Chapter 1025 Come to me tomorrow.

Judy looked at Koizumi Hongzi leaving, and was slightly startled. Judy felt that Koizumi Hongzi seemed to know something.

But it doesn't matter if you know it, Judy looked at Chen

"Even if you look at me like this, I don't have time."Chen spread his hands towards Judy and said

"Also, in fact, some things should be forgotten after so many years."Chen said to Judy

"Yes, more than twenty years have passed, but I can never forget it."Judy said faintly.

How could she forget her hatred for Belmod? You must know that Belmod killed her father in front of her. How could she forget such hatred?

"In fact, if you really want to, I can help you forget everything in the past."Chen looked at Judy's eyes with light flashing.

Judy looked at Chen seriously and then shook her head without hesitation.~

"Stop standing here, being looked at by others is like looking at a monkey."Chen said and walked into the school.

Chen was a little uncomfortable with the looks from around him. The eyes of these people looked at them as if they were looking at monkeys, so Chen was very uncomfortable.

Judy took Chen and came again in her office

"What do you want to do to teach me the powers that are different from ordinary people? For this, I can pay any price, anything."

Judy said firmly to Chen.

Judy was very determined in her heart. She must gain strength and then seek revenge from Belmod.

This was also the method Belmode told her, to pay all costs to seek help from Chen. It is possible to seek revenge on her.

After Belmod's display of strength, Judy finally chose to believe in Belmod. Yes, she believed that Belmod, the enemy who killed her father, had not deceived her.

In fact, this was indeed the case, Belmod It is true that De did not deceive Judy, but whether Judy can take revenge depends on Judy's own abilities.

Anyway, Bermod doesn't think Judy can seek revenge from her, and Judy has to involve herself.

This It's also Belmod's bad taste, it's just cheap.

"Is it really possible to pay any price?"

Chen suddenly looked at Judy up and down. This sizing look made Judy's face turn slightly red, and she felt shy in her heart.


After Judy finished speaking a word, she stopped talking, because just now, Judy herself had said that no matter what the cost,

"If you want to do something, come on."

Judy suddenly closed her eyes nervously, and the little hands she held could show that Judy was not at peace in her heart.

Chen suddenly smiled faintly, and then said:"Judy will think what I will really do to you. Bar."

Judy opened her eyes, and there was a sudden hint of irritation in her eyes. What does it mean? Does it mean he doesn't like her?

Thinking that the other person doesn't like her, Judy suddenly felt uncomfortable. Could it be that she is not beautiful enough? ?

"Am I not as good as Belmode? Asked Chen.

Chen looked Judy up and down, and then nodded slightly. Indeed, in terms of speed, Judy was really not as good as Belmode.

Of course, this is not a difference in appearance, but a difference in temperament. Judy is worse than Belmod in temperament.

Judy was really unhappy at this moment and looked at Chen angrily. She didn't want to be inferior to Belmod.

After all, Judy was filled with hatred for Belmod and wanted to kill Belmod.

It's a pity that Judy doesn't have this strength

"Okay, Teacher Judy, I understand your desire to become stronger. Tomorrow is the weekend, maybe you can come to me."

After Chen finished speaking, he left Judy's office.

Chen's words were equivalent to saying to Judy, come find me tomorrow.

Judy's mood is a bit complicated. She will go to Chen tomorrow to see what will happen. , she also probably had a guess.

But in order to improve her strength and get revenge, no matter how high the price is, it is not impossible.

Judy had already made the determination to sacrifice everything before, so here For a moment, Judy's heart became firm.

Chen didn't know what Judy was thinking now. He had already returned to the class.

"Yo, you're back. Looking at the evil smile on your face, you must have succeeded."Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen with strange eyes.

"What did you get? And what’s so evil about the smile on my face? Why didn't I see it?"

····Asking for flowers·······

"Haha, of course you can't see it. If you can see it, then there is really a ghost."

How could you possibly see the expression on your own face without looking in the mirror?

"Chen, we saw it with our own eyes today."He Ye turned his head to look at Chen, and then said:"I didn't expect you to be like this Chen."

"You saw it, what did you see? If I see too many things, I can't help but kill and silence them."

Chen pretended to be fierce and said to He Ye

"very scary."He Ye shrank back in pretense of fear, as if he was really frightened by Chen.

"Hum, now you know you are afraid, kneel down quickly and salute, and then tell you what you saw truthfully, maybe your life will be spared".................

He glanced at Ye Baichen

"We saw you and Teacher Judy walking into the office, and they were very intimate."

When talking about intimacy, Xiaolan looked at Chen with a hint of displeasure in her eyes, which Chen could clearly feel.

Is Xiaolan jealous? Chen wanted to ask, but if he really asked, Shy Xiaolan will definitely not admit it.

Chen feels that Xiaolan will not admit to being jealous. Maybe every girl will not admit it because she is embarrassed.

"Although I did walk into Judy's office together, where was the intimacy in the action?"Chen asked He Ye.

Although it was true that he and Judy walked into the office together, the two of them did not make any intimate moves on the way.

With Judy's face, she would not do it at all. Ah, so He Ye must be talking nonsense now

"It's just nonsense, but it's not right."Chen reached out and pinched He Ye's cheek, and said to He Ye.

When Chen pinched his cheek with one hand, He Ye's face suddenly turned red. To be honest, Chen was the first to do this to her. kind of action

"He Ye, why did your face suddenly turn red, right?"Yuanzi suddenly laughed, making Heye feel a little flustered.

"You, what do you want to say?"He Ye asked Yuanzi embarrassedly.

"It's better not to say it, so as not to embarrass you and Ye."Yuanzi chose to keep silent._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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