Chapter 1091 Kudo Yusaku knows

"Xiao Ai, you are a little abnormal." Chen whispered in Xiao Ai's ear.

"Have it?"Xiao Ai glanced at Chen, and then showed a questioning look.

"Normally, you are quite arrogant and would not deliberately get so close to me, but today is different."

Chen patted Xiao Ai's head, and then said to Xiao Ai


Xiao Ai didn't answer Chen, but just snorted coldly at Chen.

Seeing Xiao Ai's arrogant and indifferent attitude, Chen stopped talking and curiously picked up the documents Fei Yingli put on the table.

"Let me take a look at these things. There should be no problem, right?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"Okay, these are not important secrets, as long as you don’t leak some of the information."

""One hundred and ninety-seven" Fei Yingli nodded, believing that Chen would not leak the information. Fei Yingli had great trust in Chen.

Chen picked it up and looked through it. After reading for a while, Chen was not interested at all. , and threw the document in his hand directly on the table.

Chen is not a Fa student, so he can't understand it at all, and he has no interest in it. He picked it up to look at it just out of curiosity.

"Why don't you watch it? Yukiko asked Chen

"can't read."

Chen said straightforwardly. Anyway, Chen won't pretend to understand. If he doesn't understand, he just doesn't understand.

"Gee, I didn’t expect that there are things you are not good at. Yukiko said with a smile.

"Actually there are only things that don’t interest me."Chen said to Yukiko, if Chen is really interested, he can study it clearly in a few days.

"It's finally done, let's go."Fei Yingli stood up at this time, stretched and said.

These things are finally completed. It's really not easy. Fei Yingli feels a little tired. She really should relax more. I heard Yukiko right. It's not originally So short of money, if that's the case, then why do you have to work so hard and make yourself suffer? You should relax when you have time.

"Where are we going, Yingli, have you decided? Yukiko asked Feiyingli.

Feiyingli looked slightly confused when she heard this, and then said to Yukiko:"Isn't it up to you to make the decision?""

Fei Yingli didn't say that she decided where to go. I originally thought that Yukiko had arranged it, but now looking at Yukiko's appearance, it seems that there was no arrangement at all.

"Uh, I haven't made any arrangements yet. Yukiko shook her head

"If that's the case, let's see now.

Chen looked at the two of them quite speechlessly. They were about to take action but they hadn't marked yet. At this time, they were actually looking at the map.

"Why not have a picnic outside? Just find a nice place." Yukiko said.

Then Yukiko looked at Eiri. Yukiko was not familiar with her, so she should leave it to Eiri to find her. But what Yukiko didn't expect was that Eiri was not familiar with her either.

Basically, Eiri rarely leaves Yoneka Town. I don’t know what beautiful places are around.

After all, Fei Yingli is not interested in playing. She is most interested in work. Otherwise, how can she become the undefeated queen of the legal world?

"It seems that you should leave it to me. Chen sighed and then said.

After that, Chen took Xiao Ai, Yukiko and Fei Yingli downstairs and drove directly out of the city.


"Yuzu, I remembered something, and I don’t know if I should tell you."

Dr. A Li stood behind Yusaku, with a tangled look on his expression.

"Dr. Ali, we have been friends for many years. Is there anything else we can't say? Just say it."

Kudo Yusaku looked at the troubled Dr. Ali, smiled and said to Dr. Ali.

"If that's the case, then I'll tell you, I hope you won't be angry, Yusaku."

Dr. Agasa breathed a sigh of relief, and finally decided to speak out. It is better not to hide this kind of thing from Yusaku, otherwise Dr. Agasa will feel guilty.

When Dr. Agasa said this, in fact, Kudo Yusaku's heart He became even more curious as to what was going on, and specifically asked him not to be angry.

"It's about Yukiko, who has been living in Ri Xiangchen's house."

Dr. Agasa said to Kudo Yusaku, yes, this is what Dr. Agasa wanted to tell Kudo Yusaku. The reason why he did not tell Kudo Yusaku before was not that Dr. Agasa did not remember it, but that Dr. Agasa I don’t know if I should say it.....

After thinking about it for a night, Dr. Ari thought it would be better to tell Kudo Yusaku.

And even if he doesn't tell, Kudo Yusaku may not know.

Kudo Yusaku's face darkened when he heard this. Although there was no relationship between him and Kudo Yukiko, on the surface, in the eyes of others, they were.

If Kudo Yusaku behaves too calmly, he will probably make others suspicious. It doesn't matter if he is suspicious of others, but if others know that he is a Brokeback Mountain, that will not work.

"Dr. A Li, are you telling the truth?"

Dr. Agasa nodded. Seeing Kudo Yusaku's bad expression, he could understand it and even sympathized with it.

However, Dr. Agasa still persuaded Kudo Yusaku and said:"Yusaku, don't think too much. Maybe Youxizi and Ri Xiangchen knew each other and were friends, so they stayed in Ri Xiangchen's house."

In fact, even Dr. A Li didn't believe what he said. After all, if there was no close relationship, how could he live in Ri Xiangchen's home.

If it was only for a day or two, it would be nothing, but according to A Li From what the doctor knows, it seems that Yukiko has been living in Ri Xiangchen’s house.

"I understand, thank you, Dr. Ali."Kudo Yusaku said with a dark face.

Dr. Ari looked at Kudo Yusaku's expression and hesitated slightly, hoping that Yusaku would not do anything irrational.

"Don't worry 2.6, Dr. Ali, I know what I will do." Kudo Yusaku said to Dr. Ali.

Dr. Ali nodded. After all, Kudo Yusaku is also an adult, and he will definitely not act impulsively.

In fact, even though Kudo Yusaku looks ugly on the surface, in fact, his I don’t have much feeling in my heart.

The look I made was just for Dr. A Li to see.

"Dr. Agasa, I have something to do and I have to go out, so I will ask you to take care of Conan."

At this time, Kudo Yusaku changed his name from Shinichi to Conan. Since he didn't want Shinichi to reveal his identity, he naturally had to call him this name, so as not to get used to it and be unable to change his name for a while.

"I see."Dr. A Li nodded. He could probably guess what Yusaku Kudo was going to do, but he believed that Yusaku Kudo could handle it well._Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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