Chapter 1101: No ethics once

"Chen, you are back. By the way, have you seen Kudo Yusaku outside?"

After Chen and Xiaoai entered the room, Mingmei asked Chen

"Met."Chen nodded towards Mingmei.

"Oh, did he say anything to you?"Mingmei looked at Chen with curiosity in her eyes. I don't know since when, Mingmei's curiosity became very serious.

"I didn't even give him a chance to say anything."Chen sat on the sofa, and then leaned against Belmode next to him.

Belmode pushed Chen, but after finding that he couldn't push, he stopped moving and reluctantly acquiesced.

"Teacher Judy, are you there?"Chen looked at Judy

"I thought you couldn't see me?"Judy said in a faint tone. There was a reason why she said this. It was probably because"197" was often ignored by Chen.

"Of course it's impossible not to see it. As long as it's a beautiful woman, I can see it."Chen said with a smile.

Judy's heart skipped a beat. Is this saying she is a beauty? Judy couldn't help showing a shy expression on her face.

However, this expression flashed away, as if It had never appeared before, because she didn't want to show such an expression in front of this woman, Belmod.

But even though Judy's shy expression quickly faded, it was still seen by Chen, who couldn't help but smile.

To be honest, This is the first time I see Judy showing such a shy expression.

"By the way, Judy, what are you doing here?"Chen asked Judy

"Learn ninjutsu, and she will be there by the way."When Judy saw Bellmode, she became completely cold.

These days, Judy has gotten along very well with Mingmei, Kuroba Chikage and the others, but for Bellmode, to be honest, Judy hates Bell very much. Mod.

After all, he is an enemy. It would be really strange if he didn’t hate him.

"Did you two start a fight?"Chen couldn't help but asked them.

"Yes, if I hadn't been merciful, she would be a corpse now."Belmod smiled faintly, and then said

"Don't think that if you show mercy, I will be grateful to you."Judy said with a cold snort.

Even if she was merciful to her, it would not change Judy's hatred for Belmod.

"I never expected you to be grateful to me."Belmod said flatly.

This was serious. Bermod never expected Judy to be grateful to her. Of course, there was a reason why she was merciful to Judy.

After all, Bermod usually He is ruthless and there is a reason why he showed mercy to Judy.

"Chen, there is something I need to ask you."Judy said to Chen

"Request me?"

Chen was stunned for a moment and looked at Judy in shock. This is probably the reason why he stayed here and did not leave.

"Okay, tell me what happened."

Chen did not agree first. If it was difficult for Chen to agree to what Judy proposed, then of course Chen would refuse.

"Why don't you agree first?"

"Of course not, I'm not a fool. If you tell me something I can't do, what should I do? Chen said with a shrug.

"I remember you said before that you can do anything?"Judy said to Chen.

Judy didn't make this up. Judy clearly remembered that Chen did say this.

"Did I really say that? Even if I said it, I was just making it up."Chen waved his hand towards Judy.

"Well, to tell you the truth, it is actually not difficult for you. I just want you to take the time to teach me."Judy said seriously to Chen

"This."Chen touched his chin and then fell into deep thought.

"So, what do you think about it?"

Judy looked at Chen thinking here for a long time, and couldn't help but asked Chen, why don't you speak?

"Ahem, actually I don’t have time. You have to know that directing other people’s work is very tiring, so I don’t want to."

Chen spread his hands and said, and told Judy the truth that he just didn't want to.

Besides, Judy didn't give him any reward. If there was any reward that could attract him, Chen might really be unscrupulous for once.

It's just that. But there is no benefit now. There is no benefit to this. To be honest, Chen really has no interest at all.

"You refused so directly? This is a request from a beautiful woman to you....."Judy said angrily

"You are right, you are indeed a beauty, but look at Judy, no one here is worse than you."

Chen said to Judy with a smile.

Judy looked around. Although she didn't want to admit it, Judy knew that there was indeed no one here who was worse than her, and even more beautiful than her.

"I'm your teacher, can't you really help me just once?"Judy couldn't help but continued to say to Chen.

"Since you are my teacher, you should be the one to help me."

Chen was not moved at all. Anyway, if there is no benefit, Chen would never waste his time.

Even if Judy is a beauty, it won't work. After all, she is a beauty but she is not his, so Chen naturally has no interest. Got it

"Then tell me, what conditions do you need to help me?"Judy asked Chen helplessly.

"There are no conditions, I just want to be a salty fish. Besides, your talent is not very good, I feel like it is a waste of time."

Chen felt that he didn't want to waste time. Even if he had time, he might as well go out and have fun. Why rush to help? This was what Chen was thinking in his heart.

"You said my talent is not very good?"Judy looked at Chen a little depressed after hearing this.

"Yes, I feel that your talent is not very good, in fact it is indeed not very good."Chen nodded.

Anyway, Judy is definitely not a genius. She is just average. She is much worse than Xiao Ai. Of course, with 2.6, Xiao Ai is the most talented among them.

"I think you are trying to hit me on purpose."Judy said angrily.

"No, no, don't think so. I definitely don't have this idea."Chen directly shook his head and denied that he had absolutely no such idea.

And in fact, Chen really didn't have any such idea at all.

"By the way, Chen, have you eaten?"Mingmei asked Chen at this time, which directly interrupted Judy's topic, but even so, Judy did not intend to give up.

Feeling the strength of Belmod, Judy felt that if she continued like this, she might not be able to do anything for the rest of her life. Revenge, after all, when she becomes stronger, Belmode is also becoming stronger, so Judy can only find other ways now, and the only way she can think of is to find Chen._Feilu reminds you: Reading 3 Things - Favorites, Recommendations

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