Chapter 958 Human nature is evil

Two flowers bloom, one for each…not to mention the Wukong and others in the realm of the realm king, but on earth, Satan regrets that he did so well and didn’t let Mukuro take him away.

The poisonous chocolate became a very delicious dessert in Majin Buu’s mouth, and the bomb game machine he prepared carefully was praised by Majin Buu as fun.

Then the poorly skilled Satan became Demon Buu’s subordinates, no…or the servants are more appropriate than the subordinates, rubbing their backs, cooking… all kinds of housework.

“Then Snow White and the seven dwarfs live happily together, and do some indescribable things every night.” Satan is telling fairy tales to Majin Buu. Majin Buu is very impressed with the fairy tales of the earth. interest……

“Ahahahaha… really funny.” Majin Buu clapped his hands and laughed.

“…” Satan blinked, and he didn’t understand Majin Buu’s smile, because after finishing speaking, he found out that he had taken the wrong 16 book… and turned it into an evil fairy tale.

“Okay! I’m going to kill people. Do you want to go with you too?” Majin Buu asked.

“Huh?!” Satan was taken aback, and then quickly refused: “No…no…I’ll cook the food at home and wait for you to come back.”

“That’s it… Then I’ll wait for the food to be ready.” Majin Buu was very happy.

“Okay! I will prepare the best meal and wait for you to come back.” Satan said.

“I am leaving!!”

“You go slowly-come on!!”

It wasn’t until he watched the demon Buu fly far that Satan clenched his fist and said angrily: “Asshole thing!! Don’t be happy too soon!! Soon you won’t be able to laugh out!!”

Satan crawled back to the chrysalis house of the devil Buu, took out a set of potent bombs from his backpack, and placed them in a hidden place in the house, and smiled proudly: “These explosives can be broken even by tanks. !! Majin Buu will definitely have no bones left!! As long as I press the remote control to finish… Boom!! I’ll save the whole world!! Ahahaha…Majin Buu, hurry up come back!!”

After preparing these, Satan started cooking.

And in a small town not far from here…

“Yeah!! Just hit it!!” A rich young man shot and killed a villager with a rifle. He looked very excited and yelled.

“That’s not good… Master.” A fat man next to him persuaded him.

“Fool!! It’s okay!! Anyway, Majin Buu wants to kill everyone, others will count this on Majin Buu’s head. I’ve always wanted to use humans as shooting targets!! This feels like That’s great!! There is an old man over there, this time you will do it!!! This is my order!” Then, the rich man threw the spear into the fat man’s hand.

The fat man hesitated, but pulled the trigger… the old man fell down.

“Haha—” The fat man laughed.

“Look, it’s cool! Let’s go kill people like this.” The rich brother said, jumping into the maglev car aside.

“Ah…It really feels good.” The fat man’s face was a little excited.

Human nature is evil, and there is a devil hidden in people’s hearts, but because of the constraints of moral laws, all human beings have no chance to release this demon. And now, Majin Buu has destroyed 70% of the entire world!

Morality, law… such things have become ridiculously synonymous.

The rich brother and the fat man obviously released their inner demons.

“Go to the town, there should be a lot of people who can kill.” The rich man drove the car, and they were moving closer and closer to the residence of Demon Buu.

Before Satan’s meal is ready, Majin Buu has returned.

“I’m really sorry! The food Mukuro is not ready!!” Satan bowed and said, afraid that Majin Buu would kill himself because of this. After all, everyone in the world knows that Majin Buu is a moody lord. , The killing requires no reason at all.

Majin Buu is very unhappy at this moment, but it’s not because of Satan.

“Huh?! How come there is a dog?!” Satan was taken aback.

870 Majin Buu held a puppy in his hand, and said depressed: “It is not afraid of me! It does not run away! I want to ask it why, but I don’t understand what he said, can you understand what he said?!”

“This…I don’t know much… However, there seems to be an injury on his leg. Because of this, there is no way to escape.” Satan pointed to the puppy’s leg… a very significant wound. It was bloody and very pathetic.

“Oh?! So that’s how it is.” Majin Buu suddenly realized.

“Then I will help you heal the injury, you have to run away in fear! Okay, run away now, and then I will kill you.” Majin Buu first healed the puppy’s injury, and then put it on the ground , And pushed it a few times to signal it to escape.

Satan looked at him for a moment, and he didn’t understand the brain circuit of Demon Buu.

However, the rescued puppy did not run away as Majin Buu expected, but kept rubbing Majin Buu’s legs, with a very intimate appearance.

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