Chapter 901 Sharu’s counterattack

“This is…Is this the power to surpass Super Saiyan!?” Wukong looked at Gohan’s face eagerly. If it weren’t for Gohan’s battle against Saru, it’s estimated that Goku would have to step forward to challenge Gohan…

“Yes, this is the state of Super Saiyan II.” Mukuro suddenly laughed.

“Ah!?” Wukong was taken aback.

Then he scratched his head and said, “Mukuro, you have reached it too.”

“Of course.” Mukuro said with a shrug.

“That’s amazing!!” Wukong said with a serious face, “It seems that I am the weakest one. So I have to work harder in the future.” But at this point, Wukong’s expression became frustrated again. “But Qiqi doesn’t let me practice. Really… I really want to go to the Northern Realm King to practice. If I can practice with the Northern Realm King, I believe I will also be able to cultivate to Super Saiyan soon. The point of the second person.”

“…” Mukuro was speechless.

Sure enough, for Wukong, cultivation is more important than his wife.

Kiki is really blind.

“Is this your true strength!? It feels okay…but don’t be so arrogant, kid. Do you really think…you can beat me!?” Although Saru was a little afraid of Gohan at this moment , But still said arrogantly.

“Of course I can.” Gohan said without hesitation, with a firm tone.

“Huh… your tone is really not small, let you see… the true strength of my Sharu.” Sharu said.

“Hey ah ah ah ah ah – !!” charroux shouted.

At the same time, the horror was released.

I have to say, because there is Saiyan blood in his body, Sharu recovered after fighting with Goku. The strength became stronger again, but Mukuro could clearly perceive…Saru’s aura was obviously weaker than Gohan’s aura.

The raging air directly blew Tianjin Fan, Kelin, and Yamu Tea into the air.

“Um… Sharu is finally going to fight with all his strength.” Wukong looked at Sharu and said entangledly. Can’t fight, and want to fight again, Wukong can be described as extremely uncomfortable.

“It’s so strong, the earth is shaking.” Klin couldn’t help sighing.

And Mukuro, standing in the air.

No matter how violent Sharu’s anger is, even Mukuro’s clothes can’t be blown. This kind of gas will not affect Mukuro in the slightest, provided that Mukuro enters the super game state.

“How is it!? Have you seen the gap between us?” Sharu said. At this moment, he didn’t realize the gap between himself and Gohan, so he was still complacent.

“Nothing great, too weak.”

Gohan said coldly, scorning Sharu’s power.

I have to say that after entering the state of Super Saiyan II, not only Gohan’s strength has been greatly improved, but his character has also become cold and decisive.


There was a disdainful expression on Sharu’s face.

Immediately afterwards, he launched a violent attack on Gohan. Sharu’s fist hit Gohan’s cheek heavily, and Gohan didn’t move at all, but he slid his cheek and resisted Sharu’s attack, and the corner of his mouth raised a cold and arrogant smile.

“!?” Sharu was obviously surprised.

Some could not believe it, gritted their teeth.

With a punch, he blasted towards Gohan again. However, Saru’s fist was held tightly by Gohan with one hand. Gohan fought back, hitting Sharu’s abdomen with a punch.

“Ah…uh…” Sharu’s body was a little stiff. With this punch, Gohan knocked out Saru’s bile.

Sharu endured the pain and wanted to fight back.

But this kind of counterattack is obviously ineffective.

Gohan just lowered his head and dodged easily. Gohan charged slightly, and suddenly it was an uppercut. Shaped like a Mount Lushan Shenglongba… quickly and accurately hit Sharu’s chin. Sharu’s body has been… his eyes popped out, and blood was bleeding from the corners of his nose and mouth. Obviously, Gohan couldn’t bear this blow.

“Asshole… asshole… just got two punches… I’m actually hurting like this.” Sharu clutched his bloody nose and stared at Gohan with disbelief. He couldn’t believe that Gohan could be so powerful.

“Even though the camera broke… But something amazing happened at the scene. That… the kid… was actually beating Sharu.” The reporter who saw this scene was faithfully using the microphone to speak to people all over the world. Voice relay is in progress.

Gohan showed no interest in the nonsense that Sharu said. With a face full of indifference, he walked towards Sharu step by step. And seeing Gohan walking towards him, Saru gradually backed away unconsciously, apparently in the subconscious, Saru was afraid of Gohan.

“You guy!!” Sharu attacked again after gritting his teeth.

But he was easily blocked by Gohan. Afterwards, Gohan fought back, smashing Sharu seriously with just a few punches.

With Gohan’s super two strength, killing Sharu couldn’t be easier. However, Gohan didn’t plan to do that. At this moment, Gohan has a cat-and-mouse mentality, and his super-two strength has brought Gohan an overwhelming confidence! !

Sharu exhausted all his strength and stood up. At this moment, he has a blue nose and a swollen face. Looks embarrassed, without the arrogance just now.

No… incredible… there should be such a strong existence in this world… I… my strength is not as good as him… Sharu thought to himself.

“Huh! Your strength is indeed amazing. However, the final outcome has not been announced.” Sharu suddenly rose into the air and roared: “Turtle…Pai…qi…Hey, I will do my best next. A blow!! If you dodge, the earth will be completely finished. So, you must take this trick…hahahaha!”

This is Sharu’s last resort, threatening Gohan with the earth! ! Sharu doesn’t think anyone can take over his turtle style qigong.

“…Gong!!!” Shalu roared the last word. Pushing out with both hands, a super terrifying tortoise school qigong blasted towards the surface of the earth.

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