Chapter 879 Dead twentieth

“Monkey King, where do you want to go? Just here, you don’t have the right to choose.” Dr. Rogge said, and then landed on the ground.

Wukong saw that there were no people around, so he landed.

“Huh!? Although it is a plateau, it is surrounded by rocks and mountains. They probably want to hide behind the rocks when they lose.” Bick thought secretly in his heart.

“Before the battle, answer my question. How do you know our names?” Wukong asked, staring at Dr. Rogge.

Tianjin Fan and Bick also looked at him suspiciously.

“I can tell you the reason…but, don’t regret it after listening. Monkey King, you have been monitored by our ultra-small reconnaissance plane. From the world’s number one martial arts club to your battle with Pic and Vegeta…also That is to say, since you destroyed the Red Silk Army, we have been studying you. Moreover, we have created a robot designed to defeat you.” Dr. Rogge said.

“Just to avenge me.” Wukong stared at Dr. Rogge and said 16.

“Yes, you ruined the Red Silk Army’s dream of ruling the world, leaving only Dr. Rogge. So you are going to kill you to avenge the Red Silk Corps.” Dr. Rogge said loudly.

“Listen, you are Dr. Rogge,” Piccolo said suddenly.

“!?” Dr. Rogge’s pupils shrank suddenly. Denied: “Don’t talk nonsense! I’m cyborg No. 20. Dr. Rogge is already dead.”

“So it’s like this, I understand.” Goku said coldly, “But, did you see the battle between Mukuro and I on the planet Namik!?”

“No, because it is not necessary.” Dr. Rogge said confidently: “We have already mastered your true strength. With your age, even if you progress, you won’t get much improvement. And the one beside you is better than you. The stronger guy is also within our calculations. It will definitely not be the opponent of our cyborgs.” Said Roger stretched his hand to Mukuro.

“Ugh…” Mukuro sighed. Thought: I was shot while lying down.

“Hey, that’s it.” Wukong showed a confident smile on his face. Said: “Then, you have overlooked the most critical part…you are determined to lose.”

“What!?” Dr. Rogge was puzzled.

Piccolo embraced his arms, with a disdainful smile on his face, and said, “Because you don’t know… the terrible Super Saiyan.”

“Super Saiyan!?” Dr. Rogge was taken aback.

“Drink!!” Wukong yelled, his whole body soaring.

The super Saiyan with blonde hair and golden eyes appeared, and his horrible aura vented around.

“So strong! Is this Wukong’s Super Saiyan form!?” It was the first time that Tianjin Fan saw Wukong in Super Saiyan form.

“It is indeed a very strong force, much stronger than we estimated. I don’t need to shoot, just the 19th is enough to deal with you.” Dr. Rogge said.

Mukuro, who was on the side, glanced at his mouth.

After confronting Trunks for more than a year, Wukong’s combat effectiveness has also soared wildly. If the combat power is fully deployed, the combat power of more than two billion is definitely there. But Wukong has a very serious problem: Because he enjoys the battle too much, no matter who the opponent is, Wukong will not try his best at the beginning of the battle.

Fighting with Wukong on the 19th was just a moment.

He was directly blasted by Wukong into the side of the mountain wall.

Only after a few rounds of fighting, the nineteenth was completely at a disadvantage.

“Ah!? Goku is so strong now… Is that Super Saiyan… We are not on the same level with him.” Looking at Wukong’s battle, Tianjin Fan was completely sluggish. You have to know that you have beaten Wukong once. And now… I guess I couldn’t even catch Wukong’s casual attack.

“…Huh.” Piccolo was the same, unwilling to face it.

“How is it possible!? His energy has greatly exceeded our expectations…If this continues, he has not yet absorbed his energy. On the nineteenth, his energy will be exhausted.” Dr. Rogge looked at the battle in the sky, Very anxious at this time.

Suddenly, Dr. Rogge saw Mukuro who looked relaxed.

Suddenly my eyes lit up, and my mind came to my mind.

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were looking into the air for the battle, Roger moved a few steps under his feet and walked quietly behind Mukuro.

Mukuro naturally noticed Rogge’s small movements, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

Suddenly, Dr. Rogge hugged Mukuro.

He shouted at the nineteenth in the sky: “Nineteenth! Come and absorb his energy. Then continue to fight with Monkey King.” After just talking for a short while, Dr. Rogge could feel his body The energy has doubled several times.

On the 19th, I heard Dr. Rogge’s yelling, and noticed Mukuro who was imprisoned by Dr. Rogge. No longer fighting with Goku, he flew directly in front of Mukuro. The two palms with absorbers were caught directly on Mukuro’s wrist. At the beginning of 493, Mukuro’s energy was absorbed frantically. On the 19th, he could feel the energy in his body increasing frantically, and he couldn’t help being excited.

“That… can you let it go!? Although you two are now cyborgs…but anyway, you were once male. If Bouma sees me being held by you like this and suspects that I’m gay, I won’t It’s easy.” Mukuro said distressedly.

“Ahahaha… caught me. I want to suck you dry, or I won’t let go.” No.19 laughed loudly, looking extremely arrogant. The appearance of eating Mukuro.

“Really… Then there is no way.”

Mukuro faintly said, “Since you like energy, then I will feed you.” At the same time, the energy that agitated his whole body was poured into his body through the energy absorber of the number nineteen hands. And the face of No.19 also showed crazy joy.

He could feel that the speed at which he absorbed energy had become faster!

But this joy did not last for a few seconds.

A painful color appeared on No.19’s face, because he found that… his energy absorption had reached saturation. In desperation, on the 19th, he wanted to loosen the hands that grabbed Mukuro, but suddenly found out in horror… that he could not remove his palms.

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