Chapter 1080 is probably because of my thick skin

"Aren't you leaving? Why are you back?"

Fei Yingli raised her head, stared at Yukiko who suddenly returned, and asked Yukiko

"Humph, Yingli, do you really want me to leave? So heartless? Yukiko snorted and asked dissatisfiedly.~

"That's right, your presence here will only affect my work."Feiyingli said without raising her head.

Yukiko's presence here will only affect her work. Feiyingli feels very annoyed and wishes Yukiko would leave as soon as possible.

"It's too much for you to say that. Do I really affect you? I think it's you who influence yourself. Yukiko curled her lips and said.

Yes, in Yukiko's own opinion, Fei Yingli is influencing her, but no one else is influencing her.

Ding dong~!

"somebody is coming? It should be Chen and Xiaolan who are back. Yukiko immediately ran to the door, looked out through the peephole, and then immediately opened the door.

Fei Yingli also put down her work and walked over.

Of course, Chen and Xiaolan were outside the door, although Xiaolan was very shy. , I decided not to come back at first, but later Xiaolan decided to come back.

"Mom, Yukiko...sister, I'm back."Xiaolan lowered her head and raised her head a little embarrassed.

Fei Yingli and Yukiko looked at Xiaolan strangely, and then glanced at Chen. Of course they both saw it.

"Okay, Chen, I think you should find a way to give Yingli an explanation now, otherwise Yingli might let you die in a very rhythmic manner."After Yukiko came closer to Chen, she whispered to Chen.

When Chen heard this, she looked towards Fei Yingli, and at the same time, Fei Yingli also looked at Chen, but Fei Yingli's eyes were very unkind. At this time, Chen believed Yukiko's words, Maybe if Feiyingli really doesn't give an explanation, Feiyingli will really let him die in a rhythmic manner.

But what should he say? Chen doesn't know, and looks at Yukiko in confusion.

At this time, I want to ask for advice. Let Yukiko help him. After all, it is easier to fool Yukiko if he helps him talk.

But the premise is that Yukiko can help him speak.

"Yukiko, please do me a favor. Chen said to Yukiko in a low voice.

"ah? Let me help?"Yukiko glanced at Chen in surprise, and then shook her head.

"It's better not to, I don't think I can help."Yukiko glanced at Fei Yingli, then shook her head at Chen

"Besides, I don't have any benefits, so why should I help you? It's already good enough that I didn't hit you."

Yukiko said expressionlessly. Isn't she jealous in her heart? No, even Yukiko is a little sour in her heart.

"All right."Chen shrugged helplessly, and then walked inside first.

Xiaolan sat on the sofa shyly, glanced at her mother slightly, and saw Fei Yingli staring at her, and suddenly she didn't dare to raise her head.

Could it be that she was spotted? Has this been discovered?

Just thinking of this, Xiaolan's head involuntarily emitted steam. I can't help it, I'm really too shy.

"Xiaolan, why didn't you come back yesterday?"

Fei Yingli adjusted her glasses gently, and then asked pretending not to care. In fact, Fei Yingli was very concerned in her heart.

"That, that."

Xiaolan didn't know how to answer this question. She turned her head and looked at Chen.

"Yingli, Xiaolan and I were together yesterday"

"Oh, what did you and Xiaolan do yesterday?"Fei Yingli's eyes are very sharp, and her aura is so full that people dare not underestimate her.

"If I say and do nothing, Yingli, will you believe it? Chen asked Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli rolled her eyes when she heard this. If she said nothing and did nothing, wouldn't she be regarded as a fool?

"I'm not that easy to fool, I'm not a fool."Fei Yingli looked at Chen and said to Chen

"Actually, Yingli, you have seen it now, haven't you?"Chen said with a slight smile. In fact, Chen was not that nervous in his heart.

As for why he was not so nervous, it was probably because he was thick-skinned.

"You actually dare to say it."Fei Yingli looked at Chen angrily and said. Seeing Fei Yingli's expression, Chen knew that the matter was not that serious.

Looking at Xiaolan, Fei Yingli's eyes gradually became complicated.

Xiaolan felt uncomfortable and looked up. He started and said softly:"Mom, I really like Chen, so……"

····Asking for flowers·······

"So you don’t have to say it, I can see it."Fei Yingli reached out and touched Xiaolan's head.

"Chen, you must treat Xiaolan well in the future. If Xiaolan is wronged in any way, I will never forgive you lightly. Fei Yingli said to Chen seriously.

"Don't worry, if I really let down Xiaolan, I won't forgive myself. Chen said to Fei Yingli with a serious expression.

"If that's the case, that would be great, I would be relieved. Fei Yingli lowered her head slightly, and a look of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Yukiko had been paying attention to Fei Yingli, and of course she saw the change in Fei Yingli's expression.

At the same time, Yukiko also understood why Fei Yingli showed such an expression..................

He glanced at Chen and gave Chen a big roll of his eyes, but because Chen's eyes were not on Yukiko, he didn't see it.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt relieved. In fact, what Xiaolan was most afraid of was her mother's objection. Fortunately, her mother did not object, which also made Xiaolan relax.

"I'm hungry, now I'm waiting for you, Xiaolan, to cook." Yukiko said to Xiaolan.

It's getting late now, Yukiko is really hungry, but neither she nor Fei Yingli are experts in cooking.

Both Fei Yingli and Yukiko are masters of dark cooking. They are originally I was going to order some takeout, but now Xiaolan is back

"Hey Yukiko, it's not convenient for Xiaolan now, so you ask Xiaolan to cook. This is a bit too much."Chen said to Yukiko.

Seeing Chen feeling so sorry for Xiaolan, Yukiko was obviously a little jealous. She was already jealous, but now she is even more jealous.

"In this case, then go ahead and cook. If the food you cook makes me dissatisfied, I won't let you go easily. Yukiko said to Chen in revenge.

"No need, let me do it. Chen doesn't have to worry about me. I'm actually fine."Xiaolan said to Chen

"No, Xiaolan, you'd better have a good rest. It seems it's time for me to show off my skills. It's not like I don't know how to cook."

After Chen stood up, there was confidence in his eyes. After all, cooking is not a difficult task for Chen._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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