Chapter 1053 The Beaten Conan

"Kudo, where are you?"

After Hattori Heiji left the classroom, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Conan.

Because he knew that Chen and Conan had met, Hattori Heiji was very worried, although usually there would be disputes between them because of some things. There will be some conflicts when there are differences, but Hattori Heiji is very concerned about Conan's situation. They are good friends.

"Hattori, what do you want from me?"Conan is walking towards the school silently

"I heard that Ri Xiangchen was looking for you. Are you okay?"

"He is not looking for me, but I am looking for him."Conan said calmly.

"Why are you looking for him?"Hattori Heiji asked Conan unexpectedly.

"This involves some things that I am not comfortable telling you."Conan does not intend to tell Hattori Heiji why he went to find Hinata Chen.

If he wanted Hattori Heiji to know, Conan would not have gone to find Hinata Chen alone.

"No, is there something that I can't even tell you?" Hattori Heiji felt a little angry. Is there something that even he has to hide?

Conan fell silent after hearing this. Some things are really inconvenient and he told Hattori Heiji that there is nothing he can do about it.

"This involves my personal affairs, so I'm sorry."Conan said to Hattori Heiji.

After Conan said it was a private matter, Hattori Heiji stopped asking in the end. If he could be told, Conan would have told him. The reason why he did n't say it now must be that there is something he couldn't say. Hattori Heiji calmed down his somewhat angry mood and calmed down.

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions, but if there is really something important, remember to tell me."Hattori Heiji said to Conan seriously.

"Well, if there is something really important, I will choose to tell you."Conan nodded and then said.

Then Conan hung up the phone. He had to rush to school quickly, otherwise he would be late. If he was late, he might be punished.

Although Conan looks like a child, he is actually a child. A real high school student naturally doesn't want to be punished. That would be too embarrassing.

After hanging up the phone, Hattori Heiji looked up and saw the class teacher standing in front of him.

"Hattori-san, although we are not allowed to carry mobile phones, we still ask Hattori-san not to use them openly and openly. Hattori

Heiji looked embarrassed, immediately put away his phone, lowered his head to admit his mistake to the teacher, so as not to be lectured again.

Then Hattori Heiji quickly returned to the class. After returning, Hattori Heiji glanced at Hinata Chen. Conan did not tell Hattori Heiji was too embarrassed to ask about his reasons, but this did not mean that Hattori Heiji was not curious in his heart.

Ri Xiangchen definitely knew, but Hattori Heiji didn't want to. Even though he was very curious, Hattori Heiji didn't want to go and ask..

It’s just that his eyes kept looking towards Chen, but he felt that it was very secretive, but it couldn’t be hidden from Chen at all.

Being stared at all the time made Chen a little annoyed.

"What are you looking at? Chen turned his head and asked Heiji behind Chen.

Is there something wrong with you, a grown man, staring at me? Chen felt that Hattori Heiji had become a gay by following Kudo Shinichi.

Hattori Heiji was a little embarrassed. , embarrassed after being discovered, but still said firmly:"I didn't look at you."

"hehe."Chen sneered. If he looked again, Chen decided to dig out this guy's eyes.


At Didan Elementary School, although Conan came to school, he was still late. Although he was not punished, he still lectured Conan.

Conan stood on the podium quite embarrassed. When the teacher asked him to go back, he felt as if he had been forgiven.

If I had known earlier, I would have made up a reason in advance, and this way I would have avoided being preached to.

"Conan, why are you late today? Mitsuhiko asked Conan

"It has nothing to do with you."Conan said coldly.

He was already unhappy in his heart, and after being lectured for a long time, Conan was even more unhappy, so when facing Conan, he didn't feel angry.

"Hey, Conan, what's your tone? Mitsuhiko just cares about you, how can you do this?"Yantai accused Conan very dissatisfied.

Mitsuhiko was also very unhappy. He originally wanted to care about Conan, but Conan didn't give him any good temper. Of course, he didn't feel better either.

"Now that class is in session, please stop talking."The teacher said it above.

Because the teacher spoke, Genta and Mitsuhiko couldn't argue with Conan anymore and listened to the teacher's lecture obediently.

However, after class, Mitsuhiko wanted Conan to give an explanation.

"Conan, I care about you kindly, but you don't appreciate it. Why don't you apologize to me? Mitsuhiko said to Conan unhappily.

".~That’s it, apologize to Mitsuhiko quickly, or I’ll beat you up. Yuantai threatened Conan with his fist.

"Can you two go away from me?"Conan slapped the table and stood up, and then shocked Mitsuhiko and Genta.

This was the first time they saw Conan so angry. The sudden anger shocked them, and they didn't dare to speak for a while. Got it


Xiao Ai glanced at them, gave them a slight cut, and then turned away.

Mitsuhiko and Yuantai's faces turned red. Xiao Ai's behavior just now seemed to be disdainful of them being frightened by Conan. As children, , just to gain reputation. Naturally, my self-esteem can't stand it. In fact, Xiao Ai didn't mean that, I just think they are very childish.

"Damn it, it's obviously your fault, so why bother?"Yantai's fist as big as a sandbag suddenly hit Conan's body.

Conan was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by Yuantai (Deno Zhao). After Mitsuhiko saw it, he was angry with Conan. He also attacked Conan

"What should Xiao Ai do? Conan was beaten?"After Bumi saw it, she quickly asked Xiao Ai about Dao Bing.

Now Bumi and Xiao Ai are at the same table.

"The one who was beaten was Edogawa Conan. What does it have to do with us?"Xiao Ai glanced at Bumi, and then said lightly

"But the teacher said that fighting is wrong. If the teacher knows, will they be punished?"Ayumi asked worriedly.

Because she has a good relationship with Conan, Genta and Mitsuhiko, Ayumi is worried that they will be punished by the teacher.

"Since you are going to fight, shouldn't you bear the corresponding punishment?"Xiao Ai didn't even look at it, lying on the table with a bored look on her face.

Bumi was very entangled at this time and wanted to persuade her, but she didn't dare to go up._Fei

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