Chapter 1039 You don’t understand!

"Mom, I think there is nothing wrong with me. I can be discharged from the hospital now. Hattori Heiji said to Hattori Shizuka.

After Hattori Shizuka was defeated, he came to the hospital and was ready to see how Heiji was recovering.

But Hattori Shizuka had just arrived here, and Hattori Heiji wanted to be discharged from the hospital. Heiji said that he really didn’t want to stay here anymore and was about to be suffocated to death.

"no." Hattori Shizuka refused directly.

"I am really fine. Even the doctor can say that I have been discharged from the hospital. If you don’t believe it, you can ask the doctor." Hattori Heiji said

"real?" Hattori Jinghua looked at Hattori Heiji suspiciously.

Could it be that he wanted to be discharged from the hospital, so he persuaded the doctor? The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

In the end, Hattori Jinghua found several doctors, and then confirmed that Hattori Heiji I can be discharged from the hospital, and there will be no obstruction after that.

"I can finally be discharged from the hospital."Hattori Heiji now wants to jump up and celebrate.

"Don't get too happy too early. After you're discharged from the hospital, come back with me." Hattori Shizuka said to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji's expression froze slightly. He looked at Hattori Shizuka and wanted to say something, but Hattori Shizuka turned his head away without giving Hattori Heiji a chance to speak.

"Anyway, I won’t go back now, I still have things to do." Hattori Heiji shook his head and said

"what are you up to? Should we go find Ri Xiangchen again and go to the hospital again?" Hattori Jinghua frowned, looked at Heiji and asked

"Well, I won't be looking for him for the time being."Hattori Heiji said.

After suffering several losses, Hattori Heiji also learned wisely and decided not to settle accounts with Ri Xiangchen for the time being, and tolerated it for the time being.

When he seizes the opportunity, he will go to Ri Xiangchen again.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Hattori Jinghua glanced at Hattori Heiji. Although he said so, he would definitely not let it go.

Even she is not Ri Xiangchen's opponent. She doesn't even know how powerful Ri Xiangchen is. She is so stupid. If his son rushes forward again, he will definitely be sent to the hospital.

So to be on the safe side, Hattori Jinghua thought it would be better to take him away and leave here.

Hattori Jinghua thought about taking Hattori Heiji away, but Hattori Heiji is not willing to accept it.

He is indeed unwilling to suffer a loss in the hands of Hinata Chen, but the most important thing to Hattori Heiji is Kazuha. As long as Kazuha is here, Hattori Heiji will never leave.

And he still wants to Investigating the black organization, for Hattori Heiji, this is even more important than Ri Xiangchen.

No, according to Conan, Ri Xiangchen seems to have some relationship with the black organization, so the two are equally important.

In short, Hattori Heiji will not come back. Even Hattori Shizuka will not try to take him back.

Hattori Heiji has become stubborn, even if Hattori Heiji hides, let alone Hattori Shizuka. Hattori Heiji is Even if Hattori Shizuka threatened Hattori Kuro, it would be of no use.

With Conan's help in persuading him, Hattori Shizuka agreed to let Hattori Heiji stay here and promised Hattori Heiji to keep it a secret. When she was injured for the first time, Hattori Heizo would not be asked to report to her.

To this, Hattori Heiji naturally agreed wholeheartedly. After Hattori Heiji agreed, Hattori Shizuka did not care whether it was perfunctory or not, and left directly.

Send Hattori Shizuka away. After that, Hattori Heiji breathed a sigh of relief, finally sending this great god away.

"What are your plans now?"Conan asked Hattori Heiji

"What's the plan?"Hattori Heiji looked at Conan in confusion.

"Of course it's a plan for Ri Xiangchen. Have you given up?"Conan was speechless for a moment, and then said.

Hattori Heiji's expression froze, and his original good mood had almost disappeared. As long as Ri Xiangchen was mentioned, Hattori Heiji felt particularly uncomfortable.

"There is no way, you won't let me go find Ri Xiangchen now, I have no such plan." Hattori Heiji waved his hand and said.

Do you want to go to Hinata Chen to get beaten again? Hattori Heiji is not that stupid. He will definitely not do such a thing.

"I think we should come up with a plan. Knowing that Ri Xiangchen is related to the black organization, I feel that if we want to deal with the black organization, we must attack Ri Xiangchen. Conan said.

Conan is now eager to get the antidote and change himself back. Otherwise, he suspects that Xiaolan will be deceived by that guy Ri Xiangchen.

"I don't have any solution for now, is there anything you can do?"Hattori Heiji thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any way.

"If I had a way, why not just say it outright? There is no need to discuss it with you."Conan said depressedly.

"Come on, let's go back first."Hattori Heiji said.

Now they are at the train station. Of course they are here to see Hattori Shizuka off.

"By the way, I have something to tell you. Aunt Shizuka Hattori seems to have gone to see Ri Xiangchen."Conan thought of something and told Hattori Heiji

"What?"Hattori Heiji looked at Conan with wide eyes.

"How did you know?"

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes. I saw Aunt Shizuka Hattori go to Ri Xiangchen's house and met her once."

Conan said to Hattori Heiji

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier."

Hattori Heiji was a little angry. Why did you tell him such an important thing now? Why didn't you tell him before?

"Well, when I met you, I originally wanted to say something, but I didn't have the chance. You didn't even give me a chance to speak, so you asked me to help you convince Aunt Shizuka Hattori."

Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji complainingly. In order to help Hattori Heiji stay here, Conan also spent a lot of energy.

"Then my mother should be fine, right?" Hattori Heiji said with some worry.

"Uh, do you think Aunt Shizuka Hattori is in trouble?"Conan was stunned for a moment, and then said.

It's not like Hattori Heiji didn't see Hattori Shizuka just now, nothing happened at all.

"You do not understand."Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, and then said

"What? I don’t understand why."Conan said inexplicably.

Hattori Heiji didn't plan to say anything to Conan. He knew his character. Even if he really suffered a loss, he would definitely not tell him. It was precisely because of this that Hattori Heiji was very worried.

"Let's go back first. We should really plan how to deal with Ri Xiangchen." Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said.

Conan nodded, and he was sure to deal with Ri Xiangchen. Even because of Xiaolan, Conan would not let Ri Xiangchen go._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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