Chapter 872 Messy Trunks

There was a strange tone in Mukuro’s voice. In the next moment, he was standing beside Wukong with his arms around Bouma. And when he saw Mukuro…no, maybe it should be said that he saw Mukuro who was holding Boomer, Trunks was completely confused.

what’s the situation? ! My mother’s boyfriend before being with my dad should be Yamucha. I have seen a picture of Uncle Yamucha. He was completely different from this man, and Uncle Yamucha was not so scary. The person in front of him felt… even more terrifying than man-made, Trunks looked at Mukuro with some caution.

Although it did not exude hostility, it was not very friendly either.

“Mukuro, Bouma, you guys are here too.” Goku scratched his head and said, “Mukuro, do you know this guy?! How can he transform into a Super Saiyan too. It’s not like that Saiyan is the only one besides us. Yes, there is the guy named Vegeta. Is there only one guy named Broly? I’ve seen Vegeta. This guy, it’s not Broly. But, Mukuro, don’t you mean Broly? Is Lee very evil? But in him, I don’t feel the evil anger.” With that, Wukong pointed to Trunks.

Hearing Goku’s words, Mukuro hadn’t had time to speak.

Trunks on the side panicked first. Looking at Wukong, he asked nervously, “Mr. Goku. Dad… Vegeta, isn’t he on Earth? And Frieza!? Has he been to Earth already?!”

“Vegeta!?” Wukong scratched his head, a little confused.

Somewhat dazedly he said, “How could Vegeta be on Earth!? The last time we met, he was still on the planet Namik. I don’t know where he went after that. And Frieza has long been there. It has been completely wiped out by Mukuro in Nami Nemesis. Where did you hear these news? They are all wrong.”

“Nami Nemesis!? Didn’t Nami Nemesis be destroyed when you were fighting with Frieza, Uncle Goku? Then, Uncle Goku, you flee to the planet Adela on the spaceship of Team Kinyut. Dad… also Haven’t all the people on the planet Namik been transferred to the earth? There are also Frieza, who have not been completely wiped out. They have been reborn with the help of their father, King Kurd, and become stronger. Also…should be in the two Arrived on Earth a few hours ago.” At this moment, Trunks can be said to be completely stunned.

Why is everything happening in this world different from what I know.

Trunks was dumbfounded, and Wukong was equally dumbfounded. But Wukong is more nervous, and he doesn’t pay attention to so many things. His attention was completely attracted by a message in Trunks’ words. He asked with excitement:

“You said… Frieza is not dead and has become stronger!? And… this will be on the way to the earth!?” At this point, Wukong suddenly thought of something. Watching Mukuro with a vigilant face, he said, “Mukuro, say yes first. Last time you robbed Frieza with me in Nami Nemesis, you can’t rob Frieza with me this time. Otherwise, I would be really angry. ”

Hearing Goku’s words, Mukuro’s head was full of black lines.

Holding his head, Mukuro said as if he was defeated by you, “Goku, do you think that under my shockwave attack. Is Frieza still alive? Also, what else the blue-haired boy said. But none of them are accurate. Why…you just think this thing is correct!?” Mukuro said he was rather helpless.

“Ah… yes.” Wukong suddenly realized.

Then he looked at Trunks angrily and said, “I wanted to thank you originally. I didn’t expect you to be a liar like Oolong.”

“It’s not… Uncle Goku.” Trunks was a little messy.

“You call me uncle!? Do I know you!?” Wukong said blankly.

Trunks opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. Because before coming to this world, my mother explained to herself that she could not reveal too much about the future world. Because of this, it may have a worse impact in the future.

Suddenly Trunks’ eyes lit up and looked at Mukuro on the side.

In the future world, this person does not exist. Moreover, according to what Uncle Wukong said earlier, Frieza was killed by him. It seems that history has changed at that time, maybe he will know something.

“That… Mr. Mukuro. Excuse me, can you tell me about your origins?” Trunks asked cautiously, for fear that Mukuro would be upset.

“My origin!? I’m sorry, I won’t tell you.” Mukuro refused directly.

What a joke! ? My history, even if the king comes, I will not tell him. Not to mention you little fellow.

As the strong, Mukuro disdains and deceives the weak.

Trunks is indeed a weak force in Mukuro’s eyes.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Trunks’s eyes, but Mukuro suddenly smiled and said, “But I know your origins. Vegeta’s son is from the future world. Am I right? Trunks! ?”

“The future world… how is it possible!?” Bummer said with a surprised look on his arm around Mukuro.

“Vegeta’s son!? Where is Vegeta!?” Goku asked.

“You…you…” Trunks pointed to Mukuro. With a horrified expression on his face: “You…how can you know that I am from the future world!? Could it be…are you from the future world too!? Because you came earlier than me, so you changed the world!? Right! …That’s it! It must be like this.” Trunks guessed a possibility.

“Um…Although I know about your world. But, sorry. I am not a person in your world. At the same time, I want to tell you that although you think your world is a continuation of this world, it is the world of the future. But I want to tell you that these are actually two completely different worlds. It’s just that there is consistency in certain things, but they are completely different. For example, in your world, Bouma is your mother. In this world, Boomer is my wife.” Looking at Trunks, Mukuro said lightly.

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