Chapter 983 Fighting Birus Again

After Birus’ Qigong wave was avoided by Wukong and Gohan, it destroyed the sun not far away, and the surrounding area was suddenly dimmed a lot.

However, there are a total of three suns in the place where Birus lives. Even if one of them is destroyed and the surrounding area becomes much darker, the actual effect is almost negligible. There are even three suns in this place, they might be set up to guard against the destruction of Belus, so as not to open your eyes.

The sun was destroyed, making a very big movement, and the deafening roar finally made the half-dreaming and half-awake Birus awake a lot.

“Isn’t this the group of Saiyans in the Realm King God Realm?! Why are they here?!” Birus said strangely: “Weiss, what are you doing with them here?!”

“Master Billus, as you can see, I am practicing with these Saiyans.” Weiss smiled and said, “In exchange, everyone on earth brought us great food.”

Weiss showed the instant noodles in his hand to Birus. It was a cup of noodles about two or three times the size of a fist, and it hadn’t been opened yet.

Looking at the surface, it really doesn’t look like something delicious, or even something that can be eaten16.

Birus said disapprovingly: “Can this box be eaten?! What can be delicious on earth?!”

“Don’t say that, Lord Birus. Although this kind of food called instant noodles doesn’t look great, it tastes unexpectedly good. You’ll know it after you try it.”

Since Weis said it to this point, even if he doubted it, Billus could only give it a try.

It just so happened that he had just woke up, and his stomach was very hungry.

Mukuro didn’t participate in the small talk between them, and felt that Birus was too pitiful in his heart.

In the Dragon Ball world, fighting power is everything, so almost all alien civilizations in the universe have chosen to develop fighting power, ignoring entertainment and food. Only the earth is a wonderful thing.

This also led to the fact that even though Birus was the most lofty god of destruction in the seventh universe, he had never tried any food in the eyes of the people on earth, which is pitiful.

But if this weren’t the case, Mukuro wouldn’t be so easy to capture Weiss with gourmet food.

Birus took the instant noodles in Weiss’s hand, opened the package, took out the noodles inside, and said with a look of disgust: “Weiss, don’t lie to me, this thing is really edible?! Look hard. It doesn’t look like something delicious.”

“This thing needs to be soaked in boiling water.” Weiss handed a pot of boiling water to Birus as if by magic.

Birus made the instant noodles suspiciously, and the taste immediately made his eyes shine.

“Master Birus, is it delicious?!” Goku said with a smile, “So, Master Birus, don’t you think about destroying the earth in the future? If the earth is gone, we won’t find these delicious foods.”

Weiss said with deep approval: “Fortunately, Mr. Mukuro blocked Lord Birus last time, otherwise the earth will be ruined, and we won’t be able to eat these good things.”

“That’s it! Mukuro-sensei is my teacher, how can I do without the skills?!” Gohan said very proudly.

Mukuro has been watching silently by the side. On the surface, this guy looks carefree, but in fact he is very smart. Knowing that Vis and Birus like food, they use food to attract them, so that they don’t think about the earth.

Of course Mukuro could also think of this way to bribe Birus and Weiss, but he couldn’t do such a thing.

The God of Destruction came to destroy the earth. If it hadn’t been for Birus, Mukuro would have destroyed him long ago. How could it be possible to speak to him in such an imploring tone? ! Such words can only be said by Wukong’s character.

“For the sake of good food, I didn’t care about the Saiyan named Mukuro the last time.” Billus gobbled it up, and his words were not clear: “How long have you been practicing here?! There is a lot of strength. Have you made great progress?!”

Although Birus is asking Goku, anyone with a brain can understand that he is asking Mukuro.

Even if Goku becomes stronger, he cannot be his opponent now, but Mukuro forced Birus to be helpless a year ago. After practicing for a year here, God knows how strong he has become.

Even Birus was worried that Mukuro would really surpass him.

Mukuro saw what he was thinking and stepped forward and said, “If we play a game, you won’t know how much I’ve improved, but let’s say yes. I’m not the one I was a year ago. It can be as easy as it was a year ago.”

Mukuro and Billus confronted each other, their fighting spirit was burning.

Even if the opponent is the god of destruction, Mukuro will make him suffer, and then trample him under his feet!

A year ago, he couldn’t defeat Birus, but Mukuro has always been in a sorrow. He has worked hard for the past year just to shame him one day!

“Interesting.” Birus gave a full burp, picked his teeth, and said: “Do you want to fight now? Come on, let me see how much you have grown this year.”

Mukuro snorted coldly, and directly transformed into the state of Super Saiyan God, the Blue God, and then completely restrained the power of Super Saiyan Blue in his body, turning it into the complete state of Super Saiyan Blue.

His hair is still blue, and his appearance is not much different from Super Saiyan Blue, except that the blue arrogance on the surface of his body is missing. In his state, perhaps it would be better to return to the basics.

“Blue?! Is this your new state?!” Birus snorted and said, “There are so many Saiyan patterns. You have changed all the gold, red, and blue colors at once. You really thought it would be just a change of color. Can you defeat the Destroyer 350?!”

Billus rushed in angrily, and his right fist blasted towards Mukuro with a purple arrogance.

“Hurry up!” Seeing that the situation is not good, Wu Kong dodges as far as he can.

Even if they have become the gods of Super Saiyans, this power is still not something they can contend.

Wes poke on the ground with his staff, bang… A protective cover envelops Mukuro and Birus, lest they are too involved in the battle.

Boom boom boom! !

Mukuro took Birus’ fist with a palm, and did not move his body, with a smile on his face, and said, “Master Birus, how is it?! Am I very different from what I was a year ago? ?!”

“How come?! You can accept my attack so easily?!”

Billus allowed Mukuro to hold his fist, shocked.

Billus allowed Mukuro to hold his fist, his head basically crashing.

He is a god of destruction! It is the powerful existence in the seventh universe second only to Weiss! Of course he knows that Mukuro is powerful, but he still can’t think that Mukuro can take his attack so easily. Where does this put his face? !

“Oh, Lord Billus, Mr. Mukuro may really surpass you in the future.” Weiss said deliberately, “While you sleep, Mr. Mukuro has been working hard to practice. This is not going to work. The most terrifying thing in this world is the genius who works hard. what.”

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