Chapter 1076: Officer Megure Please Help

Without waiting too long, Miwako came here with the police officers. In addition to Miwako, Officer Megure also came with her.

What surprised Chen even more was that Hattori Heiji and Conan were actually following him.

But thinking about yesterday, when they helped Officer Megure investigate the case, they probably followed Officer Megure here.

Hattori Heiji was also surprised when he saw Hinata Chen, but Conan's face turned dark because he saw Xiaolan in Hinata Chen's arms.

Xiaolan was actually in Ri Xiangchen's arms. Conan really wanted the scene he saw to be fake.

Hattori Heiji looked around and found that he didn't see Kazuha, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chen, what is going on?"Miwako ran over and asked with concern.

Xiaolan quickly broke away from Chen's arms. After seeing an acquaintance, Xiaolan became shy and a little embarrassed.

"Well, someone attacked me and Xiaolan, and then of course I had to fight back, so now he's dead."

Chen pointed to the corpse not far away. It must have been completely cold now.

Xiaolan was a little worried and held Chen tightly with her little hands, hoping that everything would be fine.

"I'm sorry Chen, if it wasn't for me asking you to come out to accompany me, maybe this wouldn't have happened."Xiao Lan said to Chen with an apologetic look.

"What does it have to do with you?"Chen touched Xiaolan's head and said to Xiaolan.

On the other side, Conan looked at this scene and felt that his teeth were about to be broken. At this moment, he could finally understand the mood of Hattori Heiji yesterday. It was really uncomfortable.

"Sister Xiaolan, why are you here?"Conan asked Xiaolan, wanting to know why Xiaolan followed this guy Ri Xiangchen out.

"Conan, why are you here?"Xiaolan looked at Conan in surprise.

Conan was a little sad. None of the people who came with him actually saw him. Is it possible that the only bastard in his eyes was Ri Xiangchen?

Conan was really not wrong about this, because Xiaolan's gaze It was all on Chen, so I really didn’t notice Conan coming over.

"Sister Xiaolan, you haven't told me yet why you are with this murderer."Conan asked Xiaolan

"Conan, Chen is not a murderer, we are acting in self-defense."Xiaolan looked at Conan angrily with a straight face.

Xiaolan rarely gets angry, but when she is angry, her aura is quite strong, which is completely different from her usual gentle personality.

"Children, please don’t talk nonsense. Also, this place is not for children."Miwako said lightly.

"Damn it, didn’t he admit it just now? Regardless of whether it was self-defense or not, he was now the murderer."Conan roared angrily.

Seeing Xiaolan standing completely on Chen's side and helping Chen speak, Conan was also jealous. Xiaolan was so angry that she was about to argue with Conan, but her hand was held by Chen.

"Xiaolan, don’t be like a child. After all, what he said doesn’t count. By the way, Officer Mumu, do you always bring a child with you when solving crimes?"

Chen looked at Officer Megure, who was said to be a little embarrassed.

In fact, it was not that Officer Megure wanted to take Conan with him, but that Officer Megure wanted Hattori Heiji's help, and Conan was Came here with Hattori Heiji.

It was hard for Officer Megure to drive Conan away, not to mention that Conan did find some clues for them when handling the case.

So Officer Megure was a little more tolerant towards Conan and allowed Conan to follow.

"What is happening?"Miwako asked Chen.

Chen told the specific Kazumiwako, and Miwako nodded. If that's the case, it would be easy to solve.

Miwako walked to the body, and then saw that the man was still holding a handful. knife

"First investigate the person's identity. There are cameras here. You can check the surveillance to know whether it was legitimate defense."

Miwako ordered the other police officers to say

"Officer Miwako, can I conduct an investigation?"Officer Megure asked Miwako.

After all, this case is now under Miwako's charge, and now Miwako and Officer Megure are at the same level, so if Officer Megure really wants to intervene, he still needs Miwako's consent.

Otherwise, if you don’t say anything else, at least you won’t be able to get through it in terms of face.

"Can."Miwako nodded lightly.

Officer Megure immediately went over to check. In fact, the reason why Officer Megure came here was because he tracked the serial murderer who was probably in this area.

And after learning that this person attacked Ri Xiangchen and Xiao After seeing Lan, I felt that this person was probably the murderer.

"Officer Takagi, how are you?"

"There are indeed some characteristics. The murderer left blood stains. We can determine whether the other party is the murderer we are looking for through blood testing."

Takagi Wataru said to Officer Megure.

Soon the forensic doctor came over. After examination, he was indeed the murderer of the recent serial murders.

Officer Megure's face showed joy. It seemed that he had really found the murderer. He The pressure on him can finally be relieved.

Officer Megure has been under a lot of pressure. After all, the murderer has not been found yet, and he cannot give an explanation to the people.

Now that the murderer is dead, everything is over.

Hattori Heiji's eyes It was a bit complicated. He had been investigating for several days, but in the end, the real murderer was met by Ri Xiangchen.

Moreover, Ri Xiangchen also solved the murderer.

"Brother Chen, come here, I need your help with something."Officer Memu suddenly called Chen

"I wonder if Officer Megure wants me to help you?"

"About this murderer."

Then Officer Megure whispered his purpose. After learning about Officer Megure's purpose, Chen immediately agreed.

"Thank you very much, Brother Chen. We at the Metropolitan Police Department will all be grateful to you."Officer Megure left directly.

"Chen, what did Officer Memu tell you? Will things be okay this time?"Xiaolan quickly asked Chen

"It's okay, don't worry."Chen shook his head slightly towards Xiaolan.

"We can leave now and leave the rest to Officer Megure."Chen took Xiaolan's hand and said

"Oh, as long as it's okay."Xiaolan felt relieved after hearing this.

After saying hello to Meihezi, Chen took Xiaolan and left.

"Officer Megure, just let him go like this? Even if this person is a murderer, he must not be let go easily. Conan said angrily

"Of course we will handle this. This person is a murderer, and Brother Chen is naturally a hero."Officer Megure said.

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