Chapter 823 Meet brothers

“Hehe.” Immortal Turtle smiled cautiously. It’s not because of fear of Mukuro, although Mukuro’s strength is indeed terrifying. But what really frightened Immortal Turtle was the Bouma who looked at her with a stern eye. Ever since Bouma gained a terrifying strength, she has been in trouble with Immortal Turtle, and almost sees the King of Hades.

Right now, Immortal Turtle always has three fairy beans on his body.

It is to prevent Bouma from breaking out suddenly. Before the party, Bumak and Guixian were on the phone. It is strictly forbidden for Turtle Fairy to chat with Mukuro about topics that are inappropriate for children. Buma clearly stated: If the Turtle Fairy wants to take Mukuro badly, he must prepare the Dragon Ball first.

“Huh? Who is this child? Are you helping others to look after the child?” Klin asked.

“This is my son.” Wukong replied.


“Goku’s son!?”

Except for Bouma and Mukuro, everyone was surprised. Because Goku often comes to fight with Buma and Mukuro, sometimes he will bring Gohan with him. So whether it’s Mukuro or Bouma, they have met Gohan, a very cute little boy.

“Hi, Gohan.” Mukuro greeted lazily while lying on the sun lounger.

“Hello, Uncle Mukuro.” Gohan was still very polite.

“Sun Wufan? You gave him the name of your deceased grandpa. It’s amazing. I didn’t expect Wukong you to have a son.” Immortal turtle said with emotion. Then suddenly I saw the tail behind Gohan. First, he was taken aback, and then a little panic appeared on his face. Asked: “Well, Wukong. Is there anything strange about this kid? For example…does anything change during the night of the full moon?”

“Yes, yes.” Klin nodded too busy.

They are all very clear. On a full moon night, Wukong will transform into a gorilla because of his tail. It was terrifying… even the cause of Sun Gohan’s death was because Wukong, who was transformed into a gorilla, was trampled to death.

Now that I saw the tail behind Gohan, I naturally became nervous.

“Don’t worry, Gohan’s ability to transform into a gorilla. It has been blocked by me.” Mukuro suddenly said.

“Ah!?” Immortal Turtle and Klin were both taken aback.

“I already know about grandpa.” Wukong said sadly, “I turned into a gorilla and trampled my grandpa to death. I also saw my grandpa again through my fortune-telling grandmother. Grandpa forgave me too. Sorry, I have been Is causing trouble for everyone.”

Moonlight is the reflection of sunlight. Sunlight will only produce blue light waves when it hits the moon and is reflected. The blue light waves will exceed 17 megahertz when the moon is full. Saiyan eyes are absorbing it. After more than 17 million blues light waves, the tail will react and begin to transform, transforming into a Saiyan in the gorilla state, and its combat effectiveness will be increased tenfold. There are even a small number of Saiyans who have a way to artificially create an artificial moon that reflects the light waves of 17 million hertz.

“It’s okay Goku, you have defended the earth many times.”

The Turtle Immortal opened up Wukong and said.

Saiyans absorb the blue waves and turn into gorillas. This kind of thing is only because the blues waves stimulate the spirit of the Saiyans, causing them to degenerate and return to their ancestors. For Mukuro, who has experienced the world of Shinigami, the mind and spirit have long merged into one. How could the mere blue light wave have the slightest impact on Mukuro! ? As for being transformed into a great ape, it will increase its combat power by ten times. It is almost the same as the fruit of the spirit tree. It can only be within a certain limit. This limit is only one million, so for Mukuro, it is of no use at all. Besides, turning into an embarrassing giant ape, even if Mukuro wanted to give it a try, Boomer would never agree.

As for banning Gohan’s ability to transform into a gorilla, it’s actually very simple.

Inject a trace of pupil power into Gohan’s eyes and block the absorption of Brutz’s light waves, and it can be solved perfectly.

“Huh!?” Wukong suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky with a solemn expression.

“Goku, what’s the matter!?” Klin asked.

“Something is flying towards here…what a powerful qi, who is it!?” In addition to dignity, Wukong’s face clearly showed a strong fighting spirit…

“Gohan, come here, Dad is going to fight in a while.” Mukuro waved to Gohan on the side.

Mukuro’s Observation Haki enveloped the entire earth, and he was spotted as soon as Raditz’s aircraft fell on the earth. However, Mukuro is really lazy to handle things like Raditz. Besides, Raditz is Goku’s own brother. It’s not easy for an outsider to intervene in the affairs of their family, and it’s not that Wukong can’t beat Raditz.

Under the double beating between himself and Bouma, Wukong naturally made rapid progress. Now Wukong’s normal combat power can reach more than 900 points. In the explosive state, the combat power can soar to three or four thousand points, which is much stronger than the original plot.

“Oh, okay.” Gohan sat next to Mukuro nicely.

The next moment, Raditz appeared in front of everyone. Huan looked around, focusing on Wukong’s body. He opened his mouth and said: “Hey! Kakarot, although you are grown up. But I recognized you at a glance, so much like my father. Kakarot, what’s the matter!? Your mission is to destroy this Human beings on the planet. What have you done these years? Huh? What about your tail? You actually abandoned the glory of the Saiyans.”

“Huh!? Tail! 1.0? You have a tail too…you are a Saiyan!?”

Only then did Goku discover the tail behind Raditz.

“It seems that you haven’t forgotten your identity, so what about your mission!? You have been forgotten completely, and you live peacefully with this group of lowly humans. You really disappointed me, Kakarot “Latiz roared loudly.

“I know my identity was told to me by Mukuro, who are you!?” Goku asked.

“Mukuro!? Who is he!?”

Raditz was puzzled, but he quickly threw it out of his head. He embraced his arms and looked at Wukong and said sharply, “Who am I!? I am your brother-Latiz. Now, quickly kill all the humans on the earth, and then go back to Vegeta with me.”

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