Chapter 1059 How do I feel that you are hinting at something?

"By the way, Xiaolan, have you called your dad? Will he be worried?"

While eating, Heye suddenly thought of something and immediately said to Xiaolan

"Forgot about this."Xiaolan patted her head in confusion, then immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of Maori Kogoro.

"Hey, Dad, I won’t go back to eat today. I’m here now. Dad, you can eat by yourself today."

"What, Xiaolan, you won’t come back? If you don't come back, what will I eat? I can't cook."

Moori Kogoro on the other end of the phone jumped up immediately, and then asked immediately:"Xiaolan, are you going to spend the night at Chen boy's place?"

"Although I don’t object to you being together, you must not do anything outrageous."

"Dad, what did you say? I'm hung up."

Xiaolan hung up the phone shyly. She didn't expect that her father would actually say such a thing, and the voice must have been too loud.

Originally, Xiaolan didn't avoid Chen and the others on the phone, but her father used such a loud voice. When 197 spoke, everyone else here must have heard it.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan's face turned red. She lowered her head and didn't know what to say. She secretly blamed Mouri Kogoro.

"Xiaolan, would you like a bowl of miso soup?"

At this time, Mingmei broke Xiaolan's embarrassment and asked Xiaolan with a smile.

"Okay, okay."Xiaolan nodded.

Mingmei took the bowl and filled Xiaolan with a bowl of miso soup. Xiaolan immediately said politely:"Thank you, sister Mingmei."

Others didn't want Xiaolan to be embarrassed, so they didn't say anything, which made Xiaolan relieved.

After dinner, Xiaolan and the others were about to leave. If they didn't leave, it would get dark.

"Xiaolan, do you want to spend the night here? I promise I won't do anything extraordinary."At this time, Chen suddenly said jokingly to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's face turned red when she heard this, and then she glared at Chen, feeling particularly shy.

"Chen, what are you talking about?"Xiaolan raised her fist and threatened Chen.

Xiaolan's fist is very powerful. A punch can leave a hole in a solid cement pillar, but it has no deterrent effect on Chen.

"If Xiaolan stays, can we stay too?"Yuanzi and Heye suddenly asked Chen

"Is this a problem? In fact, I just welcome Xiaolan to stay. I’d better forget what you said."

"Damn it, Xiaolan, hurry up and hit him, I'll help you."He Ye immediately said to Xiaolan

"Just kidding, if you stay here, of course I will welcome you. Chen said with a slight smile.

"No."Xiaolan blushed and shook her head. She was young, and Heye must be embarrassed to stay here. Yuanzi also looked at Xiaolan and Heye, and of course she chose to follow the crowd.

"In this case, I will take you back," Chen said to Xiaolan and the others.

Xiaolan and the others did not refuse. If they walked back, it would be late at night when they got home, and they would be very tired from walking.

"If you don't tell me, I will ask you to send me back."Yuanzi

, Xiaolan and Heye are okay. Xiaolan's home is not too far away from here, and Heye still lives in Xiaolan's home.

But Yuanzi is different. Yuanzi lives too far away from here. Well, if Yuanzi is allowed to walk back, he may not be able to get home at ten o'clock in the evening.

Chen drives Xiaolan and the others back, of course Xiaolan and He Ye and the others are sent off first. After all, they are relatively close to each other.

After seeing Xiaolan and He Ye off, Chen drove Yuanzi home.

Seeing that Yuanzi didn't speak on the way, Chen couldn't help but asked in confusion:"Yuanzi, why don't you speak ?"

If it was Xiaolan who was quiet, Chen wouldn't feel confused, but Yuanzi is different (becg). She has a lively personality and likes to make noises. Now that she is quiet, Wuyou suddenly feels uncomfortable.

"Well, Chen, I actually have a question to ask you. Yuanzi said to Chen

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Of course, if I don’t answer them, it doesn’t matter. Chen said to Yuanzi with a smile.

"Actually, I want to ask about Hongzi, are you"

"Is it something?"Chen asked Yuanzi

"Forget it, I won’t ask anymore."In the end, Yuanzi simply stopped asking. In fact, Yuanzi just wanted to ask if Chen and Hongzi were in that kind of relationship.

But in the end, Yuanzi was embarrassed to ask, and even if she asked, Chen might not tell her.

After a while, They arrived at Yuanzi's home. After Yuanzi got off the car, he looked at Chen and asked,"Chen, do you want to go in and sit for a while?"

"No, let's wait another day. It's too late today. I have to go back."Chen shook his head towards Yuanzi.

"Oh, just stay here with me. I am the only one at home today, and I am very scared to be alone. Yuanzi said to Chen

"How do I feel that you are implying something to me? Chen looked at Yuanzi and said involuntarily.

"What are you implying? Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, but after a while, Yuanzi suddenly came back to his senses and glared at Chen.

"Chen, what are you thinking about? I didn't hint you anything. I won't keep you here anymore. Let's go."

Yuanzi was so angry that he kicked him out directly.

"Okay, then I'll leave."Chen waved to Yuanzi and then left directly.

"Hey, I’m really gone."Yuanzi looked at Chen driving away and couldn't help but pout slightly.

"Yuanzi, what are you doing standing at the door? Who were you talking to just now?"Suzuki Ayako's voice suddenly came from behind Sonoko.

Sonoko immediately turned around, looking as if she was startled.

"Huh, you scared me to death. Sister, don’t you make any sound when you walk? And sister, didn’t you go with your mother to discuss cooperation? Why are you back?"

Sonoko looked at Suzuki Ayako in surprise. Fortunately, Chen didn't stay. Otherwise, if her sister saw it, I don't know what her sister would think. No

, why should I care about what my sister thinks, even if It was really a misunderstanding. Yuanzi felt that she should be more willing.

"Mom left first without waiting for me, so I didn’t go. Who was that person just now? Was he your boyfriend Sonoko?"Ayako asked Sonoko with some gossip.

"No, it would be great if it were. Besides, sister, you don’t have a boyfriend yet. How can I have a boyfriend?"Sonoko shook her head towards Ayako and said

"Who is that? It looks familiar to me, but I didn’t see it clearly"

"Why are you asking so many questions? I'm going back to rest."Yuanzi obviously didn't want to answer and walked directly into the house._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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