m too bored at home. If I go to your place, there’s Yukiko to talk to."

Yukiko on the side couldn't help but curled her lips when she heard this, and muttered to herself:"You definitely didn't go there because of me, did you? You actually used me as a shield."

"Yukiko, what are you mumbling about?"Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko with dangerous eyes.

To be honest, Fei Yingli heard Yukiko's muttering just now clearly. There was nothing we could do. Who made the two of them so close?

"I didn't say anything."Yukiko curled her lips, knowing that Fei Yingli heard it, but she didn't expect Fei Yingli's ears to be quite sensitive.

"Yingli, are you planning to move there today too?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"Well, I've already packed my things, and I don't have much. At most, it's just a change of clothes."

"It turns out that you have prepared everything in advance. If I suddenly reject you, what will you do?"Chen couldn't help but ask.

"No, you won't refuse me. Fei Yingli shook her head. She was absolutely sure that Chen would never reject her.

"Why?"Chen was curious, why is Fei Yingli so confident?

"Do you still need to ask why? Because she knows you well enough." Yukiko said to Chen.

I know you are a big pervert and will never reject a beautiful woman, so Fei Yingli is so sure.

Of course, these are Yukiko's inner thoughts, and she has absolutely no intention of saying them out loud. Because Yukiko knows that if she tells her, Chen will never let her go easily.

Yukiko's character is not that death-seeking, and has not yet reached the point of seeking death.

"So Xiaolan, are you interested in coming to live in my house?"Chen suddenly changed his eyes and focused on Xiaolan.

When Chen asked Xiaolan, Xiaolan's face suddenly turned slightly red, and then she shook her head towards Chen.

"No, I still don’t want to go."It's not that Xiaolan doesn't want to go, but there is a father named Mouri Kogoro at home.

According to Xiaolan's understanding of her father, if she really leaves home, her father will definitely be destroyed.

"Well, since Xiaolan won't go, she can only take Fei Yingli with her. What a pity."

There was a look of pity in Chen's eyes. If possible, Chen really wanted Xiaolan to live with him at his house.

But Chen also knew that it was difficult for Xiaolan to agree to it now. First of all, Xiaolan was so thin-skinned. It's hard to walk through

"Shall we leave now?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"Don't be impatient, wait for Miss Kuriyama Midori."

Fei Yingli shook her head. She still wanted to hand over the documents in her hand to Kuriyama Midori, and then leave the next case to Kuriyama Midi.

Although Kuriyama Midi is just an assistant, she has been with Fei Yingli for so many years, and her work ability is also Very strong.

Some tasks can be completed by leaving it to Kuriyama Midori, and this is just the finishing work. I believe Kuriyama Midori can definitely complete it well. After waiting for a long time, Kuriyama Midori came to Fei Yingli's home.

"Excuse me, Miss Kuriyama Midori, please take a good rest after all this work."

"Teacher Fei Yingli who is not troublesome."

Kuriyama Midori shook his head. In Kuriyama Midori's heart, Fei Yingli had a very good image and taught her a lot of knowledge. Kuriyama Midori really regarded Fei Yingli as a teacher. Then Kuriyama

Midori left with the information in her hand. Chen also helped Fei Yingli prepare the salute inside her hand and moved it towards the car.

"Now that we are ready, let's leave."Chen said.

"Um."Fei Yingli nodded, then locked the door. She probably won't come back for a long time.

Fei Yingli has already planned to rest for a while this time. She has been tired for so long, so she can rest more.

"Now that you have decided to take a rest, don’t go to work secretly this time. Yukiko said to Fei Yingli

"I'm not that desperate yet."Fei Yingri rolled her eyes at Yukiko.

Listening to Fei Yingri's words, Yukiko wanted to complain. I've seen how hard you work when you work.

"Xiaolan, let me take you home first."Chen said to Xiaolan

"Well, yes."Xiaolan nodded. After staying with her mother for a few days, it's time to go back and take a look. I don't know if my father has been drinking secretly.

When it comes to drinking and smoking, Mouri Kogoro is still stubborn. He is absolutely the best at this. It was impossible to quit.

Soon I arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, and then Xiaolan got out of the car and asked Fei Yingli:"Mom, do you want to go up and take a look?"

"What am I going up to see? Nothing to see. Fei Yingli said lightly.

"oh."Xiaolan didn't say anything. She was probably tired, so Xiaolan didn't try to bring together Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingri again.

Maybe it was because they were really not suitable. As a daughter, Xiaolan She doesn’t want to worry about so much anymore, let herself have a good rest. Her studies are the most important now, mainly because it’s useless even if she wants to match her. After communicating, Xiaolan already knows that her mother is very important to her. Dad has no feelings anymore, so he won’t force it and let everything take its course.

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