Chapter 1049 It’s hard to speak

"You are back."

Koizumi Hongzi heard the door open, walked out and said, then came directly to Mingmei's side, took Mingmei's hand and said quickly:"Sister Mingmei, can you help me make something to eat? I'm starving"

"Hongzi, haven't you eaten?"Mingmei was shocked for a moment, and then asked Hongzi

"After you left, there was no one to cook at all, so I didn't eat at noon, and now I'm hungry until the evening."Koizumi Hongzi said to Mingmei. Hearing this,

Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi and Belmod beside him quite speechlessly.

"Don’t you know how to order takeout?"

"Not delicious, too lazy to order. Hongzi shook his head

"I think laziness is the most important thing, otherwise I wouldn’t be hungry." Chen looked at Belmod, Koizumi Hongzi and the others and said

"I asked you to go together, but you didn't, and now you are starving here. Chen said with a slight smile.

"Don't say we are lazy, isn't laziness learned from you?"Belmod glanced at Chen lightly.

"Oh, so you mean I'm lazy?"Chen Chen stared at Belmod197 and the others with somewhat dangerous eyes and asked.

"Is not it?"Koizumi Hongzi is not afraid of Chen at all. Anyway, in Koizumi Hongzi's opinion, Chen is quite lazy, almost the same as her, no, lazier than her.

After all, when she has nothing to do, she will also study magic, and Chen is oneBe a salted fish at home

"Koizumi Hongzi, you are very courageous, aren't you afraid that I will teach you a lesson?"Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi and asked

"Then come and give it a try."Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen provocatively, showing that she was not afraid of Chen at all.

"Just try it."As Chen said, he caught Koizumi Hongzi, and then left with Koizumi Hongzi.

The others looked like they were watching the excitement. Even if Koizumi Hongzi asked for help, it did not cause any fluctuations in them.

"I'm going to prepare dinner first."Mingmei said and walked into the kitchen, but just as she entered, Mingmei walked out again.

"There are no ingredients left. Who among you is going to prepare the ingredients?"Mingmei looked at several people

"I'm so tired and don't want to move."Yukiko sat on the sofa with a look of reluctance. It was obviously impossible to let Yukiko go.

Finally, Kuroba Chikage went to buy ingredients. When leaving, she even pulled the reluctant Yukiko up and took Yukiko with her..

Yukiko scolded Chikage Kuroba for her behavior, but there seemed to be nothing that could be done.

After they came back from buying ingredients, they saw Chen and Koizumi Anko sitting on the side. Yukiko walked over curiously and asked Koizumi Anko Said:"How are you? Are you okay? Koizumi

Anko glanced at Kuroba Qiankage, and said lightly:"It's okay, what can I do?""

Koizumi Hongzi said very calmly that she was fine, but it was still fake. Only Koizumi Hongzi knew about this.

"By the way, Yukiko, you didn’t take your cell phone, right? Someone called you before."Belmod asked Yukiko

"Who? Yukiko asked Bermod in surprise.

"How do I know this? I only know how to read it on your mobile phone."Belmod rolled his eyes at Yukiko.

"Then I'll go take a look. Yukiko thought that her mobile phone seemed to be charging. Because of charging, she did not take her mobile phone with her when she removed it. When she came to the room and turned on her mobile phone, Yukiko did find several missed calls, and they were all one Human, her cheap son Kudo Shinichi's

"Why would this brat contact me? Could it be that he encountered some trouble?"Yukiko frowned, and then called back.

Conan, who was at Dr. Agasa's house at this time, immediately stood up after hearing the ringtone of his cell phone, and then said:"Dr. (becg), I'm going to take a call.."

Conan took the phone and left, making Dr. Agasa and Hattori Heiji a little strange.

"Ever since I came back from the exhibition, I felt like something was wrong with Conan." Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said

"Doctor, have you discovered it?" Hattori Heiji asked Dr. Agasa

"I did find that something was wrong with Conan, and I didn’t know what was wrong."There was some worry in Dr. Ali's eyes, and he was a little worried about Conan's situation.

Conan obviously had something to hide from them. As long as Conan hid it from them, it would definitely be a big deal. Of course, it might also be some private matter.

Conan deliberately He left the room, took out his voice changer, and adjusted the voice changer to his own voice when he was still Kudo Shinichi. Then he answered the call.

"Hey, mom, why didn't you answer the phone before?"

Conan first asked Yukiko. He called Yukiko more than once, but Yukiko didn't answer any of them.

"Brat, did you just call me mom? Do you think I'm very old?" Yukiko asked Conan very unhappy.

Cold sweat broke out on Conan's forehead for a moment, but thinking that Yukiko was not here now, Conan relaxed.

Besides, even here, it is impossible to know him, after all, he is now They have all become smaller.

Even though they are very similar to when they were children, no one would think of this. After all, no one thinks that people will become smaller.

This is no longer science fiction, this is simply a myth. Conan has not become smaller. Before, I would never have believed that something like this would happen.

"No, I didn't mean anything else."

Conan still explained. Otherwise, if he changes back sometime and sees Yukiko again, he doesn't know if he will be punished.

"Hum, after seeing you, I will deal with you again. Tell me why you are calling me?" Yukiko snorted coldly, and then asked. After hearing this, Conan thought of the main topic, which was the purpose of calling Yukiko. But just after thinking of this purpose, Conan's expression became a little stiff.

How should I ask this? Should I just say it directly? , I saw that you and Ri Xiangchen are very close. Is there any problem between you?

Conan is really embarrassed to say it, but if he doesn't say it, Conan's words will be held in his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

"Well, mom, where are you now?"Conan asked Yukiko. In fact, Conan knew that Yukiko was at Chen's house now.

So Conan became more and more suspicious that his guess was right, but it was difficult to speak.

"I'm at a friend's house now. If you have anything to do, just say it quickly and don't ramble on. If you don't talk, I'll hang up the phone. Yukiko said a little impatiently.

Sensing Yukiko's impatience, Conan scratched his hair with a sad look on his face. He had not yet made up his mind whether to ask or not. He was really confused._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading -Collect and recommend

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