Chapter 938 Dapla shot

“It’s so stupid! Why do you have to fight alone?! This is not a joke.” The Realm King said angrily.

“Watch it quietly,” Vegeta said lightly.

But his eyes did not move away from Wukong. Although he had already guessed 80% in his heart, Vegeta had to confirm whether Wukong had surpassed the limit of Super Saiyan.

Goku became a Super Saiyan again. Yakun also opened his mouth and began to absorb Jin Yan from Wukong’s body, and the two of them froze in a stalemate.

“I won’t lose to you!” Wukong shouted loudly.

“Ya Kun, idiot! Absorbing so much energy is totally a waste. How can Majin Buu absorb energy without hurting him?”

Seeing this scene, Babidi said angrily.

It seems that the state of Super Saiyan I can only barely maintain a tie with him… There is no way… it can only become the state of Super Saiyan II.

“Drink–ha!!” Wukong’s anger suddenly soared again. Terrifying energy rushed to Yakun’s mouth along with Jin Yan.

“Boom!!” Just an instant, he directly burst Yakun.

16 Seeing this scene, Vegeta’s pupils shrank suddenly: Kakarot, as expected, has surpassed the limit of Super Saiyan.

“…” The Realm King’s eyes widened, his eyes full of horror.

“Okay, let’s go to the next floor.” Wukong looked at the open passage under his feet, and jumped down while speaking.

Gohan jumped down immediately. And said: “Dad! You are so amazing! When you first defeated the monster, you were so angry.”

“Hehe… of course.” Wukong said proudly.

“Blast… it exploded?! Ya… Yakun… how… how could it explode?!” At this time, Babidi’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“That idiot…seems to have hit the opponent’s plan! He died after absorbing too much energy.” Dapla said disdainfully.

“No…no…it was strange just now.”

Looking at the figures of Monkey King, Vegeta, Realm King God, and Monkey King in the crystal ball, Babidi said solemnly, “Those people… really are not easy.”

“Okay, I understand. In that case, Master Babidi’s anxiety, let me clear it up for you.” Dapla said suddenly.

“The third level, I will personally guard it! I will let Majin Buu be able to absorb the energy of those guys immediately.” Dapla was very self-confident.

“Da…Dapla…you are my last hope…If you are also caught by them…are you sure?!” Babidi was a little nervous, afraid that Dapla would lose.

“Sure?! Haha… I don’t need that kind of thing. I’m the king of the demon world. No… Earthlings will be stronger than me.” Dapla said.

He wanted to say that no one would be better than him. However, thinking of his experience of being abused by Mukuro when he was in the Devildom, he changed to a human being on Earth. Dapla didn’t think that the terrifying existence of Mukuro would be a human being on earth. The Milky Way is so big, how could it happen by coincidence.

Before the master has issued the order, I will act on my own, and follow Babidi, not to mention that I have no way to contact the master.

“Gohan, it’s time for you to play next. Have you practiced seriously?!” Wukong asked.

“Yeah!” Gohan nodded. Confidently said: “Over the years, under the supervision of my teacher, I have been practicing, and my strength is much better than when I played against Sharu seven years ago. Maybe you are not my opponent, Dad.”

“Really?! Then let’s go back and have a fight between the two of us.” Hearing Gohan’s words, Wukong said brightly. As long as he mentions the fight, Wukong will become excited.

“Who is Sharu?” Vegeta asked suddenly. Because he has been hearing this name since just now. It seems to be very powerful, Vegeta will naturally be curious.

“Saru is an enemy we met seven years ago. It’s very powerful. Even Gohan turned into Super Saiyan II without defeating him. In the end, Mukuro shot him and defeated him. And it was a very easy defeat. Sharu,” Wukong explained.

And when he heard Wukong’s words, Vegeta’s face was a little gloomy.

Seven years ago…Has Sun Gohan broke the limit of Super Saiyan? ! And that guy Mukuro needs to be stronger! What am I now? !

Vegeta didn’t even notice that evil was breeding in her heart again.

And the Realm King God, looking at the three of Wukong, there is a huge wave in his heart: no wonder…no wonder these three people are not nervous at all…even if something happens, Monkey King can still show the power of that moment. strength. Moreover, the guy named Mukuro… is actually better than Monkey King? This… what kind of monsters are this group of?

At this 473 hour, the hatch on the side opened.

“Dapla?!” Seeing the incoming person, the Realm King God exclaimed.

Dapla embraced his arms and smiled proudly: “It is a miracle for the people on earth to be able to defeat Yakun and come to the third level. Even I can’t help but want to praise you. However, it is only I can get here, this time your opponent is me.”

“Huh! Are the most powerful people on the stage? It seems that Babidi is starting to be scared.” Vegeta said coldly, equally arrogant.

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s go together, I will kill you.” Dapla said.

“No! No! I will fight this battle!” Gohan said hurriedly.

Gohan and Dapla fought fiercely, and they had the upper hand. But after being controlled by Babidi, Dapla’s strength has increased a lot.

So for a while, Gohan couldn’t directly win.


Recommendation: “The Pirate: The Strongest God Level System”! ! ! Absolute pirate great cool text! ! ! You will never be disappointed! ! The quality of Lao Na is still guaranteed.

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