Chapter 1078 Autistic Conan

"Something's wrong, where are we going?"

Hattori Heiji, who was tracking, reacted and said to Conan.

If he continues to leave, he will have to leave Rice Flower Town. Hinata Chen and Xiaolan can't leave Rice Flower Town now, right?

"damn it."Conan also reacted and slapped the chair in front of him hard, startling the driver.

"The tracker must have been discovered by Ri Xiangchen. Conan said angrily

"How did he find out? Could it be that he sensed that we were following him?"Hattori Heiji couldn't help but ask Conan.

Conan didn't know this question either, but considering Ri Xiangchen's mysterious method, it's not surprising that the tracker was discovered now.

"So what do we do now?"Hattori Heiji asked Conan, should they continue to track, or go back?

If they continue to track, it is very likely that they are not tracking Hinata Chen at all.

And if they don't continue to track, what if it is Hinata Chen's trick? What to do with the little trick? So what is before them is a multiple-choice question.

"Keep chasing, the driver speeds up, you can pay as much money as you want."Conan said to the driver with red eyes.

Maybe he was scared by Conan, or maybe it was for money, so the driver accelerated, and finally caught up after tracking for more than ten minutes.

But when he saw the tracking vehicle After that, I immediately understood that I had been deceived. This car was not Ri Xiangchen’s car at all.

Conan knew Ri Xiangchen’s car and was familiar with it clearly. The car in front of me was not Ri Xiangchen’s car at all.

"Damn it, you're being set up, stop it."Conan said to the driver, asking him to stop quickly.

"Don't you want to continue chasing?"The driver turned to Conan and asked.

He didn't know who they were chasing, but the driver didn't want to ask so much. Asking too much would not be good for him. He knew that he couldn't cause trouble, and he didn't want to cause any trouble. trouble

"If we don’t continue chasing, please driver, please take us back."Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan who was absent-minded and said to the driver.

"good."The driver nodded after hearing this and didn't say anything else. He turned around and drove back.

"Conan, don't worry, nothing will happen to you, I can assure you." Hattori Heiji said to Conan.

And Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji,"Promise? What can you promise me?

But seeing the driver in front, Conan didn't want to say anything, lest others hear what they shouldn't hear. If he did, he would cause a lot of trouble. Conan didn't want to cause any more trouble now. He felt that the sadness on his face had nowhere to go.

After going back, Conan took out his mobile phone and called Xiaolan's home phone. This is the phone number of the Mori Detective Agency. I want to ask if Xiaolan has gone back. If Xiaolan has gone back, don't worry. If not, then Conan doesn't know what to do.

But if he really hasn't gone back, Even if the world is turned upside down, he still has to find Xiaolan.

Conan called the Mouri Detective Agency, but no one answered, and Mouri Kogoro was not at home at all. It was rare that Xiaolan was not at home, of course Moori Kogoro I want to go out for a drink so as not to be controlled by Xiaolan.

"No one answered."Conan Nan said with a look on his face. No one answered the phone at all, which means Xiaolan hasn't gone back yet.

"In fact, you can call Xiaolan’s number now." Hattori Heiji said to Conan. He woke up the dreamer with one word, and Conan woke up instantly. Yes, he could just call Xiaolan's phone number. Why did he forget it before?

Conan slapped his head suddenly , and then immediately dialed Xiaolan's number, but Xiaolan's phone was already turned off.

After hearing that the phone was turned off, Conan was shocked, and the bad premonition in his heart became deeper and deeper.

"What happened to Conan?"Hattori Heiji saw Conan's stunned look and quickly asked Conan

"Me, I'm fine."Conan shook his head, but looking at his current expression, he didn't look like someone who was fine.

"Come on, come with me to find Xiaolan."

Conan stopped a car and said to Hattori Heiji

"Then do you know where to find Xiaolan?"

"have no idea."Of course Conan doesn't know where Ri Xiangchen took Xiaolan, but even if he doesn't know, he still has to look for it.

If Xiaolan is really not found tonight, Conan will really feel uneasy.

"Okay, I'll look for it with you."Hattori Heiji followed Conan into the car and sat in the car together.

Then Conan and the others began to look for Xiaolan, but it was definitely impossible to find Xiaolan in this way. They searched all night and found no trace of Xiaolan.

They really searched all night, until after dawn, Conan and Hattori Heiji had two dark circles under their eyes, and Conan returned to Dr. Agasa's house extremely disappointed.

".~Conan, in fact, sometimes the results are not as bad as you think." Hattori Heiji comforted Conan.

"Even if Xiaolan is not found, it doesn't mean anything."

However, Conan just walked absentmindedly, as if he didn't hear what Hattori Heiji said.

At this time, his heart hurt a little, as if it was like a thorn, piercing deeply into his heart. Conan felt that every time he Each step was very heavy.

After returning, Dr. Agasa looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan in confusion.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the murderer was not caught?"Dr. Ali asked them

"The murderer was caught, but..." Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, and then didn't say anything else.

It's better not to say this nonsense, otherwise Conan might not be able to help but go crazy, so it's better not to say anything nonsense.

"Just what?"

Hattori Heiji stopped talking, but Dr. Agasa couldn't help but ask C.

Hattori Heiji shook his head towards Dr. Agasa, and then pointed at Conan.

Seeing Hattori Heiji's posture, Dr. Agasa I finally understood. It turned out that it was because of Conan that I couldn’t say anything. He glanced at Conan worriedly, and Dr. Ali didn’t understand what the situation was.

"Dr. Ali, I'll go back to the room and take a rest first."After Conan finished speaking, he walked into the room alone.

"Heiji, what is going on? Why is Conan listless?"

After seeing Conan enter the room, Dr. Ali listened and found no movement, then asked Hattori Heiji.

"I can tell you, but Dr. Ali, don't let Conan know what I said to you." Hattori Heiji thought for a while and said to Dr. Agasa.

Dr. Agasa nodded and told Hattori Heiji that he was tight-lipped and would never say anything casually._

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