Chapter 1015 It’s not too late to regret now

"What have you been looking at me for? Fei Yingli felt embarrassed and asked aloud

"If you don't look at me, how will you know that I am looking at you." Chen said some rogue words, which made Fei Yingli's eyes widen.

"Xiaolan and the others seemed to be having a lot of fun."Chen's eyes looked towards Xiaolan.

"Can you see it from such a distance?"

Fei Yingli asked, where they are sitting now is a bit far away from the carousel. Can Chen really see there?

Chen nodded lightly, of course he can see it. With Chen's eyes, at this distance Nothing.

Not long after, Xiaolan and Yukiko came back. After seeing them, Chen couldn't help but said:"You guys are back so soon."

"If you don't go there, it won't be interesting. Yukiko said~

"I just saw you guys having a lot of fun, how could it be boring?"Chen said.

"It's fun to play together. You must go. Yuki-ko pouted and said

"That doesn't seem interesting, so why don't we go on a roller coaster ride?" Chen suggested to them.

In fact, there are only these things to play here, but Chen still thinks that roller coaster is suitable for him.

"OK."Yukiko nodded. Yukiko actually had no opinion on what to play.

Xiaolan also nodded excitedly. Only Fei Yingli's face changed slightly. A roller coaster is also a roller coaster. If Fei Yingli is not afraid, it is impossible..

Mainly because Fei Yingli had never been on a roller coaster before. She felt dizzy just looking at her, let alone riding one.

"I think bumper cars are good. Fei Yingli said, pointing to the bumper cars in the distance.

"Yingli, looking at your pale face, could it be that you are scared?"Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli with suspicious eyes.

"No."Fei Yingli's expression changed slightly, but she would never admit that she was scared.

"Yeah? Yukiko asked

"Of course, it’s not like I haven’t played roller coasters before. Fei Yingli said calmly. It was really embarrassing to admit that she was scared in front of Yukiko.

"In that case, let's go there."Yukiko took Fei Yingli's hand and ran towards the roller coaster.

"It seems that my mother has never played roller coasters."Xiaolan couldn't help but say.

Anyway, Xiaolan doesn't remember that her mother played roller coaster. Could it be that she didn't know about it?


When Xiaolan heard Chen's shout, she turned around and looked at Chen doubtfully.

Then, Chen handed an ice cream in his hand to Xiaolan's hand.

"It's quite hot today, let's eat one."Chen said to Xiaolan

"Thank you Chen."Xiao Lan happily took the ice cream and smiled slightly.

"Let's go, I'll follow you."

Chen took Xiaolan's hand, and then chased Fei Yingli and Yukiko who were walking in the front.

"Hey, Xiaolan, where did you get the ice cream? Zi asked Xiaolan

"Chen gave it to me."Xiaolan said happily.

Yukiko immediately looked at Chen, with a bit of resentment in her eyes. You can buy ice cream for Xiaolan, why don't you buy it for me? Yukiko is jealous.

"Ahem, let’s go ride the roller coaster."Chen coughed lightly, and then said

"Yingli, if you regret it now, it's still too late, otherwise it won't be so easy to come down after you go up. Yukiko said to Fei Yingli

"Mom, don’t force it."Xiao Lan also said to Fei Yingli. Anyway, in Xiaolan's memory, she never remembered Fei Yingli doing a roller coaster.

"It won't be forced. Fei Yingli said.

Chen glanced at Fei Yingli. He was probably the only one who could tell that Fei Yingli felt guilty. It seemed that Fei Yingli was indeed a little scared. She probably saw Xiaolan and Yukiko there, so I was sorry. That's all. After all, Xiaolan is her daughter. It would be really embarrassing if she said she was afraid.

For the sake of face, she has to hold on. This is what Fei Yingri thinks in her heart. Face is very important.

According to Fei Yingri's attitude toward Yukiko I understand that if she really said she was scared, Youxizi would definitely laugh at her severely.

Soon, she got on the roller coaster. There could only be two people in a row, but Chen and Fei Yingli sat in the last row. Xiaolan and Yukiko sat in front of them.

Yukiko's eyes flashed with excitement. Looking at Yukiko's look, you can tell that she is very excited.

····Asking for flowers·······

Fei Yingli, who was sitting behind Yukiko, seemed a little nervous. Her hands were so nervous that she didn't know how to place them.

"Actually, you don’t need to be so nervous, it’s nothing."Chen said to Fei Yingli.

However, even Chen's words still couldn't calm Fei Yingli's nervousness. This was her first time riding a roller coaster.

Slowly, the roller coaster started, and Fei Yingli's hand suddenly grabbed Chen.

Chen looked at Fei Yingli's nervous expression and suddenly felt a little funny. He had never seen Fei Yingli with such a nervous expression.

This was the first time Chen had seen it. If possible, Chen wanted to take a photo to commemorate it.

"Don't worry, the facilities here are safe and nothing will happen." Chen said to Fei Yingli.................

The roller coaster needs to be inspected every day, so there will definitely be no problems, because if something happens, the Tropical Park will be in big trouble.

"Yingli, you are very nervous. You are sweating on your forehead. Yukiko turned her head and looked at Eri and said

"Mother?"Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli worriedly.

It has been activated at this time. Even if you want to go down, it is impossible. It is impossible to stop for you alone, unless something really happens.

Xiaolan looked worried. Looking at Chen's eyes, Fei Yingli forced a smile, and then the speed of the roller coaster became faster and faster. Fei Yingli's face became even paler, and she tightly grabbed Chen's hand. After more than ten minutes, Fei Yingli got off the roller coaster, her face paled. It's scary, I feel a strong dizziness when I look at the world spinning around me.

"Are you okay?" Chen asked Fei Yingli.

"If it really doesn't work, don't force it. You see, you are just suffering now."Chen looked at Fei Yingli and said

"Mother."Xiao Lan looked at Fei Yingli worriedly. Seeing that Fei Yingli seemed to be unsteady, she quickly went over to help her. At this time, Yukiko was too embarrassed to laugh at Fei Yingli, and could only sigh secretly in her heart. Eiri is stronger.

Yes, Eiri is very strong. This has been the case since she was a student. Yukiko has fought with Eiri for so many years, and she still doesn’t understand Eiri’s character.

She doesn’t continue to play, Fu. Fei Yingli came to her seat to take a rest. Let Fei Yingli take a break first and then talk about the loss._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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