Chapter 979 Everything is restored

On the unnamed planet where the King of Gods and others were watching the show, Mukuro lay on a grass and rested. After driving off Birus, he was very tired physically and mentally and just wanted to sleep. But he didn’t do that, because the appearance of Birus meant that more powerful enemies would appear frequently, and Mukuro had to force himself to figure out a way to deal with it.

“It succeeded!! Ahahaha! It succeeded!!! Ahahaha!!!” As he was thinking about it, an excited shout suddenly came.

It was the voice of an old man, and his voice had changed a little because of excessive excitement. Mukuro could hear it without even looking at it. It was the voice of the Old World King God.

However, this old man has always been more reliable than the current Realm King God, and he is also much more calm in his actions. Why did he start to yell? !

This thought flashed in Mukuro’s heart, and he furiously walked towards the Old World King God, he had to find this bad old man to settle the account.

It was just the appearance of the god of destruction, Birus, that had troubled him. This horrible old man had to interrupt his thoughts. Isn’t it unpleasant to find him? !

After all, who is he worrying about now? ! Just because the Seventh Universe is facing threats in the future, he has a way to turn the tide.

This is also good for the Old World King God.

“What succeeded?” Mukuro asked helplessly.

“Hey, isn’t this Mr. Mukuro?! Why did you come here?! Your face doesn’t look right.” The old world king god is indeed an old antique who has lived for so many years, smelling a little dangerous. , Accompanied the smiling face and said, “It is the dragon of Namek that succeeded, and the realm king, God Realm and the earth have recovered.”

The Old World King said in kindness: “However, thanks to you defeating the demon Buu, then driving away Lord Birus, and remembering the dragon on the planet Namek, we were saved. Our King God Realm will be grateful forever. you.”

“No need to talk about this kind of nonsense.” Mukuro said lightly, “Call Jabit back and take us back to Earth. I still have something I want to try.”

Mukuro’s thoughts were interrupted just now, but Mukuro’s anger was still unresolved, but the old world kings and gods had already assumed this posture, and Mukuro didn’t share his general knowledge.

In the seventh universe, the god of the realm king is the most lofty god, even if the fighting power is not as good as the god of destruction, the god of realm is low-pitched when facing the god of destruction, but at least the god of the realm is in status and destruction. God is equal.

At this level, who can make the Realm King God bow to his knees? Therefore, it is very rare for the Old World King God to assume such a posture.

“Old ancestors, what are you…what are you doing?!” At this moment, Jebit and the others had already made a wish with Namek’s Dragon Ball and returned to this unnamed planet. Mukuro nodded and bowed.

To Jebit, this is the God of the Realm King before the 10th Fifth Generation, a very noble God of the Realm King! But he actually treated Mukuro like this…

In addition to Wukong, Gohan and others being sent back to Earth, there was also the Realm King God who came back with Jebit, who happened to see this scene.

Suddenly, the old face of the Old World King God flushed red and stared at the ground. At this moment, I really want to find the ground to get in.

“What else can you do?! Don’t you have eyes to see?!” The old world king was so anxious that he was so angry that he said: “I flashed my waist, come and help me quickly!”

Mukuro shook his head lightly, and wrote a big letter to the Old World King God in his heart.

After seeing his embarrassing scene by the younger generation, it is not easy for him to come up with such a perfect excuse to flicker the past in an instant…what is there to say? ! The ginger is old and spicy, and the fox is old and cunning.

Of course, because of the identity of the Old World King God, even if Jebit and the World King God see something is wrong, it is impossible to give up half a fart.

Since Goku, Gohan and others have returned to the earth, Mukuro didn’t waste time, just found their qi and moved there instantly. Mukuro appeared on the temple, and saw that the Dragon Ball fighters were all there, chatting and laughing happily.

“Fortunately, you have such a mood.” Mukuro slowly stepped forward and said, “Did you forget the threat that Billus just posed?! If you don’t want the earth to be destroyed one day, just practice and improve yourself. Strength.”

“Isn’t Mukuro you here?!” Klin said nonchalantly, “You can block Lord Birus, so we don’t have to be afraid. As long as you make a little better Mukuro, you might be able to defeat Lord Birus. .”

“Hey… Mr. Mukuro, I have been waiting for you to teach me how to practice the Super Saiyan God.” Gohan said with a smile.

Mukuro was a regret, and they should have been asked to face Birus just now, and Birus had beaten them so that they couldn’t take care of themselves.

Mukuro helped them block Birus, but made them despise the threat posed by Birus, which is not a good thing.

In the face of these old stubbornness, Mukuro also knew that no matter how much he said, it would be useless, so let them experience it with practical actions.

“Goku, Gohan, you come with me.”

Mukuro slowly walked into the temple, and said at the same time: “No one knows when the fellow Birus will come to Earth, or when a new powerful enemy will appear, so you must start practicing immediately, and at least let you become Let’s talk about the Super Saiyan God.”

Goku and Gohan hurriedly followed, feeling a little nervous and excited at the same time. They have already seen how terrifying the fighting power of the Super Saiyan God is, and now Mukuro actually said that they should have such power, and their mood can be imagined.

“Ms. Mukuro… can we really become the God of Super Saiyan?!” Gohan was a little uncertain. “Didn’t you say that God of Super Saiyan needs six kind-hearted Saiyans to work together? Made?!”

“Do you want us to cultivate to such a realm?!” Wukong continued: “But didn’t you say that?! Such a realm cannot be cultivated by ourselves.”

“Of course you can’t cultivate by your own cultivation, but I can guide you, at least there is some hope. It really can’t, I will take you to see Weiss.” Mukuro said calmly.

“Wes?! Is that the man who was with Lord Birus?! I think he is better than Lord Birus!” Monkey King exaggeratedly said, “Mukuro, you want to take us to see him ??! But will he listen to you?!”

“Don’t think about it now, try practicing in the Advanced Spiritual Time House.”

Mukuro dragged the Monkey King and Monkey King into the Spiritual Time House, and didn’t even leave them any time to regret, especially the stinky boy, Monkey King. If he knew the hardship of cultivating the Super Saiyan God first, it wouldn’t be possible. I’ll be able to retreat.

The rest of the Dragon Ball fighters were stunned, and waited until Mukuro and Son Wukong and his son were far away before reacting.

Their heads can’t turn a bit.

Mukuro is trying to make super Saiyan gods in batches. Is it possible that the existence of such a realm is going to be bad? !

Then what position does God have? !

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