Chapter 1057 I heard Chen say Hongzi, are you feeling unwell?

Early the next morning, Chen and Xiao Ai walked towards school, while Xiao Ai looked at Chen with confusion.

"Where is Anko Koizumi? Why doesn't she come along?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"Ahem, she felt a little unwell today, so she took a day off."Chen coughed twice towards Xiao Ai, and then said

"uncomfortable?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen, feeling that it was not that simple. Was it her imagination, or was it really not that simple?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I'm too handsome? Chen asked, smiling at Xiao Ai who was staring at him.

Xiao Ai curled his lips in disgust, and then said,"I always feel like you are changing the subject.""

"By the way, what happened to Koizumi Hongzi? What did you do in the room yesterday?"Xiao Ai asked Chen, quite intent on getting to the root of the matter.

In fact, Xiao Ai is not stupid, and he actually realized it at this time, but because he had guessed it, Xiao Ai felt even more unhappy, and felt a little sour in his heart.

"If I said we didn't do anything, Xiao Ai, would you believe it?"Chen asked looking at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai shook his head lightly, believing in a ghost. If Chen said that she didn't do anything, then he would be completely treating himself as a fool.

"That's my explanation anyway, it's none of your business if you don't believe it."Chen said no more and took Xiao Ai to school.

After sending Xiao Ai to school, Chen also went to Didan High School. Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Heye who came to the school early saw that Chen was the only one. Come on, something suddenly felt strange

"Where is Hongzi? Why didn't she come?"Yuanzi asked Chen

"Hongzi felt a little uncomfortable, so she took some rest at home and asked for leave."Chen said to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

It's uncomfortable. Yes, it is indeed uncomfortable. After all, it's the first time.

"So how is Hongzi doing now? is it serious?"Xiaolan and the others asked Chen with concern.

"Uh, this, it's not serious"

"Then let's go see Hongzi after school."Xiao Lan suggested

"OK, I agree."Yuanzi nodded. They also have a very good relationship with Hongzi. Now that they heard that Hongzi was not feeling well, of course they had to take a look.

"I believe Hongzi will be very happy after you go."

Chen and the others will not go back when school is over at noon, because the time after school is very short at noon, so they usually stay in the school to eat.

After school in the afternoon, Xiaolan and the others will follow Chen to pick up Xiao Ai.

"Xiao Ai, long time no see."Yuanzi waved to Xiao Ai and said hello.

Xiao Ai looked at Yuan Zi with a faint look. Yuan Zi is no longer surprised by Xiao Ai's cold appearance, because he knows that Xiao Ai's character is like this.

Xiao Ai Looking at Chen with questioning eyes, he didn't understand why they came too.

"It's like this, Xiaolan and the others heard about Hongzi's suit, so they prepared to check on Hongzi's condition. Chen said to Xiao Ai with a smile.

"oh."Xiao Ai glanced at Chen and walked in front.

Soon after returning home, Mingmei opened the door and looked at Houlan and the others standing there. She was also quite surprised.

"Miss Xiaolan, Miss Yuanzi, and Miss Ye are here too."Mingmei said with a smile towards them.

"Sister Mingmei, you don’t need to be so polite to us."Xiaolan couldn't help but said

"Are you all guests? Of course you have to be polite and come in."Mingmei immediately invited them in

"Sister Mingmei, why didn’t you see Hongzi? How is she? I heard she wasn't feeling well, so we came over to take a look."

When Mingmei heard this, she glanced at Xiaolan and the others with a strange expression, and then looked at Chen.

They would know that Hongzi was not feeling well, and it was probably Chen who told them, but Chen still dared to say it.

"Hongzi is in the room, why don't I call her."Mingmei said

"No, let's go over and take a look."Xiaolan immediately shook her head and prepared to go to Hongzi's room to take a look at Hongzi.

"Then I'm going to cook, so let Chen take you there."Mingmei said.

Chen shrugged, and then took Xiaolan and the others to Hongzi's room. The door was not locked. When he opened the door, he saw Hongzi sitting there.

"How are you now, Hongzi?"Chen asked Hongzi with a smile.

Hongzi couldn't help but glared at Chen, and then he saw Xiaolan and the others. When he saw Xiaolan and the others, Hongzi felt quite shy.

"Xiaolan, why are you here?"

"Why, aren't you welcome? Yuanzi came over and sat next to Hongzi, and asked Hongzi:"I heard Chen say that Hongzi is not feeling well?""

Hongzi glanced at Chen, glared at Chen secretly, and then nodded to Yuanzi.

It was indeed uncomfortable. If she was asked to go to school in the morning, she would definitely not be able to do it.

"So what happens now? Is it getting better?"Xiao Lan asked with concern.

"It's okay now. Thank you Xiaolan for your concern."

Hongzi stood up and said, it's been a day, and now Hongzi has recovered, but Hongzi still has a lot of resentment towards Chen in his heart. He actually told Xiaolan and the others what happened. It's good to see Xiaolan and the others looked like they didn't know the truth, so Hongzi felt a little more at ease.

"Hongzi, just be okay."Xiaolan and the others felt relieved when they saw that Hongzi was really fine.

"What are you still doing standing here? Yuanzi suddenly looked at Chen and said, while Chen looked at Yuanzi with a question mark on his face. What does Yuanzi mean?

"We are talking to each other, don’t you think it is superfluous for you to stand here? You are right. Yuanzi asked Xiaolan and the others.

"Yes, I think it's redundant too."Hongzi glanced at Chen, then nodded and said.

Looking at Hongzi, Chen secretly gritted his teeth, okay, it seems that if I don't give you a little bit of strength, you don't know what family law is.

In the end, Chen was still beaten by Hongzi Together with Xiaolan and the others, they were kicked out of the room. Chen, who was kicked out, looked quite depressed.

"Judging from your expression, it doesn't seem like you are very happy."Belmod looked at Chen with a smile on his face.

"The door wasn't closed just now, you should be able to hear it, right? So you are watching my joke on purpose."Chen looked at Belmode and said

"Where is it? I don't have it. After all, how dare I? Even if you give me ten courages, I'm afraid I won't dare to see your joke."Belmod shook his head and said

"Haha, I don’t think I need to give you the courage, you dare yourself."

Chen looked at Belmode and sneered. Just now, this woman was definitely watching his joke. She must find a chance to clean it up._Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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