Chapter 829 Horror

On the world king star, Mukuro held his breath and raised his state to the highest peak. Then suddenly he shouted: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” The next moment, the light cyan flame wrapped around Mukuro’s body suddenly raged several times.

“Ok… so awesome.” The king of the world couldn’t help taking a few steps back.

“In just one month, I didn’t expect you to use the Realm King Fist to such a degree. Mukuro, you are definitely the most talented fighter I have ever seen.” The Realm King praised sincerely, “Right, ten times. What is your combat value in the state of King Fist?”

“Let me see.” Mukuro nodded and closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, Mukuro opened his eyes. He smiled and said: “In the state of Ten Times Realm King Fist… it can reach a combat power of 230 million points.”

“Hi…Two hundred and thirty million!?” Jie Wang couldn’t help taking a breath.

But then there was ecstasy on his face. He opened his mouth and said: “According to what you said, Frieza’s combat power is 120 million points. Mukuro, your current combat power has reached 230 million points. So defeating Frieza is no problem at all. Bar!?”

“Well, there is no problem at all.” Mukuro smiled and nodded.

I have been in the world king Mukuro for two months.

During the first month, Mukuro was learning the release technique of vitality bullets.

The vitality bomb is a very terrifying move. It’s not that you feel and gather vitality, even if you have learned it. Otherwise, in the original plot, Wukong is not the only one to learn. How to turn a vitality that is not lethal to a vitality bomb with terrifying offensive power. This is the most important point in learning the vitality bullet.

It took Wukong three months to learn the vitality bomb.

And Mukuro, it only took a month.

And it takes a long time for Wukong to release the vitality bomb to gather vitality, but Mukuro doesn’t use it at all. Because Mukuro’s method of gaining vitality is not to request, but to grab it directly. Therefore, the condensing vitality bomb does not take too much preparation time at all, and the time to condense a vitality bomb is about the same as the time to blast an ordinary shock wave.

The kings of the world looked silly and called Mukuro a freak.

In the second month, Mukuro continued to learn Jie Wang Quan.

In just one week, Mukuro completely mastered the world king boxing. Moreover, based on the understanding of the original plot, the Double Realm King Boxing, Quadruple Realm King Boxing, and Ten Times Realm King Boxing have been developed… The realm king I saw was even more stunned. You must know that the most primitive realm king box he created is only capable of doubling one’s own physical fitness in all aspects.

With just these, the realm king is already very satisfied. He had never imagined that his Realm King Fist could be so terrifying! As long as the physical condition allows, you can actually double the use of Jie Wangquan indefinitely! With Mukuro unlocked four times the Realm King Fist, the Realm King perceives the fighting power that is not inferior to Frieza!

After that, Mukuro even started the terrifying state of Ten Times Realm King Fist!

The king of the world would not know that this is not the limit of Mukuro at all. Mukuro, who has perfect control of his body, can make the most accurate judgments about his body. With Mukuro’s current physical fitness, a twenty-fold opening of the Realm King Fist will not cause any damage to the body. If you bless the power of Yang Yun, you can open up the Realm King Fist without any scruples.

The Fifty Times Realm King Boxing is no problem at all!

Mukuro estimated that when he opened the Twenty Times Realm King Fist, his combat power could exceed 500 million. And when the Fifty Realms King’s Fist was turned on, his combat power could even exceed one billion! It has even been able to compete head-to-head with the cyborgs on the 17th and the 18th!

The most important point, even if Mukuro has such a terrifying combat effectiveness!

But Mukuro hasn’t started Super Saiyan yet. The Super Saiyan does not raise the fighting power of the Saiyan to a limit. The state of Super Saiyan is similar to the state of Jie Wangquan. However, the Super Saiyan is more pervert, and the Super Saiyan state can increase his combat power by a hundred times!

After two months of training in Jiewangxing, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has reached 70 million! That is to say, if Mukuro is now in the state of Super Saiyan, his combat power can soar to the terrifying level of seven billion! However, in the state of Super Saiyan, it is difficult to use Realm King Fist. Of course this is not absolute. This is because when Wukong turned on the Super Blue God state, he once opened the Ten Times Realm King Fist, but the side effects were also great, and he even lost his control of Qi for a while. Since Goku can do it, Mukuro believes he can do it too.

What Mukuro has to do now is to accumulate and increase his own heritage. Only in this way will it be even more terrifying after turning on the Super Saiyan.

“Great! Frieza, someone can finally defeat him.” The Northern Realm King looked even more excited than Mukuro. How could the King of the Northern Realm not be excited when he was finally able to defeat that fellow Frieza! ?

“Mukuro, when are you going to destroy Frieza?” the King of the North asked.

Mukuro pondered for a moment.

Then 470 opened his mouth and said, “About a year from now.

Frieza should invade Nami Nemesis, and I will eliminate him by then. ”

“Mukuro, I finally caught up with you.” At this time, Wukong also came to Jiewangxing. Wukong’s strength is significantly improved compared to the original plot, and naturally he spends less time on the snake path. Seeing Mukuro, Goku seemed very excited.

“This is Jiewangxing?” Wukong looked like a curious baby.

When he saw Barbrus, Wukong suddenly looked respectful. With both hands on the side of the leg, he bowed and said, “My Lord Realm, hello.”

“Um… Wukong, Lord Realm King is here.”

Mukuro pointed to the Northern Realm King, who was a little blue on his side, and Wukong reacted: “Hello, Lord Realm, please teach me how to practice.”

“Cultivation? No problem…but you have to tell a joke to make me laugh first.” The Realm King looked at Wukong and said with a serious expression.

“Ah!?” Wukong was dumbfounded, how could he make any jokes.

“What’s the matter!? I’m afraid…If you can’t make me laugh, then you go back.” The words of the realm king instantly stunned Wu Kong. With a blank head, Wukong didn’t know what he was thinking, and shouted, “The quilt, put your back on your back.”

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