Chapter 923 The Confused King of the South

Where the Realm King lives, Wukong’s hands and feet are tied with super heavy weights, and he is training in a sneer… while the Northern Realm King stands with his hands on the side.

“Haha… this kind of training method has long been outdated.” Suddenly, a voice sounded.

The North Realm King was taken aback, turned around and looked over. It was a guy with a flat hat and two tentacles on his head, wearing the Realm King’s costume. The Northern Realm King smiled and said, “Ah?! It’s the Southern Realm King! Hehehehe…what do you want?!”

“Is he the Sun Wukong with the strongest strength in the northern galaxy?!” The Southern Realm King also stood with his hand in his hand, and said arrogantly.

“Yes.” The North Realm King nodded and said.

“Haha…how much does he carry on his body?!” the Southern Realm King asked.

“Oh. Not too heavy, one weighs only two tons.” The Northern Realm King said nonchalantly. But the raised eyebrows… obviously meant to show off.

“Two…two tons?!” The South Realm King looked shocked.

“Oh…you seem to be surprised?!” The Northern Realm King looked at the Southern Realm King and said.

“Open…what’s a joke?! Humph! What’s so surprising about this.” Southern Realm Wang Qiang pretended to say calmly. Then, afraid of lack of persuasiveness, he explained: “We have a strong person in the Southern Galaxy! Called Rib Rice… Compared to him, what is the Monkey King?!”

“Really? Since you have such powerful people in the southern galaxy, there is a martial arts convention in the northern galaxy recently, and Wukong is going to participate in it. How?! Do you want the guy named ribs rice that you are proud of to also participate? !” The King of the North said with a smile.

“Hum hum …… Well, spare ribs will win.” King of the south boundary road with confidence.

The King of the Northern Realm moved his eyebrows, he smiled, and suddenly looked at Wukong and said, “Hey, Wukong! Would you like to try another one with a heavier load?!”

Hearing the voice of the King of the North, Wukong was taken aback, and stopped his movements.

“Ah?! Okay. How about replacing it with a multiple one?!” Wukong asked.

“Well…” The Northern Realm King looked contemplative, then he helped the little glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, “How about replacing it with a ten-ton one?!”

“Ten…ten tons?! This…how is this possible?!” The Southern Realm King on the side, this would have changed into a demented expression, such a terrifying load, he could hardly imagine.

“Ten tons of weight?!…Uh, wouldn’t it be too heavy?! You can’t move.” Wukong frowned as he looked at the Northern Realm King.

“Haha! That’s right, it’s just a mess! North Realm King, don’t always brag.” Hearing Wukong’s own words, the South Realm King said with a sigh of relief.

However, the Northern Realm King still has the old god on his face, and he said unhurriedly: “Well…transform into a Super Saiyan, it’s fine.”

“Well, that’s okay.” Wukong nodded and said.

But the King of the South Realm on the side was embarrassed. I will look at Wukong for a while, and the King of the North for a while, I don’t know what they are talking about.

“Hey! You come to change it.” The Northern Realm King looked at the Southern Realm King and said.

“Huh?!” The expression on the South Realm King’s face was obviously taken aback.

Then suddenly he became excited and said: “Then I want to change it?! Ten tons, it’s forty tons in total. Is it really okay?!”

“It’s really long-winded, hurry up.” The Northern Realm King looked impatient.

“Don’t blame me if you are injured, Monkey King.” The King of the Southern Realm couldn’t wait, and couldn’t wait to see the King of the Northern Realm not coming to the stage.

Raising his hand, spreading his five fingers, aimed at Wukong, suddenly shouted.

“Drink!!” Wukong’s weight suddenly increased.

“Well, it’s really heavy.” Wukong’s limbs fell down as he fell.

“Huh-hey ha!!!” Wukong suddenly burst into anger! !

The golden arrogance of the whole body was tumbling, and he had entered the state of Super Saiyan! !

“It’s so easy, it’s so easy.” Wukong said excitedly.

At the same time, all kinds of punching, kicking… movements were as fast as lightning, and the Southern Realm King on the side was completely dumbfounded.

“…” There was a blank in the Southern Realm King’s brain.

The weight on Wukong’s body was added by his own hands. And in order to embarrass the Southern Realm King, each load must exceed ten tons.

But now it seems that carrying weights is useless.

“The time for the martial arts conference is set to be twenty-eight days after Earth time. Don’t forget to tell the ribs rice.” The king of the north said lightly, looking at the king of the south.

“I…actually…that…probably…the ribs rice didn’t bother to participate in that boring martial arts convention. Humph! Those boring guys…too boring!” The Southern Realm King said loudly, but what? All seem to be lacking in confidence.

After that, the King of the Southern Realm turned around and left, and of course he said, “Hahahaha…but don’t worry. I will definitely tell it to the ribs rice. But I’m sure he won’t participate in such boring martial arts. The conference, hum!”

“By the way, the King of the South Realm.” The King of the North Realm suddenly stopped the King of the South Realm.

“Is there anything else?! I’m very busy.” The Southern Realm King said uncomfortably.

The King of the Northern Territory said with a humble expression: “Correct your mistake, King of the Southern Territory. The strongest in the North Galaxy is not Goku. It is Wukong’s companion, a Saiyan named Mukuro. In his contest, Wukong was completely defeated.”

The King of the Southern Realm was taken aback… Wukong was so powerful, he just saw it with his own eyes. I am afraid that the strongest ribs rice in Nan Yinhe is not an opponent. Unexpectedly, there is something more powerful than Monkey King? ! That… how powerful would that be…

“Humph!” The King of the South snorted coldly, not helping his pace quicken.

This time, he didn’t even dare to say anything harsh.

“Hehe…” Seeing the Southern Realm King leave dingy, the Northern Realm King made a victory gesture, obviously in a very happy mood. There is also competition between the world king and the world king. How could the King of the North Realm be unhappy if he could force the King of the South Realm? !

At this time, in the western capital of the earth, the Universal Capsule Company, in a super luxurious villa, there was a battle going on, and Mufeng was fighting on the 18th and Buma at the same time.

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