Chapter 1044: Eye-catching

Chen was given a hammer blow by the angry Xiao Ai, and then Xiao Ai left with a groan.

"There won't be any problems if she leaves on her own, right?"Fei Yingli looked at Xiao Ai's back and said, she is a little girl after all, so Fei Yingli was a little worried.


Xiao Ai is not a real child. How could something happen? She is not going to complain to Mingmei now.

Probably not. After all, with Xiao Ai's character, she will definitely not do such a thing. Chen and Fei Yingli chatted for a while. Xiaolan and the others suddenly appeared here. Xiaolan looked very surprised after seeing Fei Yingli.

"Mom, I didn’t expect you to come too."

"Xiaolan."Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan and smiled slightly, and then walked towards Xiaolan.

Of course they came here because of Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai told Xiao Lan the news that Fei Yingli was also coming, and then Xiao Lan couldn't wait to rush coming

"Yingli, do you only see your daughter and not me? This makes me very sad. Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli with dissatisfaction and said

"Yukiko, why are you here too?"

Just now, 197's attention was focused on Xiaolan. Feiyingli really didn't see Yukiko. But now that she saw Yukiko, Feiyingli looked a little surprised. She was surprised that Yukiko also came here to participate in the exhibition.

"Why can't I come? Yukiko snorted softly, feeling as if Fei Yingli said she couldn't come.

"The exhibition is about to start. Come over quickly."Yuanzi said

"Are you a gardener?"Fei Yingli looked at Yuanzi with questioning eyes. Because Yuanzi had changed so much, Fei Yingli didn't dare to recognize her anymore.

"That's right, Aunt Fei, I am Yuanzi, don't you recognize me?"Yuanzi looked at Fei Yingli strangely. As a barrister, he shouldn't be so forgetful.

Fei Yingli has naturally seen Yuanzi many times before. If he doesn't recognize Yuanzi now, it's entirely because Yuanzi has changed so much. , I couldn't recognize it for a while.

Following Yuanzi, the group came to the exhibition hall, which was already filled with various jewelry. Chen just took a look at it and lost interest.

For others, this is still a good piece of jewelry. , but for Chen, these things are really worthless (becg). He has too much.

"It's really boring."Chen picked up a glass of wine and drank alone in a corner.

At this time, Xiao Ai came over with a piece of cake and sat next to Chen

"Are you not interested either?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"Well, I have little interest in those things."Xiao Ai nodded lightly. He has always disliked jewelry.

"Have you seen Edogawa Conan and Hattori?" Xiao Ai raised his head and asked Chen.

Chen was slightly stunned, and then said:"You mean Edogawa Conan and Hattori are here too?"

"Well, I saw them before, and Dr. A Li, probably they followed Dr. A Li."Xiao Ai nodded and said.

Chen nodded and then ignored him. Whether the two of them come or not has nothing to do with Chen. How about Chen not paying attention to them at all?

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"What does it mean? What does it have to do with me that they are here too?"Chen glanced at Xiao Ai and felt that Xiao Ai's question was a bit puzzling.

"Didn't you say that both of them are gods of death? If they come here together now, something might happen."

"If something really happens, it has nothing to do with me."

Chen raised his hand and tapped Xiao Ai's forehead lightly, then took the cake away from Xiao Ai's hand.

"Well, it tastes pretty good."Chen nodded with great satisfaction.

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, glanced at Chen lightly, and then snatched the cake back.

"If you want to eat, go get it yourself."Xiao Ai said lightly.

"I feel very good about grabbing delicious food wherever I can find it. Chen said with a smile.

"I think you are deliberately trying to bully me."Xiao Ai looked at Chen angrily and wanted to slap the cake in her hand on Chen's face.

"Do you want to slap the cake directly on my face?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"how do you know?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen and could actually see what she was thinking.

"Because you have shown it on the surface, how can I still not see it?"Chen shrugged, and then said

"I'm going to find Mingmei and the others. Are you still sitting here?"Chen stood up and asked Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai stood up directly, then followed Chen, and followed Chen to find Mingmei and the others. When he came to them, Chen found that Suzuki Tomoko was also here. Chen looked at Suzuki Tomoko glanced at him, and Suzuki Tomoko secretly blinked at Chen after seeing Chen.

Others did not see it, but Xiao Ai was standing next to Chen, so of course it was impossible not to see it.

"what happened?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"What's going on?"Chen looked at Xiao Ai inexplicably.

"What was going on with the way Tomoko Suzuki looked at you just now? I saw it just now. She seemed to be flirting with you."

Xiao Ai stared at Chen suspiciously, and a suspicion began to arise in her heart.

"You must have seen it wrong, Xiao Ai, your eyesight is not good."Chen naturally won't admit anything to Xiao Ai, and directly says that Xiao Ai is wrong. But Xiao Ai is 100% sure that he is definitely not wrong, but if Chen doesn't admit it, Xiao Ai has nothing to do. In the end, Xiao Ai is 100% sure that he is not wrong.

You can't force Chen to admit it, right?

"snort."Xiao Ai snorted softly and decided to stare at Chen and Suzuki Tomoko. She will definitely be able to find some evidence.

"Stop humming, you know this is not good."Chen pinched Xiao Ai's face, and then said

"What does this have to do with you"

"Okay, it has nothing to do with me"

"Chen, you and Xiaoai, did you two quarrel again?"Mingmei turned around and looked at Chen and Xiaoai.

Xiaoai glared at Chen, then ran to Mingmei's side, obviously not wanting to pay attention to him.

Chen shrugged, and then said hello to Suzuki Tomoko, Tomoko Suzuki left after that, and she went to greet other people.

This exhibition was held by her, so she was naturally responsible for greeting people. Of course, the exhibition was not actually the purpose, the most important thing was business exchanges.

This is equivalent to a It's just a business exchange meeting, and the people who come are basically all well-known in business.

Of course, people from other industries are also invited, and a large consortium still needs to build some relationships when necessary. Even if it is In other industries, the Suzuki Consortium may not be involved in the future, so there is no harm in getting to know each other, but for Chen, this is a bit boring._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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