Naruto God-level System

Chapter 103: Princess Sichuan

Goo Ju An felt a sound of wind.

It's a bit noisy!

"not good!"

He hurriedly wanted to perform a substitute technique, but his body was blocked by Chakra and fell to the ground for a while! There was a pain in the waist and his body was kicked on the roof of a house!

"Look, there is someone attacking Master Goujuan!"

On the street, pedestrians immediately noticed this scene.

They had noticed when Lord Goo Juan of the King of the World had fled hurriedly before.

Now Ye Liang is playing Gouju Temple, and they can naturally see it too.

"Who is that person! Actually dare to do something to Master Goujuan!"

"Haha, no matter who it is, it's so happy! This **** should have died long ago!"

"Well, I must know the name of this hero! I want to give him a pennant!"

At this time, Qianhumen, who was Chuanying, also caught up.

"Master Ye Liang, this guy can't be killed yet!" He immediately stopped.

"Why? Isn't this guy the enemy of your village?" Ye Liang retracted his hand that was about to fall. Just after he flew the Thunder God, he directly sealed the acupuncture points of Gou Ju An with the Eight Diagrams Palm.

So the latter cannot move.

"No! Because this guy is the son of Kotachi Tachibana Yakura!"

"The son of Gokuju Yacang? So what!" Ye Liang said lightly.

"Then you can't kill!"

Qianhumen is anxious!

Goji Tachibana Yakura is the fourth-generation water shadow of Wuyin Village, and his strength is amazing. Not only does he possess the super water system escape technique, but also the owner Jifu as a body supply!

Three-tailed man Zhu Li!

Who dares to move him!

"Then what if I kill him?"

"That will provoke Yakura's revenge!"

Qian Humen hasn't finished answering, but the words in his mouth stop...

Ye Liang's hand has been inserted into the body of Gou Ju An like a sharp blade!

After fighting against fake Ye Liang these days, Ye Liang deeply understands his weakness. If he wants to guard the guard, he must strengthen himself infinitely!

Only a strong body is the capital of the revolution.

Kotachi Tachibana Yakura must be killed, not only because of today's events, but also because of the three-tail Isosuke in his body.

As mentioned earlier, Ye Liang's time-space tortoise needs a powerful tail beast as an energy source, and Isosuke in Yakura is obviously one of his goals.

Considering that the goal is now in sight, he is a bit reckless.

"But I still killed!"

Ye Liang said lightly.

Qian Humen's expression was wrong for an instant, he actually killed Gou Ju An!

How could he kill Goo Ju An?

He shouldn't have killed Goo Ju An...

Three sentences!

From shock to sigh!

It was revealed that Qianhumen's complex emotions at this time.

Ye Liang killed Gooju Temple, and their Chuanren Village completely broke with Wuyin Village.

Originally with the plan of Thousand Households, after handing over the secret treasures of the Sichuan country, he planned to persuade Kotachi Tachibana Yakura to let go of Princess Nanako. Give him face.

But now there is no retreat.

"Stop BB, talk about the country of Sichuan, don't deliberately conceal it to me this time!" Ye Liang said lightly.

Men can be second class or second class, but when they should be serious, they must be serious.

The surface can be not serious, but the heart must be like a mirror!

Qianhumen took Ye Liang back to Hokage's office after hurriedly disposing of the body of Goujuan.

Fujiwara Nanako is still here.

"Grandpa Qianhou, how is Goujuan?"

She is just an ordinary person, so she doesn't know the situation outside.


Qianhumen replied bitterly.

He didn't expect this to happen, but since Nanako asked, he could only answer honestly.

Nanako's pupils shrank in an instant, but immediately returned to calm.

"Sure enough, it's the general's daughter. She was just pretending to be cowardly." Ye Liang glanced at Cai Caizi and judged.

At this time, Princess Nanako didn't have the pitiful way of asking for help before, but she was calm, even more calm and steady than Qianhumen.

This also deepened Ye Liang's previous guess.

The two of them had fooled him before, and the story they told was simply false!

"It's nice to meet you, Princess Nanako."

"I am also very happy to know you, Lord Ye Liang!"

The two greeted each other face to face, but Qianhumen, who had the right to speak, calmly guarded behind Nanako.

"Then let me introduce the truth of the matter."

Nanako nodded towards Ye Liang, and spoke first.

"The matter is as we said before, Wuyin Village has done something to us, but there is a little subtlety."

"First of all, their goal is not Sichuan's secret treasure, but the control of the country! They want to expand their power, but the powerful water country certainly cannot be the goal."

"So, I focused on your Sichuan country." Ye Liang said.

"Yes, our Kawa no Kuni is near them, so it is easy to start. Moreover, our ninja is also very powerful, and it is an exaggeration to seize our Kawanin Village."

"The ninja is powerful?"

Ye Liang laughed dumbly at what Fujiwara Nanako said.

It’s because of their **** Kawanin Village that they dare to say that they are because of this thousand households?

Haha, only weak!

Fujiwara Nanako's face changed.

She naturally knew what Ye Liang's smile meant.

But she couldn't deny it, because Ye Liang did have this capital, and even the Wuyin Village didn't care about Ye Liang, Chuanren Village really didn't have much weight to speak of.

She continued: "My father and elder brothers have not been controlled, because they are all dead, which is why Grandpa Qianhu calls his father Fujiwara Dog Thief today."

"You mean that the people in Wuyin Village have transformed into your father's appearance and ruled the country of your river."

"Yes, I am the only general bloodline who escaped. I carry..."

"Wait!" Ye Liang suddenly interrupted Cai Caizi. "I don't care what you are on your shoulders, I just want to figure out whether the secret treasure you mentioned exists or not. If it doesn't, I won't bother to care about your mess."

After Ye Liang finished speaking, he spread his hands towards the princess again.

He originally came for the treasure, if not, naturally there is no reason to provoke Wuyin Village.

Of course, even Wuyin Village implicated him because of the Gouju Temple.

He is not afraid!

Fujiwara Nanako's expression immediately changed.

Before Ye Liang didn't kill the Gouju Temple, she could still deal with it again, but today she has already had a death vengeance. If Ye Liang doesn't care, they will soon meet the wrath of Wuyin Village!

I want to rely on Kawanin Village to slowly endure the opportunity, and there is no more!

"There are still treasures!" Nanako said quickly.

Her words were a bit quick, showing impatience.

After all, she is a little girl, no matter how mature she is, it is impossible to deal with Ye Liang, an old fox.

The first release of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time to read the genuine content!

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