Chapter 874 future world

Standing up, Trunks looked at Mukuro longingly, and Mukuro had straight hair. He shit… won’t he be a gay guy. Mukuro turned his head to look at Wukong, and said, “Goku, Trunks will leave it to you. You beat him to death. It doesn’t matter if he is disabled. Go to Karin and ask for a bag of fairy beans. It doesn’t matter, ask Boomer for the Dragon Ball radar.”

“Mr. Mukuro…what are you!?” Trunks said he was stunned.

In the future world, Karinta was destroyed a few years before the cyborgs raged. So Trunks hasn’t really seen fairy beans, just heard of things like fairy beans. In the battle with the cyborgs, Trunks has never been on the verge of death.

Naturally, it is not clear about the pervert of Saiyan’s body constitution.

This will hear Mukuro’s words, of course it will be daunting.

Trunks didn’t know this, and Mukuro didn’t bother to explain it to him. He glanced at Trunks and said faintly: “If you want to become stronger, don’t ask why, just do as I say. If you want to leave, you can anytime.”

“I…I won’t leave.” Trunks looked firm.

“That’s right.” Wukong suddenly scratched his head and asked: “What is going on in your future world!? I asked you to come back for help!?”

“Perhaps… people of your age will find it incredible. But… I really came here from the future world twenty years later on a time machine. It is also possible, as Mr. Mukuro said, it should be They are two different worlds. My name is Trunks, with Saiyan blood…I am Vegeta’s son.” Trunks said.

“I know all of these…” Goku scratched his head and said, “But Vegeta has never seen him since the planet Namico. I didn’t expect Vegeta to be in your world. There will be a child of an earthling.”

Hearing what Goku said, Trunks looked at Mukuro with a complicated expression.

“I will be born in two and a half years from now… However, I didn’t come here by the time machine to tell you this. I wanted to tell you something important.” Trunks looked at Wukong. Said solemnly.

“En!? What’s the matter!?” Wukong was puzzled.

Trunks was full of hatred on his face and clenched his fists. Said: “Three years later, at ten o’clock on the 12th of May. On a small island nine kilometers southwest of the southern capital. There will be two super terrifying enemies…they are infinitely powerful…unimaginable.”

“Cosmic people have appeared on the earth again!?” Wukong asked.

Trunks shook his head and said, “It’s not cosmic people, they are artificial humans made by earthlings. They were made by Dr. Gero, a scientist from the former Red Silk Army.”

“It’s the Red Silk Army again!?” Wukong was startled.

When Mukuro did not reach the earth, there was a brutal army on the earth, which was very ambitious. With the change of time, the activities of the “Red Silk Army” with powerful military capabilities have become more frequent, and their goal is to conquer the world. Therefore, after hearing about the existence of Dragon Ball, he hired various masters to collect Dragon Ball at a high price, so he clashed with Wukong and was completely eliminated by Wukong.

There is a very powerful scientist in the Red Silk Army.

It was Dr. Geiro, who had survived the collapse of the Red Silk Army.

“After the Red Silk Army was annihilated by you, Dr. Gero, who survived by chance, is still doing research.” Trunks said in a deep voice.

“Do they still want to conquer the world?” Wukong asked.

“I don’t know.” Trunks shook his head and said, “But Dr. Geiro has always been ambitious. Dr. Geiro originally wanted to make the cyborg into a sophisticated killing machine, but found that the cyborg was not under his control. Even he himself was killed by something he invented himself, which means that the cyborg is a terrifying guy who enjoys killing and destroying.”

“You can transform into a Super Saiyan, it seems that you have good strength. But you still think they are very scary, then…” Wukong also became solemn.

“Yes.” Trunks nodded. Continued: “I originally wanted to resist, but even if I was one-on-one with a human being, I only had to escape.”

“Wait, the two of them? How about your companions?” Wukong asked puzzledly.

Hearing Wukong’s question, Trunks lowered his head.

“All… are dead.”

“Twenty years later, I am the only fighter remaining.”

“…” Wukong looked dull.

Trunks explained: “In the fighting three years later, my father, Uncle Klin, Uncle Yamucha, Uncle Tianjin Fan, Uncle Dumplings, and Bick all died. And Gohan who escaped by chance Brother, after teaching me martial arts, it was also four years ago… With the death of Piccolo, the Dragon Ball no longer exists, and no one can be resurrected. With everyone’s death, the cyborgs went crazy 507. Killing innocents, the future world will become like hell.” At this point, Trunks clenched his fists, and Monkey King was Trunks’ most respected teacher.

“It’s amazing, they are so amazing.” Trunks roared.

“Wait… What about me!? How am I… Am I killed too!? And this guy Mukuro, is there anyone in the world who is better than Mukuro!?” Goku said in a puzzled way. In the end, his eyes widened.

“You didn’t take part in the battle… Soon, you would be seriously ill. Then you died before the cyborg appeared.” At this point, Trunks paused. He glanced at the Mukuro who didn’t care about his expression, and continued: “In our world, there is no Mr. Mukuro, and I don’t know why.”

I don’t know why… how do you know that I am a translator.

Mukuro flipped through Byakugan and continued to travel the sky.

“Huh!?” Wukong yelled, with a pity on his face.

“You have a severe viral heart disease. Even if you are a Super Saiyan, you can’t get rid of the torment of the disease.” Trunks said in a deep voice.

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