Chapter 940 Mukurovs Satan

“Ok…long time no see.” Looking at Mukuro, Satan couldn’t help but speak. After holding back for a long time, he finally said hello.

While Satan was talking to Mukuro, he was also seen by the sharp-eyed blond moustache host.

Immediately he shouted: “Satan, Mr. Satan knows Mukuro player. It seems that Mukuro is the blonde lightning fighter who defeated Sharu in the past!!! Finally!!! Our savior!! The blonde lightning fighter has appeared!!!”

The blond mustache host’s voice fell, and cheers of mountains and tsunami sounded around.

“Blond Lightning Warrior!!!”, “Blond Lightning Warrior!!!”…

“Mukuro!!!”, “Mukuro!!!”…

“Savior!!!”, “Savior!!!”…

The shouts were higher than the waves.

And the world’s No. 1 martial arts society has also spread across the entire earth through television. Within a moment, people all over the world knew that the blonde lightning warrior appeared again.

What surprised Mukuro was that his reputation was soaring.

After coming to the Dragon Ball universe, Mukuro did not deliberately pay attention to prestige. So that the current reputation value is less than one billion. Moreover, most of these were contributed by the planet Namik, and when Mukuro had the power of the super Saiyan god. 210 once asked the system how much prestige would it cost if it came to a new world if it were fully synchronized.

The systematic answer made Mukuro desperate. The series of prestige values… actually were measured in units of “Gai”. “Gai” is in the order of 100 million, Zhao, Jing, and beyond. Even if Mukuro ruled the Dragon Ball universe, he wouldn’t be able to gain so much prestige.

However, the system’s next answer gave Mukuro a sigh of relief. According to the system, his strength has reached a limit. If it’s like Naruto, Pirate, Shinigami… the origin of the world is only to tremble in front of oneself.

And after he completely absorbs the world origin of the Dragon Ball universe, the system will usher in a brand new evolution. At that time, the functions of the system will be fully displayed, even if it comes to a stronger universe, there is no need to worry about the prestige value.

And, the system will open a brand new module. Mukuro is very much looking forward to this. Because the current system is like a chicken rib to oneself. It is of little use other than helping oneself shuttle through the world and synchronizing strength. It is completely unable to help oneself like the Naruto World. If the system can evolve, then it will help oneself. Will be stronger.

The prestige value will be reflected in a different form, so even if you don’t need to use the prestige value to synchronize your strength, it is not wrong to accumulate more prestige value.

“Then then, let’s start fighting.” Mukuro’s voice fell, and the whole person rushed directly in front of Satan, his fist blasted at the door of Satan.

Satan was so scared that he could not move, closed his eyes, and raised his hand to block his face.

Mukuro’s fist fell on Satan’s palm, and Satan shuddered when he felt Mukuro’s fist. I thought to myself, I should fly out of the ring in the next second.

But after a long time, Satan didn’t feel anything.

Satan couldn’t help thinking more desperately: Is his punch so powerful? ! Did you knock out my consciousness? ! It’s horrible.

But at this moment, the blond moustache host’s voice suddenly rang in his ears: “It’s so amazing!!! You are indeed a Satan player!!! Actually resisted the attack of the blond lightning warrior!!! This is what! The battle of two saviors!!”

Satan was taken aback for a moment, opened his eyes, full of confusion.

what’s the situation? Didn’t he get beaten up? ! Actually still in the ring? ! When he saw Mukuro who was less than one meter in front of him, his whole body was shocked.

At this moment, Mukuro smiled, looked at Satan, and whispered: “Satan, Vidili and I are friends. Regarding your pretending to help me defeat Sharu, I can also open my eyes and close my eyes, but conditions You can’t stop me from dating Vidili.”

“Ah?!” Satan was taken aback for a moment, and his mind was a little bit unable to turn his mind.

“Don’t worry, Vidili likes me very much, and I also like Vidili very much. If you don’t agree, then I will put you off the ring now.” Mukuro threatened.

Only then did Satan react and looked at Vidili under the ring. He looked at the center of the field with a worried expression, but he was obviously not looking at him.

“Well, if Vidili likes you, I agree.” Satan gritted his teeth.

But he is indeed a good father. If it hadn’t been for seeing Vidili looking at Mukuro with love in his eyes and killing Satan, he would not agree.

“By the way, I promised Vidili to defeat you. Look…Should we have a close battle and you will lose to me?!” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Ah?! Okay, okay.” Satan was overjoyed when he heard Mukuro’s words. Busy nodded in response. He knew very well that he was not Mukuro’s opponent at all.

Mukuro can do this because of Vidili’s face. But Satan is already very satisfied, at least he has more face than just leaving the ring.

Then I saw Mukuro and Satan in a fierce battle. Under the control of Mukuro’s repulsive force, it could be said that they hit from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground… It was extremely exciting.

The audience in the seats looked dumbfounded. Even Bidili was a little sluggish, and murmured: “So Dad is so amazing.”

After a few minutes of fighting, Mukuro threw Satan out of the ring.

Ended this “excellent” battle.

As for Satan who fell outside the field, both legs could not help trembling. He just stayed in the sky for a long time…

“Ahahaha… you really deserve to be a blonde lightning warrior!! My champion Satan has once again lost to you. However, I will challenge you in the future.” Even though he was scared, Satan was still in front of the audience. The performance is very hard.

“This wonderful match was finally won by Mukuro! It seems that Mukuro will become the most powerful contender for the championship of the world’s No. 1 Budokai!!” The blond mustache commentator yelled generously and fiercely. .

It’s been a long time since he saw the exciting and fierce battle just now.

At this moment, a hole suddenly appeared on the ring of the world’s No. 1 martial arts club. Then around the cave… there were four more people standing.


Recommendation: “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System”! ! ! Absolute pirate great cool text! ! ! You will never be disappointed! ! The quality of Lao Na is still guaranteed.

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