Chapter 1029: Coming again

"Hattori, how are you feeling?"Conan asked Hattori Heiji

"I think I'm ready to be discharged."

Hattori Heiji sat up and said, he really has nothing serious to do. Staying in the hospital makes Hattori Heiji really uncomfortable.

Just after Hattori Heiji finished speaking, Hattori Shizuka glanced at him, and that sharp look made Hattori Heiji's expression froze slightly.

"I think I should wait a few more days to be discharged."Hattori Heiji still gave in. Facing Hattori Shizuka, even his father would give in, let alone him.

In fact, Hattori Heiji is discharged from the hospital now, which is really a bit reluctant, and he still needs to recuperate for a few days. What's more, even if If Hattori Heiji wants to be discharged from the hospital, he must ask Hattori Shizuka. As long as Hattori Shizuka disagrees, Hattori Heiji can only stay here honestly.

Otherwise, Hattori Shizuka will tell Hattori Heizang alone. Threat, I guess Hattori Heiji will be honest

"It's so boring here." Hattori Heiji complained.

"If you feel bored, you can go back." Hattori Shizuka glanced at Hattori Heiji, and then said.

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji quickly blinked at Conan and winked at him, wanting Conan to speak for him.

However, Conan pretended not to see it at all. In fact, this was not the case. It's not that Conan doesn't want to help Hattori Heiji, but that there is no way to help.

Hattori Shizuka is Hattori Heiji's mother. How can he talk? He is just an outsider and a child. What's the use of talking?

So Conan chose As if he couldn't see Hattori Heiji's eyes, Hattori Heiji could certainly feel Conan's actions. Hattori Heiji couldn't help gritting his teeth. I didn't expect that Conan was so unloyal.

This is not that Conan is unloyal. But Conan couldn't intervene, so Conan showed a helpless expression to Hattori Heiji, hoping that Conan could understand.

And Conan felt that it would be better if Hattori Heiji went back to avoid another conflict with Hinata.

Conan felt that if there was another conflict , If so, it is estimated that Heiji is not as simple as being injured, so although Conan did not say it, he agreed in his heart that Hattori Heiji should go back.

Of course, he agreed in his heart, but Conan did not say it out loud, and based on Conan's understanding of Hattori Heiji, he He will not go back, and this is probably useless even if Hattori Heizo comes.

Hattori Heiji knows that Conan can't count on him, and it seems that he can only rely on himself.

Hattori Heiji feels that it is not impossible to convince his mother by himself. Possibly, in the impression, his mother is still very talkative.

But Hattori Heiji also knows when to say it and when not to say it. Anyway, now is not the time to talk about it.

If Hattori Heiji really insists on staying at this time, There is no use here. It will only make Hattori Shizuka angry. We need to find a suitable opportunity. For example, after being discharged from the hospital.

Of course, there is still a problem that Hattori Heiji needs to solve, and that is to tell Hattori Shizuka not to tell his father.

If Hattori Heizo knew about it, he would probably send someone to take him away by force, and it would be useless even if he didn't want to leave.

"Heiji, I have a question for you." Hattori Jinghua looked at Heiji and said

"what is the problem?"Looking at Hattori Shizuka's serious expression, Hattori Heiji knew he had to answer.

"Why did Ri Xiangchen hit you?"

Hattori Heiji was silent after hearing this, feeling a little embarrassed and annoyed. Why did he ask this? It made him seem to be the one being bullied.

In fact, it was just that Hattori Heiji didn't want to admit it.

"This is between me and him, Mom, don’t ask."Hattori Heiji didn't mean to say anything.

Obviously, Hattori Heiji didn't want to say it in his heart. Can he tell Hattori Shizuka that it's because of his relationship with Ye? This is definitely not possible.

The main reason is that Hattori Heiji feels embarrassed, embarrassed. Say it.

Looking at Hattori Heiji, Hattori Shizuka did not ask in the end, which surprised Hattori Heiji. He originally thought that his mother would ask to the end, but unexpectedly she stopped now, which made Hattori Heiji relaxed. Tone, as long as you don’t continue to ask questions

"Well, mom, you won’t tell dad, right?"Hattori Heiji struggled for a while, and then asked Hattori Shizuka

"What do you think?" Hattori Jinghua glanced at Hattori Heiji indifferently.

Hattori Heiji didn't know how to answer. How could he know what his mother was thinking, but Hattori Heiji was really afraid that she would tell his father.

"I won't tell you, but you have to go back with me."

After a long time, Hattori Shizuka said.

Hearing Hattori Shizuka's words, Hattori Heiji breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he doesn't tell his father, other things don't matter.

As for following his mother back, he will naturally find a way to solve this in the future.

"Dr. Agasa, please take care of Heiji here. I have something to go out for."

Hattori Shizuka stood up and said

"Mom, where are you going?"After Hattori Heiji saw his mother getting up, he quickly asked Hattori Shizuka

"You should recover well here." Hattori Shizuka walked out.

After Hattori Shizuka left, Hattori Heiji's face became ugly.

"What's wrong?"Conan asked Hattori Heiji

"I guess my mother went to find Ri Xiangchen. What should I do now?"Hattori Heiji asked Conan anxiously.

"Don't worry about this. There should be no problem. Just because of your mother's identity, there won't be any problem."

Conan asked Hattori Heiji not to worry. Conan didn't think anything would happen to Hattori Shizuka. Ri Xiangchen probably wouldn't do anything to Hattori Shizuka.

"He dares to attack me, do you think he won't do anything?" Hattori Heiji said expressionlessly.

"That's different. If you were beaten, you would definitely not tell your father. I guess Ri Xiangchen had figured it out, so he dared to attack you."

Conan analyzed

"I hope your analysis is correct." Hattori Heiji clenched his fists. If Ri Xiangchen really dared to hurt his mother, Hattori Heiji would go to fight with Ri Xiangchen. Hattori Heiji's guess was correct. After leaving the hospital, Hattori Shizuka went to Chen's house angrily. At home.

Yesterday she went to Ri Xiangchen's home. Ri Xiangchen was not at home at all, but Shizuka Hattori suspected that Ri Xiangchen was at home and was just avoiding her.

But this was because she was overthinking it, and Chen had no need to avoid her.

Soon. Arriving at the door of Ri Xiangchen's house, Hattori Shizuka came to the door again. After taking a deep breath, he suppressed the anger in his heart and pressed the doorbell. After ringing the doorbell,

Hattori Shizuka waited at the door. No matter what today , all want to see Ri Xiangchen and seek justice for their son.

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