Chapter 866 Kill Momoka

The breath of Momocha disappeared with the light. The absolutely dark environment, coupled with the breath of the disappeared enemy. If it were another opponent, he would be panicked a long time ago, like a headless fly, this is also Momoka’s strongest method.

The demons in the core territory are generally higher-ranked demons.

And these demons may have some very heaven-defying superpowers! For example, Dapura, the king of the devil world, possesses superpowers that can petrify others. As for Momoka, his superpower is to swallow light and hide his breath.

The sight became completely dark.

Although Mukuro’s eyes were promoted to the pupil of reincarnation. But it is not out of the scope of the eyes, and no image can be captured without light. However, Mukuro didn’t panic at all, instead closed his eyes. Observation Haki and Kagura’s eyes are unfolded. Observation Haki can sharpen the five senses in use, as well as perceive changes in the breath and emotions of surrounding creatures. Even foresee the enemy’s next attack moves and evade. And Kagura Xinyan is the strongest detection technique in the Naruto world, and it does not exist one of them! It is a mind-eye, a mind-eye that perceives the environment around the body, and even can see through the enemy’s heart.

Observation Haki, coupled with Kagura’s heart, is Mukuro’s unfavorable method.

Mukuro has gone through five dimensional worlds in 373, and Observation Haki has added Kagura’s eyes. The combination of these two perception methods has never disappointed Mukuro.

And this time, naturally, it is no exception!

Under the perception of Mukuro’s BUG.

Momocha is like a megawatt bulb, especially notable.

But it seemed that Mukuro’s muscles were tense and alert. From Momoka’s point of view, it was the same situation as other enemies who fell into their own light-devouring realm. Without any sound, just a few flashes, Momoka sneaked to a few tens of meters away from Mukuro. There was no sound during the process. With the light-devouring realm, Momoka naturally possesses the ability to find enemies in the light-devouring realm.

With this ability, Momoka didn’t know how many strong men had died.

At a distance of a few meters from Mukuro, Momoka could clearly observe the panic on Mukuro’s face. Of course Momoka didn’t know that this was just pretended by Mukuro. A hideous smile appeared on his face. The muscles on Momoka’s arm contracted, and the stout arm became a sharp spear. Speaking of late, it was fast, when Momoka was preparing to raid Mukuro.

Mukuro moved, his figure as swift as lightning.

Just when Momoka spied Mukuro secretly, although Mukuro looked panicked on the surface. But secretly, strength has already been accumulated, and this moment is waiting for! Although Momoka’s brain is a bit unwieldy, he can survive in the cruel environment of the Demon World, and has a combat power of 17 billion. Momoka’s fighting instinct has long been integrated into his body. So even when it is relaxing, Momoka can make the most effective defense, and Momoka is the most open moment.

It’s this moment.

All Momoka’s mind and strength were concentrated on the offensive.

God is coming! !

Mukuro’s figure suddenly disappeared in Momoka’s perception.

Momoka suddenly panicked and thought of Mukuro’s weird movement just now. I couldn’t help but put all my mind behind him, because Mukuro appeared behind him just now. Inertial thinking prompted Momoka to think that Mukuro would still appear behind him this time.

But Mukuro did the opposite.

He appeared directly in front of Momoka. The arm that had already accumulated all the strength of the whole body blasted on Momoka’s heart! Rao is Momoka, who is a demon with a thick skin, but Mukuro’s punch continued and it still dented Momoka’s heart. Even the sound of Momoka’s bones shattering can be heard.

And the next moment, Momoka flew out all over.

It was natural to chase after the victory, and Shen Lin followed closely, and Mukuro’s attack fell on Momoka like raindrops. Broken arm bones, broken thoracic bones, broken leg bones, and broken spine, just a few seconds later, there is no more intact bone in Momoka’s body. The combat power of the whole person is also seven or eight, although it has a combat power of 17 billion. But what can be played out is even less than a fraction.

Naturally, the pitch-black light-eating space could not be maintained.

Turtle School…Qigong! ! !

In the world of Dragon Ball, how can you not learn Turtle Qigong! ? Although Guipai Qigong may not be the best technique for using Qi, there is no doubt that Guipai Qigong is definitely the most potential move.

Do not! Perhaps it should be said that it is the move that best reflects the combat effectiveness.

Although Guipai Qigong cannot guarantee that the weak will defeat the strong, it can make your combat effectiveness manifest to the fullest! -Kun no, the turtle style qigong is the only qigong wave that Wukong has learned. From Wukong’s fighting power to only dozens of scum, to Wukong becoming the god of super Saiyan! All they used were tortoise-style qigong, and they were all unfavorable and defeated an unknown number of enemies.

The blue Turtle Qigong cut through the sky and hit Momoka’s body. And Momoka, naturally, can also feel the death-like oppression brought by the tortoise school qigong. I wanted to dodge, but at this moment there is no complete bone in Momoka, how could he have dodged the chase of the tortoise school qigong, just struggled a few times…

The blue shock wave overwhelmed Momocha.

In the end, Mukuro could even see Momoka who was submerged by the tortoise school qigong, with a look of great horror and despair on his face. However, he has no chance to regret it at all. The body gradually disappeared in the violent energy of Guipai Qigong.

The second strongest in the Devil, the “Light Beast”-Momoka! ! !

die! ! !

“Then it should be you next… King of the Demon Realm, Dapla.” Mukuro muttered while looking at the center of the core realm.

And Dapura in the Palace of the Demon King on the Peak of the Demon King.

The moment Momoka died, he had already sensed it. Tengdi stood up from the throne, frowning and muttering to himself: “Momoka, actually dead?! How could it be possible!?”

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