Chapter 886 The origin of Sharu

“Yes, it is Frieza’s father. It is strange that in your time, the person who should have appeared did not appear. But it does not matter, I have collected all the cells that should be collected. Now I am the strongest warrior in the universe. “Saru laughed wildly.

“You…how did you collect the cells!? When we were fighting…there was no suspicious person present.” Piccolo was puzzled.

“Hey… Dr. Rogge sent a spy robot to spy on your whereabouts. The robot is smaller than a bee, and collects the cells without being aware of it. Look… he’s here again, he will put it here Enter the situation into the computer, maybe this time I came here to collect your cells…” Sharu pointed to a location in the air.

“Om…” Smaller than a mosquito, there was almost no sound.

Although with Piccolo’s hearing, there is no problem with hearing. But in normal times, Piccolo would definitely not pay attention and would only think it was an insect.

“Go to hell!!” Directly blasted the cell collection machine with a shock wave.

But Sharu didn’t care at all: “Huh… it’s too late to destroy it now. The necessary cells have already been collected. Oh… Except for the Saiyan named Mukuro. But whether it’s Monkey King or Vegeta… The Saiyan cells have already been collected enough. And the research has already begun. Actually… I only completed it in the future twenty-four years later, so you just accept your fate. Ha ha ha ha.”

“Impossible! Rogge’s research institute was destroyed by us a long time ago.” Piccolo asked.

“The computer is in the basement of the institute.” Shalu said.

“That’s it…” Piccolo frowned, “Why did it take three years for you to evolve from the egg to what you are now when you come to this era?”

“I have to stay underground for three years before I can mature.”

Sharu said, seeming to be a little impatient, and said: “Okay… don’t talk nonsense. Now, it’s time for me to absorb your essence.”

“There is one last question, why do you want to come back here from the future!?” Finally, Piccolo asked the question he cared most. This is also what Piccolo wants to ask most. The previous questions are also to paralyze Sharu, step by step to gradually reduce Sharu’s vigilance, make Sharu believe that he has accepted his fate, and then answer his own questions.

If you asked this at the beginning, Sharu would definitely be suspicious.

I have to say that Piccolo is indeed very smart.

And Sharu didn’t doubt that he had it, and said, “Just absorbing the essence of human life is not enough to make me a complete body. I must absorb two important special life forms… the computer shows, those two special lives The body is… the cyborg 17 and cyborg 18 made by Dr. Rogge, which is why I came back. I don’t know what my future is like, but the 17th and the 18th are He was killed by Trunks. But fortunately, Trunks had a time machine. I killed him and came to this era in the time machine. The goal is to find the 17th and the 18th and absorb them. Lost them.”

“What!? Why choose this era…” Piccolo puzzled.

“I don’t know, it was the time set by Trunks. I just pressed the button.” Sharu shrugged and said innocently.

“Perhaps Trunks is here to tell us that in the future, he has eliminated the cyborgs, so he deliberately set the time in this era.” Piccolo thought to himself.

“The computer also showed…Once I evolve into a complete form, I will gain unimaginable tremendous power.” Sharu said with excitement on his face.

“In the future…you have killed Trunks. Then why…why do you have such a huge power.” Picnic gritted his teeth.

“Why!? This question is so boring.” Sharu said as it should be: “The command received by the computer is to create the most powerful and sharp life. It may be because my body is flowing with Saiyan blood… …And Frieza, and the blood of your Big Demon King Piccolo. That’s why I want to become stronger. This is your nature.”

“Understood…” A smile suddenly appeared on Piccolo’s face.

“Thank you for letting me understand all this…” As he said, Piccolo pulled off his arm that turned into a dry branch and threw it to the ground.


Shaking his newly born arm, Piccolo smiled: “Your words are worthy of reference, but I won’t make you a complete body. You are really stupid… Don’t you know that my body is regenerated? Ability?”

“You…you are trying to find out about me!?” Shalu said in astonishment.

Looking at Sharu, Piccolo believed: “Saru, even though you have absorbed the energy of one of my hands, my strength is still stronger than you. Wait for death.”

“Pretend to lose an arm, so as to make out what I said… Humph, I didn’t expect your ghost brain to turn quickly.” Shalu said with embarrassment.

“That is the wisdom of the gods,” Piccolo said.

“What!?” Sharu was surprised. “That’s it… Piccolo has merged with the gods, and then you now appear?” At the same time, Shalu secretly said in his heart: In this case, the Dragon Ball no longer exists. It is impossible for the dead to be resurrected again. Hahaha… This is good news, wait… I will kill you all.

“Of course, did you just know it!? It seems that in your time…Did the gods and Piccolo be combined?” Piccolo said with interest.

“En!?” Suddenly Sharu was taken aback and looked at the distant sky.

Several very powerful qi gradually approached here.

Mukuro, Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Klin, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha… Basically all Dragon Ball fighters have come here. Although in Mukuro’s opinion, the three of Kelin, Tianjin Fan, and Yamucha came here, they were all soy sauce. No… It should be said that it was beaten soy sauce. In Sharu’s hands, the three of them could not hold up a shock wave together.

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