Chapter 1009: The Revenge of Killing My Father

In the bar, besides Ri Xiangchen and the others, they were Judy and Akai Shuichi. The atmosphere was very subtle at this time.

Judy's face was indifferent. When she saw the enemy who killed her father, Judy was a little excited.

"Belmode, finally let me meet you"

"So what, can you kill me?"Belmod looked at Judy indifferently. Judging from Judy's appearance, it seemed that he had a deep hatred for her.

But Belmode didn't know what the hatred was. After all, Belmode had killed too many people. He didn't know. It’s not surprising.

After a while, the sound of the police siren sounded, which made Akai Shuichi’s face change slightly.

Akai Shuichi and the others did not want to be encountered by the police, otherwise, they would have to be sent back.

"Judy, let's go quickly."Akai Shuichi said to Judy.

Judy did not answer Akai Shuichi's words, but rushed towards Belmod and hit Belmod with her fists.

"You have no use against me even with a gun. Do you think you can use your bare hands against me?"Bellmode held the fist that Judy hit with one hand.

Although Judy's strength was not small, it was no deterrent to Bellmode. After the fist was caught, Judy raised her legs and faced Bellmode. Mode swept across, and this kick could break a solid board.

However, in Belmod's view, this was just ordinary. Belmod didn't even notice it. As soon as he twisted 197 Judy's arm, Judy's body disappeared. Balance, the kick missed.

Moreover, Judy fell to the ground, looking a little embarrassed. She raised her head and looked at Bellmode angrily. The murderous intent in Judy's eyes was still unabated.

Seeing this, Shuichi Akai ran over. Wanting to rescue Judy, Belmode glanced at Akai Shuichi with disdain, picked up the wine bottle on the table, and threw it at Akai Shuichi.


Akai Shuichi fell to the ground with his face covered in blood, and his head was dizzy. Wow, why did this wine bottle fly over so fast?

Shuichi Akai, who is so skilled, did not block this wine bottle. Now Akai Shuichi and Gin are the same, they are really connected by the same fate.

"By the way, I still have some grudges with you."Belmod looked at Akai Shuichi with a cold look in his eyes.

Akai Shuichi got up and looked at Judy, lost in thought. Do you want to save Judy now?

When the police come, he will definitely be taken away. Although there would be nothing wrong with his status, leaving Neon was certain.

Akai Shuichi didn't want to leave yet, and the task given to him had not been completed. After weighing the pros and cons, Akai Shuichi chose to leave by himself.

After getting up, Akai Shuichi quickly Escape, the police will be here soon. Judy's life should not be in danger, probably.

Shuichi Akai can't control it at this time. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the mission, and even he is ready to sacrifice himself.

"Your companion seems to have abandoned you." Bermod looked at Judy playfully, wanting to see what Judy's expression was.

However, Judy had no other expression, she just stared at Bermod with hateful eyes, wanting to see her Belmode shreds

"By the way, I want to know why you are so hateful?" Belmod asked Judy.

"Because you killed her father."Ri Xiangchen looked at Bellmod.

Judy glanced at Chen. She didn't know how Chen knew, but it was true. Bellmod killed her father and also lied to little Judy that her father was sleeping with her. Because she knew that her father had a habit of drinking orange juice when he woke up, Judy went to buy orange juice and survived. Even if she hadn't bought orange juice for her father, Judy might have died at the hands of Belmode. He was inside and was burned to death by a fire.

"is that so?"

Belmod has no impression. After all, many people died in her hands. It's normal for Belmod not to remember.

"So should I (becg) kill her now? After all, she is pretty and is your teacher."Belmod looked at Chen deeply.

Now Judy's life and death are in Chen's hands. If Chen doesn't mind her killing Judy, Judy will be dead today.

Judy looked at Chen , Judy's eyes were a little complicated at this time.

It wasn't that it was complicated because her life and death decision was in Chen's hands, but Judy didn't expect that he was related to Belmod.

For some reason, Judy felt a little disappointed.

"After all, she is also my teacher, and I want her to teach me foreign languages."Chen Bie gave a meaningful smile, which made Xiao Ai confused, but it didn't feel like a good smile.

Because Chen said so, Belmod let Judy go and let Judy go directly.

"Teacher Judy, I think you should leave now. After all, it’s hard to explain what you have in your hand."

Chen pointed at the gun in Judy's hand and said to Judy.

Judy's heart was complicated. She glanced at Belmode, and then said coldly:"Next time I meet you again, I will definitely kill you."

Belmod didn't even look at Judy. With Judy's abilities, it would be impossible to kill her in this life.

Judy left. Shortly after Judy left, the police also arrived here, led by Miwako. The team came here.

After seeing Chen, Miwazi rolled her eyes at Chen, and then walked towards him.

"What happened? It made me late at night and I still had to run out."Miwako asked sitting next to Chen

"Officer Sato, I think we must take them back."Takagi Wataru came over and looked at Chen with an unkind look.

The police officers at the Metropolitan Police Department didn't like Chen because of Miwako.

"While I'm in charge of handling the case, I don't need you to interrupt, Officer Takagi."Miwako glanced at Takagi Wataru lightly.

Then Miwako looked at Chen

"We came to this bar to drink, and then two people had a conflict and started fighting. This is what happened." Chen said to Miwako

"Okay, then, Officer Takagi, please stay and be responsible for the investigation. This will also give you an opportunity to make meritorious deeds."

Miwako stood up and said to Takagi Wataru

"how about you?"Takagi Sheba asked subconsciously.

"Officer Takagi doesn't need to worry about this."After Miwako finished speaking, she walked out with Chen and the others.

Takagi Wataru was very angry and let Ri Xiangchen go so easily. This was too partial.

This matter involved guns, so it was so Simply letting a suspect go, even if he is not a suspect, he is a witness.

Takagi Wataru was very angry, and so were the other police officers, but they had no ability to change the outcome. After all, Miwako's position was much higher than them..

Now Miwako is in the police department, just like Officer Megure, they are both in the police department. Even Officer Megure has no right to order Miwako._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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