Chapter 961 Good and evil

In the desolate Yamanaka, the two Buu looked at each other angrily.

“who are you?!”

Fat Buu looked at the thin Buu in front of him, gritted his teeth and asked.

“Who are you?!”

Thin Buu also asked Fat Buu.

“I am Majin Buu, who are you?!”

“I am also Majin Buu!!”

Standing on the side, Satan saw the two Demon Buu, his whole person was dumbfounded, and his face was incredible: “Even…two Demon Buu appeared at the same time? This…what the hell is this? What’s the matter?!”

The butler of the rich young master was also there gritted his teeth and looked at the two demon Buu who appeared.

And the two Buu on the field, one was not pleasing to the eye, and they both glared at each other, but it didn’t take long for Fat Buu to move first, punching thin Buu and thin Buu at his fastest speed. Seeing this, he immediately dodged.

“Hit him, hit him! Mr. Buu, come on! Mr. Buu, you can’t lose!”

Satan on the side was shouting for Fat Buu.

After Fat Buu attacked for a while, he found that he didn’t even hit Thin Buu with a punch, but he was a little weak. He stopped and gasped for breath. But at this moment, Thin Buu made a move. With his feet kicking Fat Buu far, Fat Buu rolled out.

Immediately after that, Thin Buu rushed to Fat Buu’s side, and then punched. Fat Buu was caught off guard, and was hit by thin Buu.

“There are Majin Buu on both sides, how should I divide it?!”

Satan clenched his fists, looked at the puppy and said, the puppy barked helplessly.

“What’s going on?!”

Where are Pic and Dandy standing on the temple talking about the changes that have just taken place.

Because it was the two of them, one was the god of the earth and the other was the god of the earth, so they did not choose to leave with Mukuro.

“I can perceive… the guy who just turned out has a very strong evil aura. From my guess, the evil part of Demon Buu’s body may have been completely discharged.”

With a few drops of sweat on Pic’s face, he stood on the edge of the temple and said.

In terms of two ends, the two Buu you come and I are in full swing, but you can tell at a glance that Fat Buu is obviously at a disadvantage.

When Fat Buu saw that he could not beat Thin Buu, he flew back, and then pulled a piece of meat from his stomach, rubbed it in his hands, and threw it at Thin Buu, giving the thin Buu Tied up.

Fat Buu cheered when he saw that he had tied up the thin Buu.

“Good job, Mr. Buu! That’s right!!” Satan said excitedly.

But how could thin Buu be willing to be tied up by fat Buu? After struggling hard, he shattered all the fat Buu’s meat. When the fat Buu saw it, he couldn’t help being taken aback. The thin Buu swallowed the broken meat in one bite.

“Not good!! The original Buu can’t beat him at all, depending on the situation. When he split, all the evil parts in Fat Buu’s body… ran to the new Buu. If this goes on… ”

Piccolo was above the temple, watching the duel between the two Buu, and when he saw Fat Buu falling in the wind, he said with a worried expression.

Talking about the battle between two Buu, the fat Majin Buu’s figure flashed, and instantly appeared in front of the thin Majin Buu. A sweep of his legs swept towards the thin Buu’s head, and he saw the fat Majin Buu attacked him, Thin Buu directly caught his leg with one hand, took a kick, and kicked Fat Buu out.

At this time, Fat Buu, who had absorbed most of his body’s power by Thin Buu, could be his opponent.

Fat Buu stood up from the gravel, his face was very ugly, and said: “You fellow, I don’t believe I can’t beat you, I want to make you into chocolate and eat it!!”

As soon as Fat Buu’s voice fell, he sent out a purple light wave from his body, attacking Thin Buu, but unexpectedly, Thin Buu suddenly opened his mouth and bounced the purple light wave of Fat Buu back to Fat Buu. , And then the fat Buu turned into a Buu-shaped chocolate.

Then Thin Buu stepped forward and ate the fat Buu that had turned into chocolate. Suddenly, a cloud of pink smoke emerged from the thin Majin Buu’s body, and then he evolved. The fat and thin Buu combined, but it became a lot more normal.

The new-born Buu clenched his fist and seemed to be satisfied with his strength. Then he saw Satan standing next to him. He wanted to kill the direct Satan, but when he started, the consciousness of Fat Buu prevented him. With him, there is no way, he can only let go of Satan, and then fly directly to the temple, because he had agreed with Wukong to fight again.

“Unexpectedly… there is such a thing!!! Demon Buu has actually changed, all because of a stupid earthling, causing the original simple Demon Buu to have an uncontrollable evil spirit. …At this moment…then…” Satan gritted his teeth as he looked at the demon Buu who was going away.

At this time, the demon Buu quickly found the temple.

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